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  • (#7) Trying To Buy Buckets Of Bedbugs

    Posted by Redditor /u/urbanhawk1:

    I remember a long time ago there was a guy online that was trying to buy large quantities of bed bugs. When questioned why he wanted them he basically said that he wanted to try to breed them to be resistant to normal methods of killing them while simultaneously breeding in a weakness that only he knew. This way he could release them in peoples houses and then force them to pay him to get rid of the bed bugs since no one else would be able to kill them.

  • (#1) A 'Friendly' Warning

    Posted by Redditor /u/ernyc377:

    A friend of mine claims he was snooping around where he didn't belong (black market forums and hacking forums) when someone private messaged him basically saying, "I've looked into you because I see you in here a lot and I know you're not here to buy or use the services because you're just a kid. I don't mind but others will and you haven't protected yourself well enough to be here. Get off if you know what's good for you."

  • (#3) 'We See You'

    Posted by Redditor /u/fake_fakington:

    This was back before Google. Web pages were, for the most part, still very basic HTML with JavaScript. Hardly anyone used CSS. Only discussion boards and some banking sites had anything approaching mature front-end/back-end combinations. Etc. Early 'Net. Real "deep web" story, not just one about illicit activities on-line.

    I was browsing random blogs, Geocities sites, and the like, just going from link to link. Eventually I came upon an odd page - it appeared to be random thoughts from different people, but for the time, it was very well-designed. The messages seemed to be cryptic in nature, like several people trying to pass secret notes. I started through the source, and hidden in the comments of a JavaScript were various IP addresses.

    I gathered all of the IP's in a text file and began enumerating. Some were routers with banner messages I could telnet to - almost all at universities ("Warning! This is a secure system at University of blah, blah..."). The default Cisco credentials from back in the day worked on most of them, but I didn't poke around. A few of the IP's were web servers with little to nothing on them, mostly Apache on Linux or some BSD, at least one IIS server I can recall.

    I finally came upon a web server with a huge directory of HTML files and TIFF images, with a few smaller sub directories containing the same. nslookup returned no reverse records for the IP. A Visual Route traced it as far as Colorado. The HTML files appeared to be records a psychologist or similar mental health professional would keep. The images were of faxes, apparently of both military and medical nature.

    As I browsed from a sub directory back to the parent, at the top of was a new HTML file named something like "1-.HELLO-THERE.html." The time stamp was from right that minute. I opened it, and in plain text was the message "we see you". No quotes, all lower-case. About 15 seconds later the server dropped.

  • (#4) 'My Own Password'

    Posted by Redditor /u/xBEEKAYRANDEEx:

    My own password.

    Found a chan that had a link to a website that when you put in an email address, it would show you the password in plain text if that email address had been pwned. Typed in one of my old (now closed) emails, and there it was. Just a blank page with my email address and password on it, sitting right there for anybody to find.

  • (#15) Wrong Address

    Posted by Redditor /u/TheKingofBananas:

    I first learned about the deep web back in grade 10 when this really strange kid in my grade was going on about it. We sat together in English and had a new teacher that wasn't quite good and didn't really know how to control the class so the last twenty minutes or so she would just let us do whatever. Everyone around this kids desk, let's call him Eli, would crowd around his computer and watch him monkey around on Silk Road and weird other sites he found...

    Eventually Eli decided to order [substances] from some site. This was high school so we all lived at home, so he figured he'd order DMT to his cottage, go up for a weekend, and pick it up to hide in his closet. So, he typed in his address to some guy, worked out the details, and waited. Went up to his cottage the next weekend and we all waited for his return for the stories.

    Eli got back and we all ran up to him to ask if it worked. He said it didn't and he was really p*ssed since he had already paid the guy. He complained to whoever was selling him the [substances] and the guy was really understanding and said he send an even bigger package to his cottage. Eli went up the next weekend. Still nothing. The guy was very apologetic and said he'd send one more. Still nothing!

    Eli gave up and figured it was just a guy trying to make a quick buck. He gave up on the deep web and that was that. Months later he goes up to his cottage with his family and has a big dinner party with the whole complex of cottages. He's shmoozing around and overhears these elderly people talking about going to the cops. He asks why and they tell him. They've been consistently getting shipments of drugs every week. Eli had typed in the wrong address and the guy he was talking to had been sending more and more to the wrong people each week because he felt so bad.

    He was so sketched out that he quit everything and now is doing quite well for himself. Proud of him.

  • (#17) Medication

    Posted by Redditor /u/tailless-whale:

    Saw the medication I take every day to function for sale for a fraction of the price. Made me angry how I can buy my medicine online for $0.75 USD per pill while I pay nearly $13/pill with "good" health insurance.

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About This Tool

The deep web is a search engine that cannot be found routinely on the Internet, and pages will not be added to the index. 96% of deep web data cannot be accessed through standard search engines. Although most of it is useless information, there is all terrifying content on it, including child trafficking, bitcoin money laundering, hallucinogens, marijuana, etc. The deep web has long been not limited to military use.

The deep web is accessed through unconventional methods and cannot be searched for private networks. Some of the darkest websites known to mankind can be found on the deep web. The random tool shares 19 scary deep web experiences that will shock you.

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