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  • Charles M. Schulz on Random Relatives Of Celebrities Describe How They Reacted To Their Fame

    (#8) Charles M. Schulz

    • Dec. at 77 (1922-2000)

    From psylnced:

    "My grandfather was Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts (Charlie Brown). I don't really know how it affected my family gatherings because my family hasn't been together for a long time for other reasons. But I do know that for a few members of the family the comics are really important to them and they really pride themselves in their involvement with them."

  • Peter Weller on Random Relatives Of Celebrities Describe How They Reacted To Their Fame

    (#12) Peter Weller

    • 76

    From RonJohnsSurfShop:

    "My uncle is Peter Weller, AKA Robocop, every time we go out to dinner he tells these really cool stories about all the other famous people he has met and how he's friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger and it's really cool to listen to his stories for hours on end."

  • Matthew McConaughey on Random Relatives Of Celebrities Describe How They Reacted To Their Fame

    (#2) Matthew McConaughey

    • 53

    From drycheck:

    "Matt McConaughey is my 2nd cousin. He acts normal with us but the bastard has yet to deliver me a Buick for the bully I beat up for him 38 years ago... Though he does always bring the best booze to the parties."

  • Sinbad on Random Relatives Of Celebrities Describe How They Reacted To Their Fame

    (#11) Sinbad

    • 66

    From WhatIsThisAccountFor:

    "My uncle is Sinbad (the comedian/actor). He is married to my biological aunt on my dad's side, so I am not his blood relation, but his kids and wife are blood related to me...

    We go on vacations with them every summer, and have for the past 6 or so years. We didn't for a while when him and my aunt were separated, but after they got back together we see that family at least once a year. Just got back from a vacation with them on Sunday actually, we went on a Royal Caribbean cruise.

    At first it was a little annoying having to stop every couple minutes because someone asked for a picture, but eventually he stopped posing for pictures while with us. He just says 'sorry, I'm with my family' now.

    Nothing terribly exciting, but he has been famous since I was born, so I didn't get a before and after experience.

    The coolest thing was definitely going to Disney/Universal with him. We got the VIP treatment and skipped every line. We rode dueling dragons probably 5-7 times back to back. 3 of us barfed, it was great."

  • Lucy Lawless on Random Relatives Of Celebrities Describe How They Reacted To Their Fame

    (#5) Lucy Lawless

    • 55

    From KnuckleCurve01:

    "My aunt is Xena the Warrior princess and absolutely nothing at family gatherings. She is just our aunt. We got stopped a couple times in New Orleans by people who recognized her. Back in NZ when her show was going on some little girls would come up and want to take pics.

    She's the one of the nicest people to talk to and never acts like a celebrity. I have gotten to do some very cool stuff in my life which Ill never take for granted because of her kindness!"

  • Vanilla Ice on Random Relatives Of Celebrities Describe How They Reacted To Their Fame

    (#10) Vanilla Ice

    • 55

    From -greenleaf-:

    "My co-worker is a distant cousin of Vanilla Ice. She hasn't seen him in years. The last time she saw him was at a wedding when they were both older kids. She remembers him acting like a jerk and pushing somebody into a pool."

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