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Random Atheist Activists and Educators

  • Annie Laurie Gaylor on Random Atheist Activists and Educators

    (#16) Annie Laurie Gaylor

    • 63
  • Michael Newdow on Random Atheist Activists and Educators

    (#35) Michael Newdow

    • 65
  • A. Philip Randolph, on Random Atheist Activists and Educators

    (#41) A. Philip Randolph,

  • Sanal Edamaruku on Random Atheist Activists and Educators

    (#13) Sanal Edamaruku

    • 63
  • Richard Dawkins on Random Atheist Activists and Educators

    (#10) Richard Dawkins

    • 77
  • Peter Brearey on Random Atheist Activists and Educators

    (#6) Peter Brearey

    • Dec. at 59 (1939-1998)

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About This Tool

Atheists held a negative attitude towards the more widely accepted religion. With the spread of free thought and scientific theories, and the increase in criticism of religion, more and more atheists dared to make their views public. Atheists in history have advocated rationality and science, opposed beliefs and obscurantism, opposed the spiritual bondage of traditional religions, and promoted human dignity and freedom.

It is obvious that atheists deny that God exists. The random tool lists 66 famous atheist activists and atheist educators you should know, you could check their photos here. These wise people have been committed to different social activities and promote equal and open development.

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