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  • (#1) He Sent Too Many Messages On Tinder

    From Redditor /u/NotACreepyWeirdo:

    Guy I met at Tinder. Didn't get to go in a date or anything. He'd send 5736272 messages per day and would complain whenever I took more than 5 minutes without replying.

  • (#2) It Came Down To A Rack Of Ribs

    From Redditor /u/cherryredscrubs:

    We went out for dinner. I ordered the ribs and ate all of them. The next day he was asking weird questions about what my family members' bodies looked like and eventually said 'I've never seen a girl eat like that, I'm surprised you're not fat, but you'll probably get there even though it's not in your genes.' Automatic ghost byyyyyye. I am just happy I got some ribs out of the ordeal.

  • (#3) She Pulled A Knife On Him

    From Redditor /u/toast-my-ghost:

    I had to ghost the girl i was dating before I met my wife. Total psychopath. I don't mean it as a 'lol girls r emotional.' I tried to break it off and she pulled a knife on me. So as soon as I assured her we could make it work and we were alright I left and never came back.

    She then started calling me non-stop after I had been ignoring her texts all day. I finally caved at around 10pm and answered the phone. She said she was walking to my house (she didn't have a car, and we lived 15 miles apart). I attempted to tell her it was 100% over, especially after threatening me. She begins screaming incoherently for about a minute straight, and just due to the lunacy of it all I bust out in hysterical laughter and then notice she goes silent. I then said. Have a nice life, bye. Turned my phone off and went to bed.

    She got picked up by the cops about 5 minutes after I hung up, apparently she started screaming again and they were called.

  • (#4) Not Only Was He An Unsafe Driver, He Was A Stalker Too

    From Redditor /u/i_love_puppies12:

    I went out with a guy from tinder. I didn't really feel anything on the first date and I saw him as more of a friend. I told him so after the date and he made me feel guilty because he said he's used to girls not liking him. So after a week or so I decided to give him a second chance because I felt bad. I had never been on a date before and I felt like I owed him something for his time.

    We were planning on having a second date eventually and he would Snapchat me and whatnot. One night he was sending me Snapchats while he was driving and I told him to cut it out because it puts him and the other people around him at risk. He thought it was a joke but I was serious. I wouldn't want to be around a guy who has such little regard for other people's lives.

    Also, I'm terrified of cars so knowing he's one of the sh*tty drivers putting other people at risk kinda pissed me off. So I just ignored him for the rest of the day. He didn't contact me anymore and after about a week I got a Snapchat from him. I opened it and it was a picture of me that he took from a distance and I thought that was creepy so I knew I was going to ghost him for sure at that point.

  • (#5) He Had No Boundaries

    From Redditor /u/Defenestrationism:

    He was creepy, annoying, socially inappropriate, wouldn't respect boundaries. It was partially my fault. It started with us kissing while I was drunk at a party. He apparently took that to mean that we were instant life partners. I explained to him the next day that I was drunk and it didn't mean anything but we could still be friends... and then the stalkerish behavior started.

    Showing up at my place at random, odd hours, constantly wanting to know my schedule, where I'll be and what I'll be doing, etc. It got to the point where my landlady at the time allowed me to park my car in her barn so he wouldn't know I was home. My roomies also started warning me if they saw him coming down the driveway so I could tear out the back door into the woods to hide from him. He finally got the point and backed off when he learned that I was somehow never home.

  • (#6) She Just Didn't Want To Deal With Rejecting Someone

    From Redditor /u/empiricaltheorist:

    Agreed here. I've unfortunately been a ghoster and it's not something I'm always proud of but I can be afraid sometimes. The guy gave me his number and told me to text him (through dating app) after a first date, and I was even thinking about saying something along the lines of "I'm not interested" but I decided to just go the ghosting route. Not proud of it but I just didn't want to face what his reaction could've been.

  • (#7) It's The Easiest Way To Break Up

    From Redditor /u/kiyonisis:

    Early on, when you barely even know the person, I don't feel that you have any responsibility or obligation to initiate contact. If you go out on a date or two and aren't feeling it, I think it is more socially graceful to just move on. Going out on a single date and then calling them up later to inform them that you just aren't into them strikes me as both excessive and presumptuous; for all you know they just didn't feel it either and it's easier for both of you to just move on without further contact.

  • (#8) From One User It's Just A Bad Habit

    From Redditor /u/n0ggy:

    On Tinder I do it A LOT. The main reason is the girl lacking initiative or not being interesting, witty, or fun enough to talk to. Other times it's because I'm being busy or forget for a long time and when I get back on the app I'm just not that much into it anymore. This is a bit of a bad habit from me because I end up ghosting a lot of my matches.

  • (#9) At Least One Person Believes It's A Nice Way To Break Things Off

    From Redditor /u/exGFproblems:

    I do it all the time. If I don't feel like there's a natural chemistry or they throw up a huge red flag, I just duck out. Some would think it's a rude thing to do but what's the point of explaining myself if the reasoning is going to be hurtful or seem cold to the other person? Ghosting is a nice way of saying I have nothing nice to say.

