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  • Grubs on Random Animals That Are Served as Food... Alive!

    (#11) Grubs

    Flavor-wise, you could do a whole lot worse than a witchetty grub if you're looking to start eating food that is still alive. The flavor of this 7-centimeter-long Australian insect is said to be like fried egg and nuts. Not bad!
  • Octopus on Random Animals That Are Served as Food... Alive!

    (#1) Octopus

    • Animal
    It's common in South Korea to be served chopped up octopuses whose little arms are squirming around on the plate when you eat them. Fun! But that's not really eating a creature alive, y'know? Chopping them up kills them eventually, if you wait long enough. The real fun begins when you eat them whole and alive, and they try to climb out of your mouth.
  • Frog on Random Animals That Are Served as Food... Alive!

    (#6) Frog

    • Animal
    If you want to eat food so fresh that it's blinking at you, head to Tokyo's Asadachi restaurant, where you can find frog sashimi. A chef serves up a sliced-up frog on a bed of ice while it is still technically alive and wriggling around. You can see its heart beating while you eat the rest of it.

  • Sea urchin on Random Animals That Are Served as Food... Alive!

    (#12) Sea urchin

    • Class
    Not everyone eats sea urchins fast enough after plucking them out of the ocean to technically eat them while they're still alive, but aficionados say they're better this way (otherwise you're just eating uni like you would find in a sushi restaurant). The only edible part of a sea urchin? Its sexual organs.
  • Maggots on Random Animals That Are Served as Food... Alive!

    (#4) Maggots

    "Casu Marzu" is not a character in the newest Star Wars movie: it's a Sardinian cheese full of live maggots. Flies lay their eggs in the cheese, the maggots eat the cheese, and we eat the maggots, the cheese, and the maggot poop. This combination somehow ends up tasting like gorgonzola and black pepper, according to the brave souls who can stomach the stuff.

  • Lobster on Random Animals That Are Served as Food... Alive!

    (#3) Lobster

    • Family
    This one is particularly gruesome: a Houston restaurant will serve you "belly sashimi" right out of a lobster's belly... while the lobster is still alive, staring at you. One critic called the dish - which, let's remember, entails eating a lobster's stomach while it wiggles its claws at you - "utterly delicious."

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About This Tool

In some countries or regions, local people think the living animals are really delicious foods. Everyone likes fresh food, but some foods are so fresh that they are still alive at the dining table. Some food connoisseurs believe that the taste of animal meat would be better if it were alive, and usually, they are not cheap, restaurants around the world tend to charge top dollar to sample these living foods.

The random tool introduced 12 delicious dishes around the world which are actually alive animals, for example, alive frogs are prevalent in Asia. The biopsy slices of the frogs are placed on the dish and alive even when their internal organs are taken out. Do you dare to try?

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