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Random Celebrities Who Identify as Atheists

  • Lewis Black on Random Celebrities Who Identify as Atheists

    (#14) Lewis Black

    • 70
  • Julianne Moore on Random Celebrities Who Identify as Atheists

    (#10) Julianne Moore

    • 58
  • Angelina Jolie on Random Celebrities Who Identify as Atheists

    (#19) Angelina Jolie

    • 43
  • Joan Bakewell on Random Celebrities Who Identify as Atheists

    (#35) Joan Bakewell

    • 85
  • Peter Caffrey on Random Celebrities Who Identify as Atheists

    (#50) Peter Caffrey

    • Dec. at 59 (1949-2008)
  • Joe Ahearne on Random Celebrities Who Identify as Atheists

    (#20) Joe Ahearne

    • 55

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About This Tool

People all over the world have different views on atheism and becoming an atheist. The underlying motivations involve philosophical, social, and historical aspects, and help atheists to prove their arguments. This is not to say that all atheists will argue with you about whether there is a God. Some atheists are very outspoken about their ideas, while others are more low-key.

About 11% of the American population are considered atheists, and they firmly declare that there is no God. Among those who practice atheism, there are celebrities. The random tool lists 194 celebrities who are atheists, the names on the current list may surprise you.

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