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  • John Wick on Random Keanu Reeves Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#4) John Wick

    • John Wick, John Wick: Chapter 2, John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

    Cancer (June 21 - July 22) is the sign of strong emotion. Those born under this sign can be confident, ambitious, and sensitive to the feelings of others, but they can also be brooding and paranoid. Cancer-born people put family first and would rather enjoy a quiet night at home in the company of those they love than anything else. Because of these strong attachments and volatile tendencies, Keanu Reeves's eponymous assassin - who does it all for his favorite canine friend - is the best match for the sign. 

  • Neo on Random Keanu Reeves Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#12) Neo

    • The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix, The Matrix Revolutions, Kid's Story, The Animatrix, Sex and the Matrix, The Matrix Revisited, MTV Movie Awards Reloaded

    Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is a deeply caring sign. In fact, Pisces's can care too much, placing their trust into things too easily and becoming martyrs to a cause. They tend to be introverted and highly imaginative and can easily getting lost in a fantasy worlds, but that doesn't mean they're totally removed from reality - they're also givers, and they do it without taking anything in return. For this sign, look no further than The Matrix Trilogy's Neo, the human who busted out of his cubicle life in a false world to become humanity's sacrificial champion.  

  • Johnny Utah on Random Keanu Reeves Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#6) Johnny Utah

    • Point Break

    Virgo (August 23 – September 22) is the sign of practical thinking. People born under this sign are high achievers, even if others don't believe they have it in them. They're great at thinking methodically and have the grit and focus to commit to a task until it's done. This means they also struggle to let their true emotions out, but it doesn't mean they're not sensitive. Point Break's Johnny Utah, the ex-Quarterback, surf-loving FBI agent who waits to strike at just the right moment is the best fit for a Virgo.   

  • Jack Traven on Random Keanu Reeves Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#1) Jack Traven

    • Speed

    Aries (March 21 - April 19) is an adventurer's sign. Symbolized by the ram and synonymous with the Greek god of war, they are restless types who enjoy taking on a challenge with confidence and optimism. Brave and energetic, the only downside to an Aries is their extra energy can make them jittery and veer towards rash decision-making. Still, it's hard not to be impressed by them, just like Speed's Jack Traven, the gutsy LAPD officer who - along with Annie Porter (Sandra Bullock) - rescues a busload of people from an explosive end.

  • Thumb of Marlon James video

    (#9) Marlon James

    • I Love You to Death

    Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) is a happy-go-lucky sign. Those under this sign are dreamers with a wicked sense of humor. They hate being tied down or bound by rules, preferring to be open to new experiences. This also means they may easily offend, saying whatever pops into their head. Marlon James, the baseball bat-wielding joker of I Love You To Death definitely has this fun-loving, free-living streak.

  • Alex Wyler on Random Keanu Reeves Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

    (#7) Alex Wyler

    • The Lake House

    Libra (September 23 - October 22) is the sign of harmony. People under this sign tend to be very fair-minded and considerate, but they also agonize over making decisions. Libra is represented by scales, so those connected to the sign seek out company at all costs and don't like the idea of being without their "other," who is a true reflection of themselves. What better Keanu Reeves character to represent Libra than The Lake House's lonely architect Alex Wyler? His quest for companionship stretches beyond time and space.

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About This Tool

After the 9th century, the Constellation Ptolemy spread to the Arab world. Ptolemy’s book, Almagest, was translated into Arabic as a great treatise. Based on this book, Arsufi wrote the Book of the Stars (something) , one of the three masterpieces of what is known as the observational astronomy. Most of the common star names in the world today are derived from Arabic.

Keanu Reeves has played many roles in Hollywood movies, some handsome, some cold. The random generator tool items for 12 items of the characters he played and asked people to rate which of the characters they were a better match for, based on their astrological characteristics.

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