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  • (#1) Too Many Guns, And One Gun Too Soon

    From tacticoolmachinist:

    "I was a driver for Domino's and our store was closing for the night. I was helping out with the closing duties and had just taken out half of the daily trash to the dumpster. When I came back to grab the rest of the trash, I left the side door ajar so I wouldn't have to deal with the keypad with my hands full. Well, a robber decided that was his opportunity to come in and brandish a gun in our faces. The scariest and most vivid moment for me was staring at the ugly brown tile thinking it would be the last thing I ever saw.

    I was given a week off, but when I got back I was still a jumpy wreck for months.

    About three weeks after the robbery, I was at a customer's door when he quickly swung his door open and pointed a pistol in my face, almost touching my forehead. He held it there for about ten hours (two seconds) before exclaiming 'It's just a joke, I thought you were my friends,' and showed me that it was just an airsoft pistol.

    I carried my pistol every single day after the robbery. The guy with the airsoft pistol was super lucky my hands were full of pizza."

  • (#2) An Actual Car Chase Scene Straight From The Movies

    From Jollyonreddit:

    "I once got chased like you see in the movies. A little information about me: I'm an 18-year-old male student. To make a little money I part-time deliver pizza's at night and on the weekends. Note that I ride a moped to make deliveries, so my top speed is about 50 km/h. (31 mph)

    So here's the story: it's a warm summer night, sun was almost set so in some directions visibility was very poor. I knew the street I was on very well, and knew narrow roads lay ahead of me. What I didn't know about was a car coming at me from the opposite direction, at a high speed with its headlights off. I simply didn't see them because of the sun blocking my eyesight. We almost had a top speed frontal collision there, and with me being on a moped I would have at least suffered from heavy injuries. I managed to dodge the car at the very last moment and didn't hesitate a second to trow the good ol' middle finger at them for not turning on their headlights in those conditions.

    I still remember the car: a bright blue Fiat Punto with black rims.

    So a few days later I spot the exact same car, waiting at a yield sign for me and some other vehicles to pass. I was on my way back to the pizza place and had to make a left into the same street they were on. Time for me to mess around for a bit. Extremely slowly I passed the front-end of their car. As I passed the driver's window I noticed it was rolled down a little bit. I peeked inside and saw the biggest, most terrifying looking gym rat wearing the douchiest sunglasses ever, next to him a beautiful blonde girl. So the guy immediately starts swearing and calling me out and I was like 'B*tch come at me!' I heard myself say it and instantly regret doing so because this was not a guy I wanted to get in a fight with. I'm a pretty tall guy but this dude, hell no.

    So I got away from that car as fast as I could, but a few moments later, I sh*t you not, the Fiat appears in my mirror, the guy now chasing me.

    I was driving as fast as I could but with him being in a car he could easily top that. There was a roundabout coming up which I knew I could take on easily while doing full throttle. The car of course could not. This slowed him down for a bit, but it only took the guy a matter of seconds to get at my back-end; he was now tailgating me and I was scared as f*ck. This wasn't enough for him, and he decided drive right next to me, passenger window rolled down, shouting at me to stop so we could 'talk.' Well I was not going to do that. He was closing in on me, the girl looking at me the whole time, the car and me almost touching sides.

    At this point, I saw the golden opportunity: a side street on my right. I yank the break of the rear tire, and powerslid myself into that street. It wasn't my intention to lock the rear wheel but I can assure you, that looked cool.

    But this wasn't the end, as the guy saw it coming and slammed the breaks too. Once again, he was right behind me. Suddenly I saw a narrow alley on the left. I did a hard left in and the blue Fiat knew he wouldn't fit. I drove back to the pizza place as fast as I could.

    Sometimes I still spot that bright blue Fiat, and I hide or quickly turn into another street to avoid it as much as I can."

  • (#3) Doing Deliveries In A Hurricane

    From ElToberino:

    "I worked as a delivery boy in College Station, TX and had to work the day when Hurricane Ike made landfall. It was horrifying driving in that weather, and I got less than $10 in tips the entire shift because the people who order delivery in a hurricane are the same type off a**holes that don't tip."

