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  • (#7) Dad Did It, Twice

    From LordArkana:

    "In Columbia, my father badly beat up some guy when he got drunk and the guy wanted to fight him because my dad was the leader of a street gang. After beating the guy up, my dad bailed. Years later, some lady tells him the guy died. Nobody knows if it's because of his injuries or unrelated.

    Another similar story, again in Columbia. My dad and his friend took something to eat from a deep fried food stand. The owner chased after them angrily with the box of oil. My dad, in order to protect his friend, threw a brick at the owner and sent the burning oil box on his chest. The guy died a while later, once again nobody knows the actual causes. I'm surprised after all these years, nobody came looking for my dad."

  • (#22) The Secretary Was Killed By Her Boss

    From Master-Potato:

    "When I was in high school, I was with my dad listening to a conversation he was having with a contractor friend of his. The friend was talking about how he had a secretary steal 100K from him, and ended the conversation by saying no one will ever see the secretary again. After we left I asked my father did he mean what I thought he meant and he just said 'yep.'

    Never brought up the subject again."

  • (#20) He Was A Doctor

    From UndeadBread:

    "I never met them because they both died before I was born, but a lot of family members are convinced that an aunt of mine (my grandma's older sister) was killed by her husband. I know very few details and nothing about what the motive could possibly be, but apparently she died of an air embolism and it has always been suspected that her husband (a doctor) injected her with a syringe full of air."

  • (#19) My Neighbors Killed A Man

    From underestimatedmess:

    "I think my neighbors committed murder many years ago, and are probably free to roam now.

    They were a married couple and I used to think they were cute, being lovey dovey. At some point I started to notice they were tense to each other, and around the same time, she'd have a man visit during the day while she was alone at home. I noticed the guy was leaving his car in the spot each time. At the time I thought she was most likely cheating and I was probably too naive and it made me very upset.

    One day I thought I might be wrong about it all because the guy visited while the husband was home. Later I noticed the husband's car was not there, so maybe he was secretly home. I heard ruckus I'm pretty sure came from their house, I saw the wife running along the street covered in red, which I now conclude was blood. Later on their house started to catch fire.

    Sometime after that, I heard voices in their backyard going about some discreet business, and I'm sure it was them.

    The guy's car never moved from its spot for years. It's not there anymore now, but I had moved myself before the car was moved. I've heard gossip about my neighbors and how they were divorcing, yet seemed to get along in weird ways that made people wonder.

    I think that guy is dead. The husband probably executed him in front of his wife and set the house on fire. Then something must have happened that no police mentioned a body during an investigation in the neighborhood. The husband and wife must have done something with it. And there was probably stuff to erase in their backyard before someone would find it.

    I don't think anyone would believe me. But that red woman, and the car that never moved again, those are very, very shady things that just ring my spider senses."

  • (#1) Runaway Rich Guy

    From RussianBobsled:

    "A rich guy who owns a construction company in my town ran over a homeless dude and killed him while driving drunk. He ditched the company truck back at the yard and fled to Mexico. He took a couple years off down there until the heat died down and came back to town. Totally got away with it."

  • (#9) New Neighbors With Some Smokey Habits

    From JeevasCrow:

    "I used to live in a subdivided Victorian house. It looked pretty sweet, had a flower bed nobody used out front and a whole back patio that was considered common space. It looked like it had been used frequently maybe a decade before I got there, but had been reduced to some broken strawberry pots surrounded by a fence and old vine arches.

    I lived there happily for a month or so before the new neighbors moved in. Flag number one was that I never noticed them move in. There had been a frumpy old man who lived there that my boyfriend had met once when he accidentally rang the wrong door bell, and presumably he left when the new people moved in. We never technically saw him move out, but we sort of assumed he had.

    Once they showed up the patio was pretty much gone because they brought with them a big smoker. That wasn't so bad though, because it smelled really good. They had it going all the time, it even had a little pilot flame on it that you could see when you pulled up in the parking lot. On days when it wasn't cooking something that little flame was still lit, waiting. Even in the rain that little light was going, and the rest of the time it had smoke pouring out of the little chimney pipe. I would say this was the second flag. We never saw them out there, to this day I don't know what they looked like. But they sure smoked a lot of meat, even though they never had a party on the patio or anything. When it was smoking, they were never out there either.

    After a couple weeks of just smoker they got rid of the rest of the patio space by bringing in a log splitter. Not that we had any logs to split. We were downtown and the only trees around were the type ringed with sidewalks. This was flag number three.

    We became pretty convinced they were chopping up people and cooking them in the smoker. How else would they get so much meat, without constantly hunting? It's not like their car left regularly. It was always there, and the smoker was always running. When they left, the log splitter never went with them, but the barbeque did."

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