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Random Atheist Philosophers

  • Julien Offray de La Mettrie on Random Atheist Philosophers

    (#47) Julien Offray de La Mettrie

    • Dec. at 42 (1709-1751)
  • John Anderson on Random Atheist Philosophers

    (#1) John Anderson

    • 64
  • Michael Neumann on Random Atheist Philosophers

    (#49) Michael Neumann

    • 73
  • A. J. Ayer on Random Atheist Philosophers

    (#3) A. J. Ayer

  • Kai Nielsen on Random Atheist Philosophers

    (#50) Kai Nielsen

    • 93
  • Robert Todd Carroll on Random Atheist Philosophers

    (#14) Robert Todd Carroll

    • Dec. at 55 (1945-2000)

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About This Tool

Atheism is considered to be a very rational philosophy. According to statistics, more than 50% of the group of philosophers considered to be rational are atheists. The Greek philosopher Diagoras in the 5th century BC is known as the first atheist. Greek and Roman philosophical theories are often used to explain atheism. Although these ancient philosophers did change people's concept of God, they did not completely deny the existence of God. 

With the development of science and technology and the popularization of knowledge, more and more people become atheists who deny the god exists. The random tool lists 75 famous atheist philosophers in history.

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