  • (#4) Something Smelled Fishy (And It Was)

    From moneyf0lder:

    "I delivered pizzas from age 19-23 (2009-2013) in a crappy part of town.

    One night near close, we got a shady sounding order (I didn't take the call) to a fake address, and they changed it to another when we wouldn't deliver. We had a sneaking suspicion something was up, so I brought the cook with me and we both brought large metal pipes with us. He just stood next to my car while I went to the door.

    When I knocked, the porch light flicked on and off a few times. I knocked again and the porch light flickers. It happens a few more times until some grouchy middle age man opens the door (think Carl from Aqua Teen Hungerforce), bluntly tells me he didn't order, and shut the door in my face. When we left we noticed a bunch of hooded guys in the bushes across the street. Later that night a rival pizza chain driver was robbed on that street."

  • (#5) A 'Spicy' Pizza Nearly Resulted In Death

    From abortionlasagna:

    "This is not only my scariest experience, but also the time I almost got my now boyfriend murdered because of a sh*tty sexual innuendo.

    I used to work at a Pizza Hut in a pretty sh*tty area of Tucson. Think lots of trailer parks, crappy apartments, and shitty duplexes. Most people were on drugs and welfare so tips were very rare. That evening a man had ordered a large meat lover's pizza with extra sausage and another driver took his delivery. Before the driver even came back, the man already called the store complaining his pizza was so spicy that it was inedible, and he would like a new one. While it was likely impossible the pizza was actually spicy and this dude probably just wanted free food, we obliged and handed the driver a new pizza when he returned to take back to the customer. Well, this did not appease him. Over the span of a couple hours the man called two more times insisting that the pizza was way too spicy, he couldn't eat it! We kept bringing him new pizzas, but this time we're taking back the old ones for 'quality checks' when really we were just tossing them in the dumpster in hopes that this guy would give up his scam.

    Finally it got to be about 11 PM, with one hour left until closing. And the man had once again called back saying that he cannot eat his pizza, he needed a new one! At this point we suspected that there's something seriously wrong with this guy, and no one wanted to go out there in the middle of the night to confront him. So the manager informed him that there was unfortunately no way that we could appease him, but if he came down to the store tomorrow he would be happy to issue him a refund. We thought that was the end of it.

    I was not a closer that night, so I was cashing out at the front register when a beater truck screeched into the parking lot and parked right at the front door. A rather disheveled and overweight man came in holding a pizza. He put the pizza on the counter and informed me he's here for his refund. I called the manager. While I was still up front calculating my cash for the night, the man opened up the box and started talking to me 'Dude this pizza is so f*cking spicy. You gotta try this sh*t. It's unreal. Someone musta been putting chiltipins in the sauce or some sh*t!' I just awkwardly let him know I believed him and moved out of the way so the manager could issue the refund. As this is going on, the man started getting more agitated. He pushed his pizza towards the manager, repeating 'Man you gotta try this pizza! You gotta believe me! It's so spicy!' all the while jabbing his pointer finger into the pizza and mashing it up into a disgusting mess. My manager kept telling him it's fine, he believed him, but the man remained insistent and shoved the pizza towards my manager. Finally the manager let him know 'No, I do not want to eat that pizza. And now I need to ask you to leave.'

    The man then took his pizza and walked out. During all this the waitress, cook, and other two drivers had come up to the front to see what all the yelling about spicy pizza was about. The other driver who I had a bit of a crush on was standing next to me. Once the man got into his truck and started to pull away, I turn to the driver and say 'Hey, Kevin, wanna try my pizza?' And everyone just burst out laughing. Our laughter was short lived though as the truck screeched to a halt and zoomed back into the parking space. Tweeker man stormed back into the store, seriously pissed off and out for blood. He began screaming at my fellow driver 'Do you think something is f*cking funny? Am I funny? Are you fucking laughing at me? You think this pizza bullsh*t is f*cking funny?' Everyone was dead silent as my fellow driver sputtered along trying to get a word in but the man wouldn't have it. He climbed onto the counter and started screaming 'I'll teach you to laugh at me. Let's f*cking go outside! Right now! I'll f*cking teach you!"

