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  • (#1) A Man And His Cat

    From Redditor u/dmurr2019:

    When I overhear him and our cat. She will meow in a really dramatic way (her specialty), and he will look at her and say something like “they did WHAT?! When?” Then Charlie will meow again and he will say things like “I can’t believe them! They’re not coming to our dinner party!” He loves to gossip with her.

  • (#2) Must Love Dogs

    From Redditor u/misssarahjane:

    Just to paint a picture: I met my bf while working in the accounting department of a construction co., and he was arguably the toughest project manager there. He's a big burly guy with a really deep voice, who at least at work, comes off as gruff kind of person. When my coworker brought her dog in, and he thought no one was looking, he lit up like a little kid playing fetch with her in a corner of the office. I was the only one who saw him, and it melted my heart. Every time he sees my cat, he goes over to her, says "hi kitty" in the sweetest voice and showers her with affection. When I see him go all soft and sweet with animals, I fall for him all over again.

  • (#3) Her Biggest Fan

    From Redditor u/The_Town_of_Canada:

    Every day she will come home, have a bath, listen to music and sing.

    I turn the volume down on whatever I'm watching every time just to listen to her.

    The first thing I ever said to her was "You have a beautiful voice" at a dodgy karaoke bar.

    Her reply? "Aw. Thanks for saying that, and not just 'nice a**'".

    Me: "Well, I'm not going to lie - that's pretty nice as well."

    That was 15 years ago, and she still makes me smile every day.

  • (#4) It Puts A Smile On Your Face

    From Redditor u/ElvenDeGeneres:

    I dont know who started it, but we do this thing where I hum his name and then he hums my name back, or vice versa. Like a call and response but with humming, imagine I go "him-hum" and then he goes "hum-hom." Its super adorable and sometimes we even do it to find each other in grocery stores! hahaha, I love him so much! Just try to picture two 30 year old gay men playing a sort of Marco Polo around a grocery store, I am sure it will put a smile on your face too!

  • (#5) All The Feels

    From Redditor u/UrdnotChivay:

    She makes these super cute noises when she's falling asleep/ in her sleep. Before we lived together, she would always fall asleep first on the phone so I'd listen to it for a few minutes before hanging up. Now when I hear it, I usually cuddle up closer to her.

    Plus she does cute voices when she talks to me a lot, which I can't help but smile at.

    She also tells me things like how lucky she is to be with me, which I hadn't really had before.

    When we hold hands, she and I will have like a little battle of squeezing each other's hands where she'll like squeeze three times and then I'll do the same.

    Speaking of holding hands, we both like our hand to be the back one or the bottom one if we're sitting or in the car, so we'll fight to be the one on the bottom (she always wins, but I don't mind)

    Honestly there isn't much she does that DOESN'T make me smile now that I think about it

  • (#6) Young At Heart

    From Redditor u/darkestDreaming67:

    A million different things, including flashing her boobs at me while grinning, at random points of the day.

    For context, we're in our mid-fifties and married for 14 years.

  • (#7) Hey Pretty Girl!

    From Redditor u/maggotrism:

    He says "hey pretty girl!" with a big ol' grin on his face every single time he walks into the same room and it makes me cheese every time. Thinking of recording them for a while and making a compilation video for my own enjoyment.

  • (#8) Silliness Saves Lives

    From Redditor u/SigKapEA752:

    So, this is so dumb, but it's my favorite. I have been working from home, and I'll be super focused and he will come up behind me and put his shirt over my head and pull me into his belly. It's like a weird hug, but I love that it's random and silly.

  • (#9) Thinking Of You

    From Redditor u/The_B0FH:

    When he's busy he'll send me a single flower or heart emoji so I know he's thinking of me.

  • (#10) Important Reminders

    From Redditor u/johnpowers99:

    Me and my wife interrupt each other’s day at least one time a day to make sure we remind each other that we’re both sexy. Sounds weird but it makes my wife blush still after 5 years so far. Sometimes I like to scream it out of no where and make her melt into the blankets.

