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  • Deidara on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#1) Deidara

    While in the heat of battle, it's usually a bad idea to base decisions on pride, and Deidara learns this the hard way when he squares off against Sasuke Uchiha.

    While Deidara thinks of his explosive attacks as an art form, Sasuke doesn't feel the same way. To prove the hero wrong, Deidara unleashes his most powerful attack, which turns his body into a massive bomb. He dies when it detonates, but he hopes to take Sasuke out with him.

    Even though Sasuke is exhausted, he still manages to survive the blast by summoning the giant snake Manda to serve as a shield. After this, Sasuke teleports to safety, making Deidara's final sacrifice utterly fruitless. 

  • Denzel Liones Summons A Goddess Who Doesn't Help Him In 'The Seven Deadly Sins' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#2) Denzel Liones Summons A Goddess Who Doesn't Help Him In 'The Seven Deadly Sins'

    Desperate to defeat the demons of the Ten Commandments, Denzel Liones sacrifices all his life energy to summon a goddess named Nerobasta, who he hopes will carry on the fight in his place.

    Unfortunately, Nerobasta doesn't care about humans, and immediately tries to bail when confronted with demons. The creatures quickly kill Nerobasta, making Denzel's final sacrifice amount to nothing. 

  • Vegeta on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#3) Vegeta

    • Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound, Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku, Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks, Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler, Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan, Plan to Destroy the Saiya-jin, Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, Dragon Ball

    After Vegeta realizes Buu is far too powerful to be taken down in a traditional brawl, he decides to end things using Final Explosion, a self-destruct technique that kills its user.

    While his efforts are undoubtedly courageous, they're also totally ineffective. Buu regenerates shortly after Vegeta's attack and continues on with his reign of destruction. 

  • Yusuke Urameshi on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#4) Yusuke Urameshi

    • Yu Yu Hakusho

    Delinquent 14-year-old Yusuke Urameshi dies in an unprecedented act of bravery. For the vast majority of his life, he's acted like a selfish punk, yet he dives in front of an oncoming car to save a small child.

    Unfortunately, it turns out the kid would have been fine without Yusuke's help. He was chasing a ball into the street, and the inflated rubber would have absorbed most of the car's impact. 

    In the afterlife, Botan actually chastises Yusuke for acting selflessly, as the kid sustained additional injuries from the soon-to-be Spirit Detective's intervention. 

  • The Survey Corps Are Designed To Fail In 'Attack On Titan' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#5) The Survey Corps Are Designed To Fail In 'Attack On Titan'

    The Survey Corps is built around unnecessary sacrifice. The group's main goal is to kill as many Titans as possible, and every operation they embark on results in a massive human casualties.

    To make matters worse, most of these suicide missions do nothing to actually advance the group's cause. Until the source of the Titans is discovered, killing individuals is meaningless, since new ones are constantly appearing.

    These deadly excursions occasionally yield some useful information about the Titans, but this is a rarity, especially at the start of the series. 

  • The Tsumegeri Guards Take A Fatal Power-Up In 'One Piece' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#6) The Tsumegeri Guards Take A Fatal Power-Up In 'One Piece'

    Hero Water is the perfect ingredient for anyone looking to become a human sacrifice. This dangerous substance gives users superhuman strength, but also kills them within five minutes of consumption.

    While this sounds like a terrible trade-off, the Tsumegeri Guards seem to disagree, as they happily drink Hero Water in an attempt to take down the all-powerful Crocodile.

    Their plan might have worked if Crocodile was actually willing to take them on, but instead, he simply avoids their attacks. After five minutes passed, all the guards drop dead, and Crocodile continues on his merry way. 

  • Kazuma Saves A Girl From A Slow-Moving Tractor In 'KonoSuba' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#7) Kazuma Saves A Girl From A Slow-Moving Tractor In 'KonoSuba'

    This sacrifice takes the cake for being the most humiliating and pointless death ever. While walking outside, Kazuma mistakenly thinks a truck is going to run over a girl on the street. But in the next scene, it is revealed that the girl was never in danger since the "truck" was actually a slow-moving tractor that was going to stop anyway. Instead of dying because he heroically pushed a girl out of harm's way, Kazuma died out of pure shock and fear. Apparently, he even wet his pants. Poor Kazuma.

  • Apocalymon Fails To End The World In 'Digimon Adventure' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#8) Apocalymon Fails To End The World In 'Digimon Adventure'

    The final conflict of Digimon Adventure is resolved after the main villain makes an utterly pointless sacrifice. Apocalymon, the final boss of the series, decides to take out both the Real World and the Digital World with an explosive attack called Total Annihilation.

    The explosion is largely contained by the children's Digivices, and so Apocalymon only succeeds in killing himself. 