    For context, this man had to be about 40 - 50. My now boyfriend was 22 and spindly thin. This was frightening as f*ck. My manager managed to coerce the man off the counter and got him outside, immediately locking the door. The man screamed at the door for a few seconds before retreating to his truck and pulling away. So we thought that's the end of it... until the truck began circling the building with a f*cking gun being pointed out the driver's window. Everyone immediately hit the deck. The waitress started sobbing, and my manager blindly reached up trying to grab the phone off the counter to call 911. Every once in I while we peaked up, and this insane f*cker was still circling. When he finally stopped everyone crept to the back of the store and peek out the window. Dude had parked next to the driver cars, waiting for one of us to come out on a delivery. Nope.

    The dude stuck around for around 15 minutes before taking off. The cops of course didn't show up until like an hour later because it's freaking Tucson and they suck. I had to sneak out before they came in hopes I wasn't going to get shot.

    The next day the man repeatedly called the store to scream at people, claiming we attacked him threw crushed red peppers in his eyes. Since we had his address and phone number in the system, cops finally picked him up and we didn't hear from him again. He also got himself a nice place on the Do Not Deliver list."

  • (#6) A Delivery For James McCloud

    From H8erRaider:

    "I had a delivery under a mile away for a James McCloud. The name already stood out to me being that it's the father of Fox McCloud in Starfox. The total was just over $20. I arrive knock on the door. He answers completely naked hands me two $20 bills and says 'hope you enjoy the big tip' then does a wiggle to each side so his d*ck slapped each thigh once and closes the door.

    I enjoyed both tips."

  • (#7) Please Ignore The Neighbors

    From giraffedot:

    "I delivered pizza to a pretty dodgy area of town once.

    I'm at the guy's door when their neighbor comes running out of her house and across the lawn. Her dad follows her out screaming, threatening to stab her and throwing stuff, including a knife. The guy I deliver it to says it happens pretty often.

    The walk back to my car was probably the scariest part."

  • (#8) A Few Fun Delivery Tales

    From WadeWilsonforPope:

    "I had a very drunk guy try to force his way into my car in a sketchy part of town. I think he thought I was a taxi because of the light on the top of my car. I peeled out of there before he damaged my car door.

    Also had a cop pull a gun on me. Twice."

  • (#9) Avoid Deliveries To Kampgrounds Of America

    From Cytomorphenstein:

    "I delivered pizzas for a long time in my early 20s in south GA for a local owned pizzeria. It was a great job, I got minimum wage, a two-dollar delivery fee went to me for every delivery, and I got to keep all my tips.

    Scariest experience while doing this? Going to the local Kampgrounds of America campsite and delivering pizza to shirtless people who hung out on the porches of their cabins, smelled like cat piss, and we're visibly armed. Fun fact: heavy meth use or cooking meth results in a cat p*ss smell."

  • (#10) The Customer Did Not Expect A Lady

    From rabbitANDme:

    "My first night as a driver, I went to this regular customer's house. She opened the door in a very see-through lingerie slip thing. I'm female and I should point out the drivers we had were exclusively male for about a year up until this day.

    She closed the door very quickly upon seeing me. She reopening it after a minute in a long, fluffy robe that covered all her bits.

    She was not attractive."

  • (#11) Reasons Why You Tip Your Delivery Person

    From BrianHorror:

    • "Delivered to a very sketchy motel p*rn-shoot once. Not the kind you'd want to see.
    • Another customer in the area couldn't find his money; his pockets were stuffed full of weed.
    • Countless drunk idiots at strip clubs.
    • One guy tipped me a Xbox 360. Score.
    • A pimped-out old man once threw money in my face while slurring, 'Leep the change motha-f*cka.' I kept the change.
    • Store was robbed at gunpoint one night. They locked everyone in the walk-in cooler while I was out on a run. I quit that week.

    These incidents happened eight years ago or so. Now I'm finishing college and just picked up a part-time job delivering again. On Wednesday someone called a fake order and broke into my car while I was knocking on the door. They took my phone.

    So please tip your delivery drivers. They put up with a lot, and it's a very sh*tty job."

  • (#12) Delivering Pizza To A White Supremacist

    From tof-corey:

    "I was a pizza driver in Springfield, Oregon when I went to school at U of O.

