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  • Ramsay Snow on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#1) Ramsay Snow

    • Game of Thrones

    His Behavior: 

    Ramsay Bolton's time in Westeros was fraught with cruelty, deception, manipulation, and unspeakable horrors - all of which he was not only responsible for, but took pleasure in. When he subjected Theon Greyjoy to dehumanization, he didn't simply cause him anguish, he played with him as a cat plays with a mouse: knowing Theon to be lascivious, he sent two attractive women to seduce him, only to interrupt their romp by viciously emasculating Theon. Similarly, he only slayed Rickon Stark to distract and emotionally compromise Jon Snow before the Battle of the Bastards. Though Ramsay understood the emotions of his targets, he was perhaps incapable of experiencing any form of empathy himself.

    In another instance of disturbing behavior, Ramsay found a young girl during a hunt, cowering in terror. After pursuing her to the point of exhaustion, he set his dogs upon her and watched in perverse pleasure as they tore her apart. This was hardly Ramsay's only instance of making women suffer: he repeatedly violated Sansa Stark during their marriage, and he only seemed to reap joy from the relationship when his wife was in misery. Many fans - as well as licensed psychologists - have concluded Ramsay may be the most psychopathic character on Game of Thrones. He exhibits observable evidence of sexual sadism disorder, sadistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and psychopathy.

    How Accurate Is It?

    The definition of sexual sadism disorder stipulates the subject can only achieve sexual gratification for themselves by inflicting mental or physical anguish on their partner. While sexual sadism disorder isn't indicative of psychopathy on its own, it is only one aspect of Ramsay's psyche as seen on the show.

    Ramsay's enjoyment of others' suffering - even if his cruel actions don't benefit him in any way - is another indicator of psychopathy. As his father displayed similar behaviors, some theorize Ramsay's potential disorder could have genetic links. After successfully capturing Winterfell, Ramsay's heritage was legitimized when his father granted him the surname "Bolton" to replace the region's surname for bastards, Snow. As such, Ramsay's father was the only person whose judgment truly affected him. His adherence to his father's conditioning - without regard for anyone else's opinions - may also demonstrate antisocial personality disorder. With all of these symptoms combined, his potential for psychopathic affliction seems clear.

  • Joffrey Baratheon on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#2) Joffrey Baratheon

    • Game of Thrones

    His Behavior:

    Joffrey Baratheon's sadism was essentially on display from the moment he appeared in Season 1. He teased a dire wolf until it bit him, but he showed no remorse when Sansa's wolf was ordered slain, though it was not the actual culprit. He took pleasure in teasing anyone considered beneath him, and though Sansa adored him at first, he dismissed her as annoying and treated her cruelly when their engagement was called off. He showed nothing but delight when he tormented her and even went so far as to point a crossbow at her in front of the entire court. He took pleasure in others' suffering specifically because of his powerful position.

    This tyrannical sadism was also on display when he ordered the execution of Ned Stark. Arrangements were already made to send Ned to the Wall but, in the last moment, Joffrey ordered his immediate beheading, all while wearing a smirk on his face.

    ​​​​​​How Accurate Is It?

    A number of Joffrey's personality traits could indicate psychopathy. For example, he rarely considered the results of his actions and, when he ordered Ned's execution, he failed to consider his decision's ramifications, which proved incredibly reckless. This recklessness paired with Joffrey's lack of remorse, self-aggrandizement, glib nature, early behavioral problems, lack of realistic long-term goals, and complete irresponsibility are all indicative of potential psychopathy.

    Joffrey also had little self-control. With even the slightest aggravation, he would demand the elimination of anyone in his line of sight. He displayed a total lack of interest in the feelings of others and often appeared incapable of understanding these feelings at all. Only his own desires held any meaning for him, which could also support a potential psychopathy diagnosis.

  • Aerys II Targaryen on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#3) Aerys II Targaryen

    His Behavior: 

    Aerys II Targaryen's actions display a true lack of empathy and interest in the lives of his people. His imbalance took two distinct forms: paranoia and cruelty, both of which likely stemmed from his year-long imprisonment during the Defiance of Duskendale. Following the rebellion, he perceived every minor obstacle as a conspiracy against him. As a result, his previously upright sense of justice devolved into a more sadistic design: for example, he displayed signs of sexual sadism towards his sister-wife, Rhaella, later in his life, only able to achieve sexual satisfaction when she suffered. 

