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  • (#1) A Paramedic Who Saw Her In A Trauma Unit Asked Her Out

    From Reddit user /u/OnATurningCarousel:

    I came with my grandfather to the trauma unit of our local hospital.

    The guy I kinda know from my partying era (but never showed any interest in) was a paramedic there. He messaged me through FB and asked me why I "didn't take off my coat and give them something to look at" and asked me if I wanted to have sex in the ambulance.

    Beyond gross and absolutely inappropriate.

    Edit: how I got out of the situation: I told him I would report him to his supervisor. This crossed all limits.

  • (#2) Baby Daddies At The Maternity Ward Asked The Receptionist Out

    From Reddit user /u/Joonami:

    I work the reception desk on a maternity ward in a hospital. Plenty of baby daddies find my customer service demeanor to be a green light for their affections.

  • (#3) He Asked Her For Gas Money, Then A Date, At A Gas Station

    From Reddit user /u/Lavender_Pixie:

    I'm not sure if a gas station qualifies as an inappropriate place, per se, but the way this happened seemed very inappropriate at the time.

    A man walked up to me while I was busy holding the pump, which is already kind of an uncomfortable spot to be in (especially at night), and at first he just asked for gas money. OK, no big deal. It happens. I told him I had no cash, and he went back to his (very nice, new-looking) truck. I thought it was a bit weird, but continued pumping my gas and minding my own business.

    Less than 30 seconds later, he walked back up to me, told me I was really beautiful, asked if he could at least get my number, and started begging me to go on a date with him. He said that he would pay me money for a date (even though he JUST asked for gas money). First it was $500, and then it escalated to $1,000 after I said I wasn't interested. He begged one more time, "Just one date, please, just go on one date with me."

    I gave him a final, resounding "NO," finished pumping my gas, and hurriedly climbed back in my car to leave.

    The situation was just very uncomfortable, and I don't particularly like being approached when I'm in a vulnerable situation (pump in hand, on the other side of my car from the driver's side door, etc.).

    Ultimately, I learned that talking loudly, saying "NO" with some force, and looking them in the eyes tends to help in escaping the situation. If I had been more timid and tried to be too "nice," I have a feeling it would've been a lot harder to get rid of him.

  • (#4) Her Uber Passenger Asked Her Out

    From Reddit user /u/kayaking_gnome:

    So I’m a young female Uber driver and I have the same problem but on the other end. I’ll pick up drunk guys and they’ll be so inappropriate with me; it’s really frustrating. I had to start carrying pepper spray at night after one guy had me drive him out to the middle of nowhere and then wouldn’t get out of my car. I’ve also had guys give me low star ratings because I wouldn’t give them my number.

  • (#5) He Approached Her In The Feminine Hygiene Aisle At The Store

    From Reddit user /u/hemaristhysbe:

    Toss up between feminine hygiene aisle and the man who waited for me outside the bathroom door at work. I told Rag Man "You can't be serious about asking a stranger for her phone number in the tampon aisle" and stomped off, told Bathroom Buddy to f*ck off and he went to HR to complain. Fortunately I had cameras to support his lurking, which he'd apparently done for a week before trapping me.

    I waffle between "I'm married, No thank you, and I'm not interested" depending on how vulnerable my location is and how intimidating he is.

  • (#6) The Dad Whose Kids She Babysits Asked Her Out

    From a deleted Reddit user:

    I've had several guys try to set up a date while they pick up their squirmy toddler from the daycare I work. Normally I just tell them their kids probably needs their attention.

    I also do a lot of babysitting, most of my customers are just the parents whose kids go to my daycare. All of them have my number too. A couple of dads have tried to get flirty texting.

    For that I'll just start a group chat with both mom and dad. I'll be like "we can continue our conversation here Mr. So&So."

    I've had a couple weird things happen when parents come home from their date nights too but I don't want to make this post to long.

  • (#7) A TSA Agent She Frequently Saw Turned Up At Her Workplace Uninvited

    From Reddit user /u/nachocouch:

    I flew through, to, and from a specific city twice a week for work, and one of the TSA agents got to know me, so we’d exchange brief greetings whenever I came through his lane. I usually had on some type of logo clothing on so it was pretty easy to tell where I worked. On one of my trips into that city to work, he showed up uninvited at my office with a creepy love letter and tried to ask me out. It was really weird and unsettling, and I made sure to avoid his lane at the airport from then on.

