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  • (#1) She Said His Appendectomy Ruined Her Birthday

    From Redditor /u/storminmorm0n:

    Had an emergency appendectomy. When I was [lying] in the hospital recovering she told me I ruined her birthday weekend.

    I laughed, thinking she was joking, but she was serious and held it against me for months.

  • (#2) The Honeymoon Didn’t Go Well

    From Redditor /u/fukenhimer:

    We dated for five years, but on the honeymoon we had a big argument over my liberal use of sunscreen. She refused to wear any because of "chemicals," and I liberally use it due to my ginger skin. We seriously argued over this for a good hour and she refused to even go into the pool with me because of sunscreen chemicals.

    After a scuba adventure with her she could hardly walk because she got so burnt on her legs, whereas my skin didn’t change. She then tried to convince me that it was all my fault because I didn’t force her to wear the sunscreen, and that the honeymoon was ruined.

    It was then I realized I picked the wrong person. After a few more psycho arguments (mad at me because of something in her dreams, mad because I didn’t remind her to bring an umbrella), I had to call it quits. I can’t stay with someone who constantly blames me for their own problems.

    Luckily no kids, and I got back everything I brought into the marriage.

  • (#3) He Refused To Read Books

    From Redditor /u/woodstockiewuvswuv:

    [S]o many red flags. We both came from religious households, and his mother did everything for him, so traditionally he put all housework and cooking on me. He was very sexist, but I could have dealt with that if he hadn't revealed how utterly stupid he was. I knew him for 10 years prior to marrying him, but I guess I never noticed, or he hid it because we couldn't live together ([for] religious [reasons]).

    On our honeymoon I bought a book to read in my downtime and he proudly announced he couldn't read books. I tried to understand what he meant by being accommodating, and he kept going on about how his brain refused to pay attention while reading books because they were not worth his time/useless. Like reading magazines are okay, or the internet, but books? He just couldn't be bothered. His brain wouldn't allow him.

    I was horrified about how much pride he took in being so ignorant and... dumb that in my terror I read a chapter of my book out loud and asked if he could follow that. Nope! He grinned ear to ear. I wish I were joking.

    I noticed from then on that every time I said a big word, he wouldn't know what it meant. I mean, not like huge vocabulary words, but 10th-grade words. I realized that mentally we were just on two separate levels and there was no way I could respect this man who enjoyed being so dumb.

    I have a million stories about my ex-husband, but this was the moment I knew I would divorce [him].

  • (#4) His Ex Met Someone At A Treatment Place

    From Redditor /u/Mister_E_Phister:

    Her running off with a guy she met [at a treatment facility] was a pretty solid clue that it wasn't meant to be.

  • (#5) While He Was In Iraq, His Ex Posted A Photo Of Herself With Another Man

    From Redditor /u/Hiraethion:

    When I was in Iraq and she posted a picture on Facebook of her and another guy [lying] in bed together, it was obvious that they had just hooked up.

    Don’t get married to fix relationships (pro life tip).

  • (#6) Their Husband Wasn’t Supportive When Their Brother Perished

    From Redditor /u/stilllittlespacey:

    My brother [passed] a week after the wedding, and after about two months, he told me that was just too big of a thing to happen in the beginning of a marriage.

    I tried for six more months and then just gave up.

  • (#7) His Ex Had An Affair While He Was Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    From Redditor /u/Nika65:

    When I caught my new bride having a workplace affair while I was receiving cancer treatments. It was not a pleasant time for me...

    This happened about 25 years ago (yes, I am an old guy). It really sucked at the time... the day I found out I was a few months into both a major surgery and then daily radiation treatment. I was down to about 118 from my normal 155 pounds. But as it turned out, it was really a good thing. We did not have a house or kids, and the divorce was rather simple. I went on to get married again and have three incredible kids I would never have had otherwise. The entire experience taught me a lot about the power of forgiveness (admittedly, it took me too long to learn this lesson), and I have a pretty great life today...

    So we tried the whole marriage counseling thing after I caught her. The marriage counselor, however, was my wife's personal therapist. We had one meeting and the therapist asked to meet with me privately. She subsequently reported to my wife, "Um, Nika seems to have a lot of anger..." Ya think! I had just lost over 20% of my body weight, I was still going through treatments, and I found out my wife of less than a year was sleeping with a co-worker...

  • (#8) Their Ex Lied About Being $500,000 In Debt

    From Redditor /u/Li54:

    When I found out he had $500,000 in debt that he hadn't told me about beforehand.

    (Yes, we had a prenup. He just lied about it on the prenup.)

  • (#9) Her Credit Card Spending Harmed His Military Security Clearance

    From Redditor /u/Seeing-in-digital:

    Back in the early 1980s, I spent six years in the US Navy. In 1986 I was recruited to go into the US Army through a program for technical and intelligence experienced military personnel to become warrant officers...

    I was engaged to a young lady three years my junior and had a bit more than $20,000 in savings. Everything looked promising with a new career and family life. The wedding went off without a hitch. I was looking at a vacation of about three months between exiting the Navy and entering training for the Army.

    It was when my recruiter contacted me over my security clearance that things went south. My credit report did not match my questionnaire. There [were] three credit cards with a $14,000 balance I didn’t mention. It was no big deal; they weren’t delinquent, but I needed to amend my answers to account for them.

