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  • A Rare Disorder Causes Accelerated Aging on Random Rare Genetic Features That You Probably Don't Have

    (#17) A Rare Disorder Causes Accelerated Aging

    Progeria is the name of a rare genetic disorder that causes a select few humans to age at a remarkably quick rate. Symptoms become noticeable within the first two years of a carrier's life, and by the time they reach early adolescence, they are plagued by excessive hair loss, as well as thinning and wrinkling of the skin.

    Tragically, scientists have yet to find a cure for progeria, and the average life expectancy for those affected by the disorder is only 13-20 years. 

  • Only 40 People Have This Kind Of Blood on Random Rare Genetic Features That You Probably Don't Have

    (#9) Only 40 People Have This Kind Of Blood

    Golden blood is not quite what it sounds like. Rather than literally turning someone's blood a golden color, it's an incredibly rare blood group that only around 40 people in the world share. In scientific terms, people with golden blood are missing all Rh-blood cell antigens, which basically means that anyone with another rare Rh group can accept this type as donor blood.

    It makes the people who carry this anomaly incredibly valuable to the medical community; if they didn't exist, people with rare blood types would have to find an exact match, which could take months or even years.

  • A Few People Have Excess Hair Growth on Random Rare Genetic Features That You Probably Don't Have

    (#12) A Few People Have Excess Hair Growth

    A genetic skin condition known as Ambras syndrome causes people to have an excess amount of hair all over their bodies. While it may be isolated to certain areas of a person’s anatomy, it often covers them entirely, leaving those who have hypertrichosis with long, thick hair.

    The syndrome is very rare and has only affected around 50 people since the Middle Ages. The gene responsible for this syndrome is Trps1; it disrupts messages sent to cells about developing follicles, causing excessive hair growth.

  • Melanin Distribution Affects Eye Color on Random Rare Genetic Features That You Probably Don't Have

    (#13) Melanin Distribution Affects Eye Color

    Officially known as heterochromia, this condition causes people to have either two different eye colors or to have different colored sections in each eye. In certain circumstances, it can lead to a difference in color of other body parts, such as the skin or hair. The most dramatic version causes irises to take on two completely different hues. The main cause of heterochromia is a genetic mutation that leads to errors in the distribution of melanin in the body.

    While it may not seem as rare as other genetic anomalies, it's estimated to affect only 1% of the world's population.

  • These Amish People Will Probably Live Longer Than The Rest Of Us on Random Rare Genetic Features That You Probably Don't Have

    (#8) These Amish People Will Probably Live Longer Than The Rest Of Us

    In 2017, scientists discovered a mutation in the SERPINE1 gene among members of the Berne Amish community in Indiana. This gene lowers the level of PAI-1 in the body of those with the mutation. PAI-1 is found in higher concentrations in people with diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

    Evidence suggests that the SERPINE1 mutation has two effects: it stops clots from forming in blood vessels and starts a process known as senescence. Senescence essentially puts cells into a form of suspended animation, which prevents them from being destroyed or damaged. The end result is that those carrying the mutation can live for up to 10 years longer, and they suffer from chronic illnesses such as heart disease at a much lower rate.

  • It's Not A Piercing on Random Rare Genetic Features That You Probably Don't Have

    (#6) It's Not A Piercing

    A preauricular sinus is a congenital condition that causes a small hole or dimple to develop on the outer ear. It is usually found at the top of the ear where it connects to the side of the head. Most of the time it's completely harmless, but it can make those who have it slightly more susceptible to infection.

    It's not particularly common in the West, where it is found in less than 1% of the population, but it's less rare in Asia and Africa where around four to 10% of the population have this mutation.

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About This Tool

The reason why human beings can become the most influential creatures on this blue planet is due to the continuation and evolution of the fine genes of human beings in the reproduction of generations. In the human body, there are many features that are directly related to genetic heredity, and some of the possible relationships are more complicated. Although the global population exceeds 7 billion, everyone has a completely unique face. The genetic features mean that we are all unique.

But there are still some people who are particularly more unique in biology, from extra body parts to enhanced senses, these are the rarest genetic 

features that few people have. The random tool lists 17 rare genetic features that you will be interested in.

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