    I had a few late night deliveries to cheap hourly motel rooms where I was sure I was being set up to be mugged. But they all turned out okay.

    My scariest was delivering a pizza to a fat, 6'7" white guy with a huge beard a confederate flag on his wall, a swastika tattoo on his belly, and some other Aryan nation ones on his body. He was wearing tighty-whities flopping out on his sofa.

    It was disturbing."

  • (#13) A Hit-And-Run Situation

    From 0ldS0ul:

    "This happened a few years ago in San Antonio when I was a 24-year-old blonde woman saving pennies. I was stopped at a red light when someone lightly rear-ended me. They zoomed around me, ran the red light, and tried to drive off. It was made very clear to me that should an accident happen on the clock, we have to call and make a report immediately. If we didn't, it'd be our a**. So I went after the guy a bit and they pulled into a parking lot just before the highway. It was 11 at night and the parking lot we pulled into was not well lit.

    I stayed in my car, explained the situation to the operator, and was waiting. This woman got out of the driver's side and a guy got out on the passenger side. They came up to my driver's side door and were talking to me. I popped open my door to talk to the people, but he just started asking me not to call the police. I said sorry but I have to or I'll lose my job and he lost his sh*t. He tried to pull me out of my car to show me there wasn't any damage to my car. I was still on the phone and went to close my door and the girl started crying.

    So the guy ripped open my driver's side door and lunged at me. He tried to grab my phone but of course I put up a fight. He got frustrated that I wouldn't hang up or give him my phone so he punched me in the face. I got pissed off and kicked him in the balls. He hit me again then managed to grab my phone. He threw it 30 feet across the parking lot and I watched it bounce along the pavement. They got in the truck and took off. I got out of my car and went to get my phone, which was still working and the screen wasn't broken. So I called back and got the same operator. I reported the assault and she dispatched for cops and an ambulance despite my protests.

    It took 20 minutes of me sitting alone in a parking lot before the ambulance arrived and I got pissed off that a cop hadn't come by yet. My lip was barely busted so they could see why I objected but offered to stay with me till a cop arrived. Another 15 minutes after that, a cruiser came up so the ambulance left. The guy barely paid attention at all when he took my statement. When I tried to follow up on it, nothing. Could never get in touch with that cop after that and all my coworkers were p*ssed."

  • (#14) Domino's Was Pretty Cheap When It Came To Safety

    From TheHundredsOpenness:

    "Not me, my partner's mother. In the '80s they would have to drift around icy corners of rural roads in Honda Civics that Domino's bought on the cheap for them to use."

  • (#15) A Creeper Made Them Deliver To His Car

    From a deleted user:

    "There was one regular that had us deliver his food, beer, and cigarettes (yes we delivered all of those, so it was an interesting job to say the least) to his truck, which sat in the middle of a field full of rusty cars and other random sh*t. He liked to make sexual jokes/comments. As a woman who was 19 at the time, he freaked me the f*ck out."

  • (#16) Delivering To A Dodgy Part Of Town

    From moneyf0lder:

    "I delivered pizzas from age 19-23 in a crappy part of town and later a rich part.

    The crappy part of town had many dodgy experiences. One night near close we got a shady sounding order (I didn't take the call) to a fake address. They then changed it to another when we wouldn't deliver. We had a sneaky suspicion something was up, so I brought the cook with me, and we both brought large metal pipes with us. He just stood next to my car while I went to the door.

    When I knocked the porch light flicked on and off a few times. Knocked again... porch light flickered. Happens a few more times until some grouchy middle age man opened the door (think Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force), bluntly told me he didn't order, and shut the door in my face. When we left we noticed a bunch of hooded guys in the bushes across the street. Later that night a rival pizza chain driver was robbed on that street."

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About This Tool

If you suddenly want to eat Italian sausage pizza or Hawaiian pizza at 2 in the morning, don’t despair and wait until dawn. Just pick up the phone and call the pizza delivery service. Almost all pizzerias open late at night can provide this service. For late-night pizza delivery, location and price are very important. Pizza delivery drivers will be the person you want to see most at late night, but you never know their struggles ever.

Do you often call for pizza delivery at night? Then you must be interested in these late-night horror stories from the pizza delivery drivers, they always bear unimaginable pressure.

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