  • (#8) A Car Mechanic Offered Her 'Under The Table' Repairs At The Shop

    From Reddit user /u/kiwitathegreat:

    I once had a mechanic get my number off the RO [Repair Order] and text me offering “under the table” repairs with no effort to disguise the innuendo. I freaked the f*ck out because that RO had all my personal information on it, he knew what I drove, and he knew where I worked. Handled it by completely ignoring the text and watching over my shoulder for months afterwards. Also had my boss mention it to their shop foreman because our businesses would send each other customers and god only knows who else he tried that on.

  • (#9) She Received Numerous Propositions At Funerals

    From Reddit user /u/GirlFromBim:

    I have been catcalled and propositioned at multiple funerals. What's even more bizarre is the number of acquaintances who tried to justify this behavior to me when I complained about it.

  • (#10) Her Uber Driver Asked Her Out

    From Reddit user /u/devolvingslime:

    An uber driver asked me out while I was alone in his car, at 2 am, in an unfamiliar city. I played along, asked him to drop me off in a well-lit area, and gave him a fake phone number. Contacted Uber's customer support people as soon as I got to my hotel.

  • (#11) He Asked Her Out While She Was Cleaning Up Vomit

    From Reddit user /u/SassMasterJules:

    My personal favorite was being told “you’re the thickest white girl ive ever seen” by an equally white man while I was cleaning up a puddle of vomit in the convenience store where I worked.

    Honestly just being asked out/for my number at work. Don’t do it.

    As for getting out of it I use my face. As in, if you stare blankly at someone long enough they will typically just leave.

  • (#12) He Asked Her Out In A Trader Joe's While She Was Pregnant

    From Reddit user /u/madisonpreggers:

    Maybe a month ago I was very obviously pregnant and this very odd guy told me that if it didn't work out with the baby's father he'd be there for me. in Trader Joes of all places. I laughed trying to pretend that he was kidding to break the weirdness but I don't think he was kidding. I said thank you and walked on.

  • (#13) A Client Asked A CPA Out While She Was Auditing His Workplace

    From Reddit user /u/down-for-the-account:

    I’m a CPA, had a few lunch room conversations with a much older man - be polite etc since you’re at the client location. I think the most in depth thing we talked about was the weather. Somehow for him this triggered a “this person likes me” response. He asked me out, it’s just an unspoken rule you don’t ask out the auditor. I played it off by saying I was in a relationship but mostly I just wanted to get the heck out of there. Luckily it was our last day in the field so I didn’t have to face him again until the next year.

  • (#14) He Knocked On Her Window While Her Car Was Parked

    From Reddit user /u/throwaway7022002:

    Recently I've been approached twice while parked in my car by men knocking on my window, asking my number. It was pretty bizarre and if I could do it again I'd tell 'em off in the most colorful way possible, but in the moment I was so taken aback I just humored them and waited for them to get the hint that I wasn't interested in dating a window-knocker. Talking to my coworkers about their weird experiences got me wondering how many other people have stories like this!

  • (#15) He Asked Her Out While She Was Filing For Divorce

    From Reddit user /u/helpmeplease12345610:

    Court house... filing for my divorce.

  • (#16) He Asked Her In Front Of Her Parents

    From Reddit user /u/hrvatskicuretak:

    In front of my parents.

    There are no methods. Close your eyes, let the cringiness flow through you and wait for it to pass.

  • (#17) The Guy Whose Car She Hit Asked Her Out

    From Reddit user /u/southernshiksa:

    I rear ended a guy and he asked me while standing in the middle of a busy highway between our cars.

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About This Tool

Everyone is afraid of rejection, but we sometimes have to take the risk of rejection in order to get what we want. Every man should learn how to ask their favorite woman to have a date at the right time without losing face and self-esteem. Regardless of age, wasting your precious time in a relationship that has no meaning and no future is something everyone wants to avoid.

Inviting girls you like at the right time can reduce a lot of embarrassment and unnecessary effort. You could know 17 stories of some men ask women out at the most inappropriate times with this random tool.

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