    He also found joy in watching people burn, and his pyromania even drove him to plant wildfire throughout King's Landing in response to the perceived perils around him. His order to ignite the wildfire forced Jaime Lannister's hand, ultimately resulting in Aerys's end. Had he survived long enough to complete his plan, he likely would have watched with utter enjoyment and fascination as his city - and the people within it - burned. 

    How Accurate Is It?

    Several of King Aerys's key behaviors suggest a diagnosis of psychopathy through their alignment with the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Aerys possessed a grandiose sense of self-worth; he was also manipulative, callous, and lacking in remorse and empathy. Apparently incapable of controlling his behavior, he lashed out at anyone he perceived as sinister. As is the case with signs of sexual sadism, most of these characteristics on their own do not indicate psychopathy; however, the combination of traits is much more likely to lead to such a diagnosis.

    In most patients, psychopathy develops early in life, but Aerys's condition didn't seem to arise until he was middle-aged. He may have found a way to adjust to society in his youth, but following his abduction, he may have lost this self-control, leading to a more overt display of possible psychopathy.

  • Cersei Lannister on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#4) Cersei Lannister

    • Game of Thrones

    Her Behavior:

    While Cersei Lannister has demonstrated a distinct emotional capacity over the course of the series, her limited understanding of emotions fulfills many other requirements on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Cersei's attraction to and love for her twin suggest a form of self-love, which stands as one of her most prominent personality traits. She also seduced her cousin, using her sexuality as a means through which she could achieve her goals. Her manipulation of - and intimate relationships with - family members suggest she tends toward psychopathic sexual behavior.

    Cersei initiated the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor without hesitation, consideration of the consequences, or empathy for the hundreds of people she annihilated. While she eliminated all of her enemies in one fell swoop, they weren't the wildfire's only victims. Though the incident resulted in her last remaining child taking his own life, she showed no clear signs of remorse following the loss.

    How Accurate Is It? 

    Initially, Cersei's interests were more focused on her children than herself, but when each of them passed, her more megalomaniacal personality traits surfaced. She also fulfills many behaviors on the psychopathy checklist, including pathological lying, a cunning and manipulative demeanor, a grandiose estimation of self, lack of remorse, callousness, an absence of empathy, promiscuity, and a parasitic lifestyle.

    This lifestyle was demonstrated in Cersei's marriage to Robert Baratheon, whom she conspired to eliminate. She later latched onto her own son, Joffrey, with whom she essentially ruled Westeros by proxy. She did the same with her youngest son, Tommen, until he ended his own life. She did, however, drop her parasitism when she lost all of her children, but her desire for power never relented.

  • Viserys Targaryen on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#5) Viserys Targaryen

    • Game of Thrones

    His Behavior:

    Viserys Targaryen flagrantly used his sister, Daenerys, as a tool in his conquest to claim the Iron Throne. While this claim was technically his birthright, he sought it out through sickening means, frequently mistreating his sister physically, mentally, and emotionally. When Daenerys expressed her aversion to marrying Khal Drogo, Viserys quipped, "We go home with... Khal Drogo's army. I would let his whole tribe [violate] you, all [40,000] men, and their horses, too, if that's what it took."

    Viserys's fanatical devotion towards his goal combined with his complete disregard for his sister's well-being demonstrated possibly psychopathic behavior.

    How Accurate Is It?

    Viserys's disregard for Daenerys's feelings, despite his desire and purported love for her, skirts the lines of possible psychopathy. Whenever Daenerys expressed anguish in his presence, he would become enraged, claiming she was risking his hold upon the Iron Throne. 

    While Daenerys initially adored her brother, she came to loathe him for his actions against her that indicated he was entirely self-obsessed. He also possessed a grandiose estimation of self, was cunning and manipulative, showed absolutely no remorse for his sister's suffering, and exhibited impulsivity to the point of lashing out at the khal, resulting in his own gruesome demise.