  • (#11) The Best Part Of Waking Up

    From Redditor u/jnola78:

    He leaves for work super early but always leaves me enough coffee in the pot for one cup when I get up...I grew up poor and actually love re-warmed coffee. He doesn’t understand it when I could just make a fresh pot but he still leaves it because he knows I love it.

  • (#12) Chicken And Egg

    From Redditor u/taraandnorman:

    He kisses me on the forehead all the time and calls me egg purely because I call him chicken and eggs are smaller than chickens. He's a foot taller than I am and every time it gives me the warm and fuzzies

  • (#13) Knock Knock

    From Redditor u/donniedorko28:

    After he tells a joke, he grows the stupidest crap-eating grin on his face. Always makes me laugh even if the joke wasn’t funny

  • (#14) Gooey, Cheesy, Goodness

    From Redditor u/punkhummus:

    Sometimes he stops and stares at me quietly for a bit and then says "hey are you single?" or similarly when I say something he particularly appreciates he answers "we should go out sometimes!" Or when I'm stressed and he creates cute little songs on the spot to cheer me up. Or when we have a conversation acting as if we were in Pride and Prejudice. Or sometimes I just look at him and smile because deep down I am that cheesy.

  • (#15) Passion In His Eyes

    From Redditor u/AceTheNotSoGreat:

    I always smile when he talks about something he really likes or something that interests him.

  • (#16) Sit Back And Watch The Show

    From Redditor u/That-shouldnt-smell:

    My short-a** wife (~4'11") refuses to ask for help reaching stuff. Sometimes I make a cup of coffee and watch her. It's like I'm watching a ninja train for a parkour competition.

    And before you ask. Yes I am the kind of a****** that puts things she uses on a daily basis on the top shelves.

  • (#17) Your Private Dork

    From Redditor u/Rounder057:

    She does dorky things that only I ever get to see.

  • (#18) Pet Names

    From Redditor u/trayola:

    Every time he calls me on the phone he calls me a different nickname. It’s always something outlandish and ridiculous just to get me to laugh. Especially if he knows I’ve had a bad day.

  • (#19) Rock On

    From Redditor u/1upbuttercup:

    He loves power metal ballads - when he is in his office upstairs and I’m in mine downstairs, I occasionally hear him belt out a few notes as he sings along while working. Always makes me smile, just hearing him jamming and doing his thing.

  • (#20) Need Cuddles Now

    From Redditor u/callhimcourage:

    Any time he wants a kiss or to cuddle or have me come closer to him, he does little grabby hands and it’s the cutest thing ever haha 

  • (#21) A Real Hero

    From Redditor u/goodboydeservesfudge:

    Puts my phone on the charger if I forget to do it before bed. Which is almost every night.

  • (#22) The Language Of Love

    From Redditor u/ms_old_field:

    He makes the funniest sounds, and since being together for 2 years we now have our own way of communication with weird breathing or accented words. Whenever we use it it never fails to make me smile!

  • (#23) The Classic Heart-Melter

    From Redditor u/RawrCharlotte:

    He plays with my hair and brushes his thumb against my cheek

  • (#24) Can't Explain It

    From Redditor u/honolulularry:

    When I ask her a question, she does this really cute inhale and says "yeah" at the same time. It's hard to explain and impossible for me to replicate. But it's so adorable and just one of the things I adore about her.

  • (#25) Kiss The Cook

    From Redditor u/Flahdagal:

    He's a really good cook -- better than I am -- I'm always happy when he makes dinner.

  • (#26) Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue

    From Redditor u/WonderMew:

    He makes up silly poems about random things just to make me laugh.

    Also, his silly dances when he's happy and thinks I can't see. So...cute....

  • (#27) Fair Trade

    From Redditor u/CivandCocktails:

    All of my laundry. In return I feed the cats every day because she doesn’t like the smell. She folds it and stuff too. It’s great.

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About This Tool

Sometimes marriage is like a mystery, but once you master useful techniques, you are more likely to understand your partner and find ways to make them happy. It's not just expensive gifts, overseas trips and sumptuous dinners that make your partner happy. When you are in love, some little things your lover does will make you feel as excited and happy as a millionaire.

Some couples share the sweet little ways they show each other they care, these are the best and also affordable. The random tool lists 27 heartwarming little things that will make your partner smile.

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