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  • (#7) This Survivor Almost Died During A Bank Robbery

    From Redditor/u/Greenrabbits85:  

    "I was in a bank robbery six years ago. I still remember the horrible feeling of realizing that it was not a joke and was actually happening. Two men with guns inside, shouting, 'Don't look! Don't move!' I remember feeling completely panicked and helpless. I have never felt so helpless actually. I felt like time completely stopped while it was going on. It felt like I was standing there forever hoping no one got hurt. I remember I could taste a metallic taste in my mouth. And the thoughts you have when you think you are going to get shot are quite odd. I still occasionally will have terrible nightmares about being trapped somewhere with someone with a gun."

  • (#11) This Former Student Watched Books Fall, But No One Pushed The Tomes

    From Redditor/u/Eurymedion

    "I was studying for finals back in my undergrad days at the University of British Columbia's Main Library (those of you who are familiar with UBC, this was before the renovations). Most students preferred the newer Koerner Library, but I liked the old one because it was quieter and the texts I needed were stored there. I recall going down to the lower level to search for a book. The Main Library's shelves were old fashioned and tightly arranged to maximize space. The walk space between shelves could barely fit two people standing side-by-side and in most cases, you pretty much had to walk out if anybody wanted to move past you in the aisle.

    In any case, I was browsing the stacks when I heard a book fall off a shelf in the aisle directly in front of me. I was certain of being the only person in that part of the library, but nevertheless chalked it up to somebody being careless. It didn't take long before I heard another book fall, again, from the same location. I ignored it until a third book dropped to the ground, but this time it was almost right next to me. The book in question was big; about the size of an encyclopedia. I thought somebody in the other aisle was inadvertently knocking stuff off the shelves by shoving books on the opposite side too far in. So I walked out from behind my aisle to see who was being a pest. Didn't see anybody at all nor heard anyone walk away (the floors were old hardwood and creaked in some places). Right as I was about to get back to my research, another book fell in the aisle I was in. I remember calmly putting the book back onto the shelf, picking up my stuff and going back upstairs. Then I high-tailed it out of the Main Library."

  • (#19) One Kid Almost Drowned In A Well

    From Redditor 1000korpses

    "Being pushed down a well by one of my friends when I was maybe eight. I was down there for hours, but that wasn't the scariest part. It was when my brother (six) discovered me and, without thinking, hurled himself in there with me. Then he started to panic and push me under the water to save himself. Survival instincts kicked in so I get it. I eventually got a big enough breath to have the strength to slam his head into the wall, knocking him out. I held him above water so he wouldn't drown. Finally our neighbor heard my screams and she pulled us out with a rope. I was terrified that I had killed him but I know he would have killed me if I didn't do that."

  • (#1) This Neighbor Saw A Man Die In A Gruesome Chainsaw Accident

    From Redditor/u/Stowaway_throwaway_1

    "I was watching this as an interested neighbor.

    Tree fell in my neighbor's yard down a steep hill. It was a huge tree, five feet wide by 70 feet tall.

    Crane was pulling up on a piece of it while a grunt worker was chain-sawing the piece being pulled by the crane to separate it.

    The crane cable tension was tight on the piece he was cutting so when the worker cut through enough of it, the cable ripped half of it up the hill and the workers chainsaw went straight up into his head.

    I'll never forget him trying to walk a few steps and pull it out before he fell over dead with the saw still humming away."

  • (#2) This Security Guard Saw Two Murderers Stash A Gun

    From Redditor/u/Trollout88:

    "I used to do security, and I would catch a lot of young people having sex in cars in our parking lot. I watched a couple come running across the street and duck behind a storage unit we had. Figuring it was just kids going to have sex, I decided to do what I always did and scare the hell out of them.

    As I walk to the door to go out, I stop and decide to put the cameras on where I'll be so I can put it in the 'bloopers folder.' The 30 seconds it took to do that probably saved my life.

    The couple weren't having sex; they had just committed murder and were ditching their gun. If I had gone out when I originally planned I'd probably have been killed as well.

    Even scarier than that is the police didn't really look for the gun, I found it for them because they didn't look under some of the trash behind the storage unit.

    That was the second murder weapon I found for the police in six months."

  • (#4) This Vet Heard The Most Tragic Screams Ever When A Family Lost A Beloved Dog

    From Redditor/u/rafraska

    "Vet here. I used to work emergency shifts at night, and one time a lady phoned in saying her dog was bleeding from his nose. I advised them to come down immediately, although they didn't sound super distressed about it (just a bit concerned). I go to unlock the practice and the car pulls up. The lady and her husband are there, lady comes out of the car and is smiling, saying thank you for me coming out... She then goes round to the boot where the dog was and lets out this soul-destroying scream when she opens the door.

    I ran over and all I could see was this poor spaniel in a sea of blood. Literally, the whole boot was covered in it. It turns out that a vessel in the dog's lungs had eroded (edit: likely cancer-related, unknown that the dog was seriously ill prior to this as it displayed no other signs of poor health aside from being a bit more lethargic) and it basically bled out through his respiratory tract on the drive over. The dog was already dead. I have never heard such tragic screams in my life, and it will haunt me for the rest of my days. I spent two hours with the poor family consoling them and reminiscing about their dog as he was in life, it was so sad. I have never been so disturbed by a single noise in my life, as I was when the woman started shrieking. It was such a shock."

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