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Random Famous Only Children

  • David Copperfield on Random Famous Only Children

    (#26) David Copperfield

    • 62
  • Al Pacino on Random Famous Only Children

    (#2) Al Pacino

    • 78
  • Betty White on Random Famous Only Children

    (#7) Betty White

    • 97
  • Brooke Shields on Random Famous Only Children

    (#10) Brooke Shields

    • 53
  • Hans Christian Andersen on Random Famous Only Children

    (#39) Hans Christian Andersen

    • Dec. at 70 (1805-1875)
  • Enoch Powell on Random Famous Only Children

    (#30) Enoch Powell

    • Dec. at 86 (1912-1998)

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About This Tool

As an only child, I am very happy to see the latest research proves that the absence of brothers and sisters does not make us selfish, arrogant, or introverted. Some of the celebrities who have made great achievements are the best examples, whether they were born in rich or poor families. From being spoiled to struggling in love, only children have long been stereotyped, regardless of whether other people actually have the same experience.

The random tool lists 92 famous people who are only children that you did not know. There are definitely some old ideas about only children lingering in modern society, but more and more young people want to be a family of three.

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