  • (#10) Their Partner Cheated

    From Redditor /u/Coolingbison257:

    I ghosted him because honestly I was tired of the games. We were married for two years and he cheated and lied so many times. And then he wanted to reconcile after a three month separation, and not even a few days into it, he cheated. And so I started ignoring him when he would text. I got tired of it all. It just wasn't worth the effort. So yes, I'm probably a bad person for ghosting my ex husband, but I just couldn't do the divorce talk again with him and the arguing and fighting.

  • (#11) They Used It As A Last Ditch Effort To Save Their Relationship

    From Redditor /u/HistoryMystery12345:

    We dated for 2 years. For 9 months of it I cheated by texting and sexting other women. She found out right as I was ending things with the last of the women. She stayed with me only because she was afraid that I would leave her for one of the other women... 

    She broke up with me in June but still stayed in contact. This destroyed me. I am studying abroad now and have been for several months, but she still used me as an emotional crutch. Her using me to get even destroyed my sense of worth and self-esteem and confidence. She repeatedly told me she loved me, missed me, wanted me, missed us, and grieved for us, but for the entire time she found out after my infidelity refused to put in any effort (her own admission).

    I couldn't handle it, and told her I can't talk to her anymore in these circumstances. i told her if she's ever ready to tell me she forgives me for my transgressions, and wants to legitimately work things out to find a way to contact me. Otherwise, for myself, it's too painful to carry on any further communication. So I ghosted her. I still want to be with her one day, I still have hope for us, and she tells me she has hope for us too. Did I do the right thing by ghosting her to protect my emotional and mental well being, or am I being selfish by doing so and should do whatever it takes no matter what to be available to her in the unlikely case she comes back to me?

  • (#12) The Person They Were Seeing Was Exhausting

    From Redditor /u/gretelflerken:

    Because she was exhausting and I never looked forward to seeing her; in fact I dreaded it. Had I tried to just explain to her that I didn't want to be friends anymore she'd have argued with me about it, or turned on the waterworks, or both. Once I moved to a different city and had kids it was easier to just drift away, and not answer her calls/texts/emails. She got the hint eventually!

  • (#13) The Person They Were Talking To Was Too Effusive

    From Redditor /u/ellyeverts:

    I’ve had a guy profess his love to me multiple times, and I kept telling him that it made me uncomfortable because we didn’t know each other that well... and the last time he did that I was hanging out with my crush, so I just left him on opened. Honestly, i know it’s a sh*tty thing to do, but I didn’t even know what to say at that point, so I said nothing.

  • (#14) She Was Too Clingy After A Hookup

    From Redditor /u/CochlearCass:

    I met a girl at a convention, and we exchanged numbers because we had fun, had a lot in common and plus she was cute so that didn’t hurt. Ended up hooking up with her in her hotel room, on the last night of the con then we went our separate ways after the con was over.

    The problem was that she would text me at 1 in the morning and get offended that I didn’t reply and I’d wake up with 10+ messages and a couple of missed calls. I’d explain that I was sleeping and told her when I usually sleep, thinking that would clear it up.

    Nope, she just kept texting me over and over again getting extremely clingy asking why I wasn’t responding usually after a few minutes of the previous messages (I have read receipts turned on so obvs never read it).

    After a couple of days of this I let her know that she was coming across as clingy and she was quite honestly getting very annoying with how often she was texting and trying to call me without me having replied or even read the message. She tried to make me feel bad about not being her personal friend slave etc.

    So I just turned off alerts for her texts and calls. Then ignored her until she stopped texting and trying to call me. Hopefully she got the hint. It’s been almost a year since her last message so hopefully that’s the last I’ll hear from her.

  • (#15) The Person They Were Seeing Got Weird

    From Redditor /u/Mor-Rioghan:

    I only ghosted one guy. I'm an amputee and before we even met in person, as soon as he found out, he was texting me dozens of times asking me if he could 'feel' my stump and asking what it feels like and very intrusive questions, including some weirdly sexual. He also told me he wanted to marry me expressly so he could show off his bionic wife if I got a robotic prosthetic. I tried to gently make it clear he was creeping me out but when he wouldn't stop I ended up blocking him on all social media and blocking his number. Even in situations where dates have gone badly I don't like ghosting but this dude was so creepy he gives me goosebumps even now. I'm so glad I never met him in person, if he acted this way over text I'm terrified to think how he would have been in person.

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About This Tool

Ghosting is a modern-day disappearing act, people would throw phones back and vanishes into thin air. If your partner suddenly stops all contact and communication with you without any reason or notification and ignores your attempts to communicate, there is no doubt that your partner is ghosted you and is cutting off the relationship. Ghosting is a sign of one person trying to make a quick exit from a relationship.

Ghosting is quick, ruthless, but it is fairly common these days, many people have fallen into a painful and dark situation. The random tool shares 15 reasons why people ghosted their lovers or just daters.

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