    Turns out my wife had opened up a charge card at our bank, then got a couple of store cards around town. She had purchased some serious clothes and jewelry, but the real kicker was she had bought a horse. She had taken lessons as a child and decided this was going to be her new thing... I ended up dumping a big chunk of my savings into paying down these cards...

    I explained about credit cards, the huge interest rate, how long it would take to pay one down, then about security clearances and [how] having a huge debt with no job would affect it.

    I treated this all as a bump in our relationship, but thing got dark really fast. My ship date was coming up and things had to be done before I started training... I was prepared for what I faced, but there was a lot that could go wrong... [I]f I dropped the ball along the way, I would not only be enlisted, but junior-enlisted in a job they would decide for me. In theory, I could end up a line cook in some chow hall...

    About a week later, the phone rings. It’s about the horse. No one was taking care of the animal or cleaning the stable, or even feeding the poor thing. The stable had covered down for the sake of the animal, but now were charging $350 a week for the extra services my wife was supposed to be doing. She was leaving our apartment every day, and I assumed it was for riding and care of the animal, and for the first week she was. The second week, she was lawyer shopping. She wanted out. She must have gotten wind of what happened at the stable and didn’t come home that night. The next day I got served with papers.

    Total marriage time: 47 days...

  • (#10) He Looked Elsewhere When She Couldn’t Get Pregnant Right Away

    From Redditor /u/LilOtter:

    Less than a year into [us] actively trying to get pregnant, he got discouraged, gave up, and started staying out until 4:15 am with his "co-worker." He posted selfies on her couch on Snapchat, and even went as far as asking her to marry him once he could get rid of me. He had two biological children (my stepchildren) he abandoned at home with me while he was out doing this.

    The icing on the cake was that on my favorite holiday, while holding my brand-new baby nephew in front of his entire family, he told me he wanted a divorce.

    I was gone in two weeks, left everything to him, and vanished. New number, new address, everything. Best choice I ever made.

  • (#11) Their Ex Was Impatient About Hunting For A House

    From Redditor /u/Mycatismybestfriend:

    When we were looking to buy our first house, and he basically wanted to buy the first place that had four walls and a roof, while I wanted us to take our time and find the right place. When I put the kibosh on a house that was overpriced and flooded four times in the past, he pouted and gave me the silent treatment for a week.

    Finding out he was chatting with other girls and confessing his feelings for a co-worker behind my back was just the icing on the cake.

  • (#12) They Simply Knew She No Longer Loved Them 

    From Redditor /u/drainbamage826:

    I could just tell she didn't love me anymore. It's hard to explain or put into words. There are just signs and signals you notice that tell you things are going south. It was the hardest period of my life, hands down. Watching someone leave you in the dust is the loneliest feeling in the world.

    That being said, I don't view my divorce as a “mistake.” I've learned a lot from it and I really feel like I'm a better person after what I've learned from it. House of straw turns into house of brick...

  • (#13) He Had To Ask Permission To Do Everything

    From Redditor /u/PhilPlays90:

    I realized it was a mistake when I started to see that I was "supposed to ask" before I went and did anything. Like, at all. Anything that did not involve being at home or going to work, I had to make sure the wife was okay with it. I lost a lot of friends in the year we were married.

    I started to do things for myself, and it just became hell. I am, thankfully, in a much better place now. I am still unlearning a lot of sh*t that my ex bore into my head, but things are progressing. Slowly, but surely.

  • (#14) They Realized Their Ex Wasn’t Capable Of Lasting Love

    From Redditor /u/DudeWheresMyJarODirt:

    When I began working with the elderly and saw what real love and lasting marriages looked like, I knew my ex wasn’t capable of that.

  • (#15) They Mistakenly Received A Text Sent From Their Ex To Her Co-Worker

    From Redditor /u/Horse_Cosby:

    When she accidentally sent me a text intended for her co-worker she had apparently just started an affair with.

    This was three weeks after our wedding.

  • (#16) His Family Was Mean And Demanding On Their Wedding Day

    From Redditor /u/Trigeminal_verve:

    On [our] wedding day, he was angry and his family [belittled me] for not doing "enough" to entertain them. They were expecting [a] dowry and lots of gifts (I am Indian), [and] since it wasn't up to their expectations they made my life a living hell for a month.

    I decided one month is enough. It wasn't too late to put an end to it.

  • (#17) She Got An STD From Her Husband, Who Got It From Another Woman

    From Redditor /u/GalacticPingvin:

    A couple of weeks into our marriage, the [intimacy] started to physically hurt. I went to my OB-GYN, and after a test or two, she informed me I had contracted chlamydia. That's when I knew.

    Turns out, my newlywed husband had been [sleeping with] his co-worker for months.

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About This Tool

In recent years, as young people gradually enter marriageable age and start families, divorce lawsuits involving young people have gradually increased. According to statistics, in recent years, a considerable part of divorce cases have been married for less than one year, and most of the reasons for divorce are not due to property or economic disputes. Marriage can be difficult for some people, it can last far less time than expected.

People's views on marriage are changing, which is also an important reason why more young people want to end their marriages without love and the future. The random tool explained 17 things that make these people divorce within one year of marriage.

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