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  • (#20) A P-52 Mustang Went Down In A Corn Field

    From TheSkinMusket:

    "Years back my brother and I were playing soccer in the yard of my grandparents' cottage. Overhead there were three P-52 mustangs doing some aerobatics after a big air show across the lake. We looked up and see the three planes doing a big back loop in unison when the middle one makes a strange noise (engine either backfired or blew out).

    We quickly realized that he might not be able to pull out of the loop and he ended up diving straight down into the corn field behind our cottage. My brother and I ran over there immediately (probably 200 yards away) to see if this guy was okay. Looking back it was obvious that nobody could have survived that but in our clouded minds at the time, we thought maybe we could help him. Of course there was virtually nothing left of him besides a flap of skin on what looked like the remnants of the radiator and his left foot still in the boot 30 yards from the impact hole.

    After the investigation, it appeared that the 60-year-old pilot knew he wouldn't be able to complete the loop so he put his plane down in the corn field, the only spot where there wasn't houses, potentially saving the lives of others.

    I will never forget that day and I find myself thinking about his family every summer when the air show comes to town."

  • (#3) Witnessed An Accident That Killed Her Friend

    From TheButterBot:

    "When I was in second grade I had a friend in the grade below me. She was the friend of a boy in my class who I didn't like, but she was nice and we both liked to read, so we would talk about books on the bus.

    One day we were on the bus, sitting next to each other, talking about our latest pick-ups from the school library. We reached her stop, she said bye to me and got off the bus with her brother and older (middle school-aged) sister. I watched her siblings cross the road, but my friend had stopped before crossing to tie her shoes.

    Our bus driver began honking his horn and screaming "STOP, STOP" out the window. I looked out the window in time to see her begin to cross before she was hit by the motorcycle. Her body flew up and hit the roof of our bus before hitting the road. The motorcycle stopped down the road, only half-aware that he had hit something.

    I'll never forget her mother's scream. I watched my friend's unconscious body bleed out on the pavement, limbs broken and facing the wrong direction and everything. The bus erupted in panic. Due to us being part of an accident and the bus driver's determination to help her before the ambulance could arrive, we didn't move the bus. We sat there for a little over an hour before a second bus was sent to pick us up and finish our route. I couldn't take my eyes off her the entire time.

    My parents tried to talk to me about it afterward and the school offered therapy, but I didn't really do either. I kind of just stuffed it down. She ended up dying in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The school held a service and her brother and sister left school for several months.

    As it would turn out, that accident gave me a severe case of PTSD. I've never been able to drive a car. The mere thought of cars makes me anxious. I was hospitalized after a suicide attempt a couple months ago. I'm doing significantly better after my official diagnosis and new meds. I'm not sure if I'll ever drive.

    It's also, may I mention, especially difficult facing PTSD as a civilian, not a cop or soldier. For some reason, many people don't believe I have PTSD because I wasn't either of the aforementioned professions. Don't judge, yo, mental illness can happen to anyone.

    Also, it turns out the driver was legally blind and had his license suspended because of that fact. He ended up going to jail, but was released after only a couple years due to an illness."

  • (#5) Walked In On A Friend's Suicide

    From Otown-girl:

    "In the 8th Grade one of my friends missed school and I was worried because he wasn't answering any texts or phone calls, so I walked to his house to check up on him. Even walking there I knew something was wrong, I had a horrible twisting in my stomach - I thought I was going to be sick. We were very good friends that had gotten accustomed to just walking into each other's houses - the place was like a second home to me - so that's what I did.

    When I walked in (around 3:30 PM) the house was a type of silence I will never forget. It wasn't the 'sleeping household' silence. I walked very slowly towards his room but before I got to it I saw the blood on the tile of the bathroom. I will always haunt me how much blood there was. He was slumped beside the toilet, covered in vomit and blood, his hair was sticking to his face, he was cold and clammy. He had tried to overdose on some type of medication, but I guess he started throwing up so he slit his wrist vertically halfway down his forearm.

    I tried to beg him to breathe but he was already grey. I tried to hold the gash together to stop the bleeding but it wasn't really bleeding anymore. I sat on the bathroom floor and wiped his hair from his face and tried to clean the blood off of his hand with my sleeve and I held his hand before it really clicked that I was sitting with a dead body.

    When it did I frantically called 911 and I was too distraught to give them very much information other than that I was 13 and that he was dead. At this point I had gone into the hallway but when the operator told me to go outside so that they could find the house I put the phone down and went back to my friend. I remember sitting there holding his hand, silently waiting for the paramedics. But I was told later they were able to find the house because one of the neighbors called in saying they could hear screaming coming inside.