  • Euron Greyjoy on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#6) Euron Greyjoy

    • Game of Thrones

    His Behavior:

    Euron Greyjoy's penchant for piracy includes a desire to slay, maim, and plunder to such a degree he could easily serve as the definition of villainy. When he finally returned to the Iron Islands, he did so only to end their lord - his own brother. Euron also commands a ship called the Silence, so named because he removed the tongues of his entire crew, seemingly a favorite tactic of his. When Euron was exiled from the Iron Islands for impregnating his sister-in-law - likely against her will - he embarked on an extended voyage, through which he gained worldwide infamy for his unparalleled inhumanity.

    Though he has fathered at least three sons out of wedlock, he has shown them nothing but indifference their entire lives. While this behavior is more directly indicative of poor parenting than psychopathy, it does demonstrate how Euron's indifference towards the people whom he should care for might link to apathetic behavior.

    How Accurate Is It?

    Several aspects of Euron's behavior suggest possible psychopathy: he is certainly cunning, manipulative, and suffers from delusions of grandeur, but his character most directly points to possible psychopathy in his lack of empathy and remorse.

    Additionally, his behavior checks plenty of boxes on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, including criminal versatility, juvenile delinquency, and callousness combined with a lack of empathy. His interest in boosting his prominence among the peoples of the Iron Islands and all of Westeros - at the expense of anyone who dares step in his path - also suggests psychopathic behavior.

  • Walder Frey on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#7) Walder Frey

    His Behavior:

    Walder Frey slayed Robb Stark, as well as Robb's mother Catelyn Stark and their entire party at the Red Wedding. This indicates Walder had no concern for the feelings or emotions of others. He seemingly also took a sadistic pleasure in carrying out his cruelty, despite the social norms upon which he was infringing.

    When Catelyn held a knife to his wife's throat, begging for Robb's life, Walder showed no signs of empathy or consideration for his wife's well-being. As a result, she was slain as Walder watched, wine goblet in hand. Her passing was little more than an inconvenience for Walder, and it even provided him with the opportunity to marry once more. He had eight wives before Arya Stark ultimately ended his tyranny. Most of his spouses were children he repeatedly violated and persecuted. This is suggestive of both sexual sadism disorder and sadistic personality disorder.

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    Walder's primary goal in life was the betterment of his self-interests. To achieve this, he enlisted his children - over 100 in number - to carry out his orders, protect him and his lands, and ensure his survival in any ordeal. His actions clearly demonstrated that he saw other people as pawns he could manipulate for his own objectives.

    The traits that suggest Walder's potential psychopathy are sexual sadism, a sadistic personality, promiscuity, failure to accept responsibility for his own actions, numerous short-term marital relationships, pathological lying, grandiose estimation of self, lack of remorse, and a cunning and manipulative nature.

  • Lysa Arryn on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#8) Lysa Arryn

    • Game of Thrones

    Her Behavior:

    Lysa Arryn displayed a tenuous grasp of societal norms and apparently only cared for herself and her son. Her identity and personality were so interwoven with those around her, she seemingly wasn't able to build an individual personhood.

    Based on her characterization, she likely relied heavily on her son, Robert, as well as Petyr Baelish and her first husband, Jon, to determine her sense of self. Her inability to establish her own distinct personality indicates a parasitic lifestyle. 

    How Accurate Is It?

    Most of Lysa's actions suggested she may have suffered from borderline personality disorder, which was perhaps in place of - or in addition to - her potential psychopathy. Her treatment of her son - whom she nursed well past the age of 10 - also aligns with that of a person who has spent their life secluded and isolated. Because Robert was often ill and in need of her care, he may have even become a potential subject of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, which occurs when a caregiver fabricates illnesses for the person under their care.

    Again, this behavior isn't necessarily indicative of psychopathy, but other elements of her personality lean in a similar direction. She had severe difficulty with impulse control and reacted to the slightest provocations, often leaping to extremes of either retribution or love. This indicates she may not have fully grasped empathy-related social norms. Her inability to properly understand emotional responses is possibly indicative of either sociopathy or psychopathy.

  • Gregor Clegane on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#9) Gregor Clegane

    His Behavior:

    Gregor Clegane, otherwise known as the Mountain, is notorious for slaying opponents like insects. He often displays cruelty and indifference towards his victims and has done so since childhood - when he was young, he held his brother Sandor's face upon a hot brazier as punishment for picking up one of Gregor's toys. Such behavior is most likely indicative of psychopathy in itself, though it isn't the only example of the Mountain ending someone's life for his own enjoyment.