  • Nuriko Used Up All His Strength To Move A Boulder In 'Fushigi Yuugi' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#9) Nuriko Used Up All His Strength To Move A Boulder In 'Fushigi Yuugi'

    Nuriko's death is one of the most painful moments of Fushigi Yuugi, in part because it feels totally avoidable. Nuriko is severely injured during a battle with Ashitare, a member of the Seiryuu seven, but manages to take the villain down. 

    Rather than waiting for Mitsukake to come heal his injuries, Nuriko uses his remaining strength to move a boulder and unblock the cave he's in. He's already out of danger, but decides pushing this rock is more important than his survival. 

    His death might have been a noble sacrifice if the boulder had been fully blocking his comrades' path, but it wasn't. They could easily have walked around the boulder, but Nuriko was perhaps in too much pain to realize this. He tried his best, but ultimately his sacrifice was completely uncalled for.

  • Kōsetsu Urabe Doesn't Realize His Opponent Can Stop Time In 'Code Geass' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#10) Kōsetsu Urabe Doesn't Realize His Opponent Can Stop Time In 'Code Geass'

    In an effort to take down the seemingly invincible Rolo Lamperouge, Kōsetsu Urabe decides to make his Knightmare Frame self-destruct. The mecha's explosion kills Urabe, but it doesn't put a dent in his adversary.

    Unbeknownst to Urabe, his opponent possesses the ability to stop time, so he has no trouble escaping the explosion. Urabe's sacrifice wasn't totally in vain, since it allowed Lelouch and Kallen to get away, but it didn't yield the result he was aiming for. 

  • The X-Laws Die To Reveal Readily Available Information In 'Shaman King' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#11) The X-Laws Die To Reveal Readily Available Information In 'Shaman King'

    The X-Laws' sole mission is to bring down Hao. They're willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, which leads to some totally unnecessary sacrifices.

    Three unnamed members of the X-Laws die in an effort to reveal Hao's weakness via combat. After slaughtering the X-Laws with little difficulty, Hao announces his weakness to everyone in earshot, then goes on to mock the group's sacrifice. 

  • Vanessa Rene Dies Protecting An Invulnerable Woman In 'Madlax' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#12) Vanessa Rene Dies Protecting An Invulnerable Woman In 'Madlax'

    If you're going to sacrifice your life for someone, you should first make sure they can actually feel pain. When a talented sniper takes aim at Madlax, Vanessa, the hero's lover, dives in front of the bullet without a second thought.

    Vanessa dies from the resulting injuries, which is a shame, as Madlax would have been totally fine. 

    Thanks to her recently awakened supernatural abilities, Madlax is basically invulnerable, so there's no reason she couldn't have taken a bullet. Vanessa's sacrifice only causes her partner emotional pain. 

  • Hachiman Hikigaya Acts Like A Martyr In 'My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#13) Hachiman Hikigaya Acts Like A Martyr In 'My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU'

    The main theme of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU is unnecessary sacrifice. Hachiman Hikigaya manipulates social situations so other people think of him as the bad guy. No one asks him to do this, he just thinks it's the right thing to do. 

    According to Hikigaya's logic, if everyone rallies against him, their unity will be worth his personal unhappiness. So long as his peers are happy, he's willing to become a social pariah.

    Thanks to his low self-esteem, Hikigaya doesn't realize other people genuinely care about him, and feel sad when he hurts himself. Because of this, his efforts backfire whenever he tries to sacrifice himself. 

  • Weiss Winterprison's Sacrifice Is Undesired In 'Magical Girl Raising Project' on Random Anime Sacrifices That Were Done In Vain

    (#14) Weiss Winterprison's Sacrifice Is Undesired In 'Magical Girl Raising Project'

    In the midst of a dangerous battle, Weiss Winterprison sacrifices herself so her girlfriend can have a chance to escape. Although Nana does manage to get away, Weiss's sacrifice ends up doing more harm than good. 

    Nana doesn't want to live in a world without Weiss, and soon hangs herself with a scarf her late girlfriend had given her. 

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About This Tool

To sacrifice one’s life or interests for a just cause, as in sacrificing one’s leisure time for one’s country. Anime there will always be some of our favorite characters die, these characters are often for the sake of others to die, every time I think of the time all the heart! These animation world men until the last moment did not fall down, not a scar on the back (in the face of the enemy has never escaped) , he used death to open the door to a new world.

This random generator collates 14 entries, recording some of the more classic scenes of sacrifice in anime. Deidara, vegetable a, Yusuke Urameshi and others died for love, for battle, for family, and for friendship. Do you remember the scene where they die? WHO’s death touched you the most?

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