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  • Tom Cruise on Random Most Expensive Celebrity Child Support Payments

    (#11) Tom Cruise

    • 56

    Even though he's worth about $250 million, Tom Cruise only has to pay a little over $33,000 a month to Katie Holmes in child support for their daughter Suri. On top of that, Cruise only has to pay until 2024, when Suri turns 18, and then he no longer has to. However, Cruise is also required to pay for Suri’s expenses, including medical, dental, insurance, education, college, and other extracurricular costs.

  • Michael Strahan on Random Most Expensive Celebrity Child Support Payments

    (#16) Michael Strahan

    • 44

    In 2007, a judge ordered football star (and former talk-show host) Michael Strahan to give his ex-wife, Jean Muggli, $15 million in a divorce settlement and $18,000 a month for child support. The couple have twin daughters, who Muggli claimed Strahan often ignored. Strahan is ironically now with Nicole Murphy, ex-wife of Eddie Murphy, who is embroiled in some child support issues of his own. 

  • Halle Berry on Random Most Expensive Celebrity Child Support Payments

    (#17) Halle Berry

    • 52

    Thanks to a long and unending court battle with her ex Gabriel Aubry, Berry pays $16,000 a month in child support for her daughter, Nahla. 

  • Nas on Random Most Expensive Celebrity Child Support Payments

    (#6) Nas

    • 45

    In 2010, rapper Nas and singer Kelis split up, and Nas was told to pay more than $600,000 a year in spousal and child support for their son Knight. Though he initially only had to pay $40,000 a month, a judge eventually upped it to $51,000 to help care for his baby. Nas likely wasn't too thrilled with that judgment.

  • Alex Rodriguez on Random Most Expensive Celebrity Child Support Payments

    (#1) Alex Rodriguez

    • 43

    Since their divorce in 2008, Alex Rodriguez has reportedly been paying approximately $115,000 a month between child and spousal support to his ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis. In October 2018, however, A-Rod reportedly took Scurtis back to court, seeking to lower his monthly dues now that he's not earning nearly what his salary was before retiring from baseball.

  • Terrell Owens on Random Most Expensive Celebrity Child Support Payments

    (#9) Terrell Owens

    • 42

    Football star Terrell Owens has four different children with four different women and has to pay child support that totals near $45,000 a month for all of them. Sure, he made $80 million dollars in the NFL, but Owens tried claiming that bad investments and the child support payments left him broke. Maybe that's why you've seen him on show's like Wife Swap and The Celebrity Apprentice.

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About This Tool

The lives of celebrities are always enviable. They have wealth and fame, mansions everywhere, luxurious vacations, expensive weddings, and sometimes expensive divorces. Especially for these famous stars, once their relationship breaks down, they have to pay a lot of money. Some celebrity couples cannot reach a consensus on child support, and their divorce and separation are not so smooth. Alimony and child support payments may make headlines after celebrities' divorces.

The random tool lists 20 celebrities who paid the most expensive child support payments. You will be definitely surprised by the huge amount of money involved in child support.

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