    Gregor has violated and eliminated an unknown number of people over the course of the series, though rumors persist he even claimed the lives of his own father, sister, and first two wives. When he was confronted with the violation and slaying of Princess Elia Martell, he not only admitted to the horrible deeds but was seemingly proud of them. He also crushed Oberyn Martell's head with his bare hands. His viciousness is well-known, but his utter indifference towards his own actions hints towards the possible presence of psychopathy. 

    How Accurate Is It?

    Nothing known about the Mountain suggests any of his actions stem from a specific incident. He is apparently willing to commit any number of heinous acts for his employers, the Lannisters - his loyalty has cost countless lives; however, there is also no indication this loyalty is rooted in any emotional attachment. Gregor seemingly commits atrocities for his own pleasure, and any other personal gain is simply a bonus. Such behavior is likely indicative of a person with no capacity for guilt or empathy for others. 

    Interestingly, Gregor displays no hints of a grandiose sense of self-worth, manipulative behavior, or any other characteristic that might indicate psychopathy or sociopathy. The Mountain appears to be little more than a tool that lacks the ability or interest to understand others' emotions, whether he is responsible for their anguish or not.

  • Petyr Baelish on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#10) Petyr Baelish

    • Game of Thrones

    His Behavior:

    Petyr Baelish, better known as Littlefinger, was the person most responsible for the eponymous Game of Thrones. Littlefinger's psychopathic traits are most evident in the way he manipulates others for his own purposes. His desire for Sansa Stark led him to slay her aunt and his wife, Lysa, whom he only married to reach Lysa's son, Robert, for the purposes of controlling the army of the Vale. During his marriage to Lysa, he showed her little more than indifference, suggesting he was either unable to understand others' emotions or didn't care to do so.

    Shortly after Lysa's end, Littlefinger sold Sansa to Ramsay Bolton, despite knowing this marriage would inevitably result in her repeated violation and suffering. His final act was an attempt to manipulate Sansa into a conflict with her sister, Arya, planting seeds of distrust between the sisters to remove Arya from his path. His plan backfired, however, and he was promptly executed in front of the gathered people of Winterfell.

    How Accurate Is It?

    Littlefinger's manipulation is characteristic of sociopathy, a disorder more aligned with psychopathy through a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (APD), with which Littlefinger seems to be afflicted. According to Psychology Today, someone with APD "may appear disturbed but can also show signs of caring, sincerity, and trustworthiness. In fact, they are manipulative, often lie, lack empathy, and have a weak conscience that allows them to act recklessly or aggressively, even when they know their behavior is wrong."

    Add to this explanation Littlefinger's incredibly manipulative behavior, lack of empathy towards his victims, youthful behavioral problems, lack of remorse, and ability to pathologically lie on a whim, and he serves as a primary candidate for potential diagnoses of psychopathy, sociopathy, and APD.

  • Karl Tanner on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#11) Karl Tanner

    • Game of Thrones

    His Behavior:

    Karl Tanner's betrayal at Craster's Keep was a devastating blow: not only did he slay Craster in cold blood - with an expression of marked pleasure, possibly hinting towards psychopathy - but he also led a mutiny and established himself as a perverse and self-appointed King of the North of the Wall. After the insurrection, Tanner and his men remained at Craster's Keep and repeatedly violated his daughter-wives, many of whom were children. Finally, he even fashioned a goblet from the skull of Lord Mormont.

    Moreover, Tanner was completely unsympathetic towards the suffering of others, often speaking of his days as a knife-for-hire. He even claimed, "I haven't lost a fight since I was nine," implying his cruel tendencies began in childhood. He was also incredibly narcissistic and failed to consider - or care about - the ramifications of his actions. 

    How Accurate Is It?

    Tanner's personality was indicative of possible psychopathic disorder on a number of levels: while he didn't fit the normal profile of a cunning and manipulative person, his lack of empathy towards others, arrogance, and disregard for societal norms certainly portrayed him as such. His most telling actions throughout the series were his juvenile delinquency, criminal versatility, impulsivity, and poor behavioral control.

