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  • Daniela Melchior (born 1996)

  • Edgar Morais (born 1989)

  • Diogo Morgado (born 1981)

  • Joaquim de Almeida (born 1957)

  • Luis Da Silva (born 1982)

  • Luís Miguel Cintra (born 1949)

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About This Tool

The Portuguese began making films in 1896, but more normal production took place after the creation of the Portuguese film company in 1909. The first feature film was Diogo Cão Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves’s crime. Portugal then made many famous films, and by inviting the most famous actors of the time to act in them. The random tool lists 12 of the most famous movie actors of the 20th century, all of whom were once hot stars.

These film actors have undergone professional training, but are suitable for all types of movies, action films, drama, literary films, emotional films and so on. Because of their participation, the movie’s box office has also been able to climb, fans are very concerned about their favorite actors, so they will also pay for their movie box office. Typically, these film actors are fluent in at least two languages and have the sharpest eye for the script. The list of actors compiled in the generator, including their birth dates, is now largely retired from film making.  

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