    I will never forget seeing my childhood best friend slumped in a heap of vomit and blood and I will never ever forget that smell."

  • (#1) His Arms And Legs Were No Longer Attached To His Body

    From FlyingBlobFish:

    "Back in 2008 or so, my mother and I were driving my great grandmother to visit my great grandfather who was in the nursing home a few towns over due to Alzheimer's. Some other family was headed over on a motorcycle to meet us there.

    About halfway there, we came up on a crash that authorities hadn't gotten to yet (we met first responders after we passed the crash).

    I was intrigued being the eight-year-old kid I was, and looked at the damaged cars in awe. I happened to just get the glance of what I think was about half a motorcycle. About that moment my mother told me to cover my eyes, so I did as I was told. Not even two seconds passed before my great grandmother let out the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard, causing me to uncover my eyes and look. I saw several men in leather riding gear taking a knee around one man, who no longer had any arms or legs attached to his body. One arm was actually stuck in the front end of the fourth car I'd seen in the crash next to him. I immediately covered my eyes again in shock of what I'd just seen.

    To this day, my mother does not know I saw it. The only person I've ever told I did see it was my grandmother who was not there that day.

    I've remembered it at least once a week since that day and every time it feels just as scary as the first."

  • (#4) Her Face Looked Like A Smashed Blueberry

    From PoeBangangeron:

    "I had to go to the morgue for a DUI. They brought in a 23-year-old girl who had just been ejected from a car. Her face looked like a smashed blueberry. Her boyfriend was in the hospital, about to be arrested. He had no idea she was dead. And they were getting ready to call her Mom. It was messed up.

    Also, the coroners showed photos of people, mostly teenagers and younger kids mangled up in car accidents before they retrieved the body. It was awful.

    But I totally deserved it. As does anyone who gets a DUI. It really is an eye opener."

  • (#16) It Was An Alien

    From badrunnertorn:

    "I saw what I thought was an extraterrestrial on my grandparents' property. I was a child, and it was dusk. There was a party going on in the house. I was sitting on a brick stack that made up the left side of the gate. My dad stood next to me with a beer in his hand. We were just hanging out.

    This thing walked up from the creek and up the driveway. I had a little, yellow, plastic gun. You'd pull the bolt back and it shot these pink, transparent suction darts. I pointed it at what I thought was an extraterrestrial. My dad calmly tells me not to do that. We stand there looking at one another, the alien and I. Nothing more for about a minute. It then turns and disappears back into the creek. My dad has no recollection of this. That's not the scary part. For months, maybe a year or two, summer nights began to be the most paralyzing, terrifying times of my young life. This is the part of the story I've left out even with my closest friends.

    It'd be hot during the summer, so I'd leave my window open all night to let the breeze in. My bedroom window faced that narrow bit of yard between your house and your neighbor's. It was at just the right angle through which moonlight could almost fill the room, from the entire opposite wall all the way down to the edge of my bed which lay parallel to and just beneath this large open window. It would always be after my parents had gone to bed, around 2 AM or thereabouts. Everything would be still. All silent save for the sound of the box fan in my brother's window, one room down. It would be at this time, I would wake up to a sound.

    It's one of those sounds you never remember hearing, but was loud enough to wake you. The type of sound that makes you freeze and listen extra hard for more. Well I'd freeze and listen, my heart pounding, but I wasn't frozen just to listen. I was frozen because of the movement of the shape obstructing moonlight on that opposite wall. I'd never be able to describe it to you exactly, but it was a figure and I was convinced of that. I was further convinced that if I didn't press right as I could against that wall just below the window, I would been seen at the very least. It would come and go. Sometimes I'd see it's silhouette peering just above the window sill. I was in all manner, petrified.

    So it's in that flat-as-I-could, silent-as-I-could position, I would often remain until I would inevitably fall asleep. Some nights I would wait. I would wait and psych myself up and come up with plans A and plans B. Escape routes. Contingencies. I was of what mastermind a ten year old is capable. All of this mustered and thought out just to spring quickly from my dark shelter, throw the window into the locked position, and quickly retreat.

    And that is how many a summer night went down after my encounter with what I believe to have been an extraterrestrial. My dad doesn't remember, but my family who owns the property upon which this sighting was seen doesn't really scoff at the idea. No one acts like I'm crazy when I mention it. Something else just comes up to talk about. Is this the wild imagination of a little boy? Perhaps. Are my memories of the initial event and those to follow a collection of disjointed memories filled in the false ones? Possibly. The facts though, as I see them, remain. One night at my grandparents' house, I saw an extraterrestrial life form and while that encounter seemed to go pretty well, those nights that followed for a year or maybe more, were some of the most horrifying of my life."

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