  • Qyburn  on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#12) Qyburn

    His Behavior:

    Qyburn was extricated from the Order of Maesters due to his unethical human experimentation, but his various heinous acts in service to Cersei Lannister further hint towards possibly psychopathic behavior. When the opportunity arose to revive the Mountain by healing his festering wounds, Qyburn was quick to volunteer. He saw the Mountain as little more than an opportunity to form a new creation with his knowledge, but in doing so, he made him into even more of a monster. 

    Qyburn also found, reported, and arranged the wildfire beneath the Great Sept of Baelor. His complicit and willing behavior in the Sept's infamous doom aligns him with Cersei as a possible candidate for a psychopathic diagnosis.

    How Accurate Is It?

    Qyburn's obviously tenuous ethical grasp may have maligned his chances to progress through the Maesters' Order, but his complete disregard for the well-being of others in his devotion to Cersei brings numerous aspects of psychopathy to light. The most obvious of these elements is his parasitic lifestyle in relation to the queen; his blind willingness to fulfill her orders compromised what little integrity he had.

    He also has a gift for manipulation and pathological lying and lacks any remorse or guilt for what he has done. In addition, he is callous in regard to the suffering of others, displaying no empathy towards his victims.

  • High Sparrow  on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#13) High Sparrow

    His Behavior: 

    High Sparrow, though initially seen as a benevolent religious icon, used his zealotry as a tool to achieve power. He used his high position within the church to obtain political influence, thus enforcing the gods' will upon an unwilling populace. Whenever he unleashed his wrath upon those who rejected his specific religious principles, he often maintained a quiet demeanor, suggesting a sense of superiority because of his orthodoxy.

    How Accurate Is It?

    Most people who adhere to their faith in High Sparrow's manner aren't suffering from psychopathy, but his enforcement of those beliefs upon the unwilling populace makes him a more likely candidate for diagnosis. High Sparrow's use of the Faith Militant to arrest Cersei and enforce her walk of atonement suggests callousness and a lack of empathy.

    High Sparrow clearly felt he was in the right, but he used the Faith of the Seven to justify and augment his set of values, a behavioral pattern perhaps more indicative of sociopathy than psychopathy.

  • Melisandre on Random Most Psychopathic Characters On 'Game Of Thrones'

    (#14) Melisandre

    • Game of Thrones

    Her Behavior: 

    Melisandre has demonstrated callous indifference towards anyone who prevents the rise of the reincarnated Azor Ahai. To this end, while she aligned herself with Stannis Baratheon, she engaged in truly appalling activities with no regard for others' interests, even taking some dissociated pleasure in watching a person get sacrificed to R'hllor, the Lord of Light. She doesn't act with personal interests in mind, however; her rigid devotion to R'hllor is tantamount to fanaticism, though it may qualify as sociopathic or psychopathic given what this devotion requires of her.

    When she birthed the shadow demon, she suffered from labor pains but seemingly took pleasure in them and, in her worst act thus far, she led Stannis to immolate his own daughter. Despite the anguish on Stannis's face, Melisandre remained indifferent toward both his suffering - and, more importantly, that of his daughter - even as she ensured the act's completion.

    How Accurate Is It?

    One of the characteristics of someone afflicted with psychopathy is a dedication to a certain goal without regard for anyone or anything around them. Through her manipulation, lack of remorse, and parasitic lifestyle, Melisandre embodied the typical behavior of both a psychopath and sociopath.

    Furthermore, her frequent and unfeeling immolations for the Lord of Light demonstrate a complete disregard for human life. She also suffers from delusions of grandeur and can be sexually aggressive.

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About This Tool

There is no doubt that Game of Thrones is one of the best medieval fantasy TV series. Although it has long been over, many loyal fans still watch it repeatedly. Many powerful medieval heroes and magnificent battle scenes amaze the audience, and many people may underestimate some evil and perverted characters. These psychopathic characters are full of resentment and unwillingness, they often use extremely cruel methods to punish and torture those who disagree with them.

Some of these perverted characters are dominated by acquired perverted psychology, or the terrifying and brutal traditions of the family. The random tool lists 14 of the most psychopathic characters in Game Of Thrones you may forget.

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