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  • Subaru Rejects Rem And Chooses Emilia In 'Re:Zero' on Random Anime Characters Who Ended Up With The Wrong Person

    (#9) Subaru Rejects Rem And Chooses Emilia In 'Re:Zero'

    When Season 1 Episode 18 of Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- aired, fans were split over Subaru's rejection of Rem. Although Emilia isn't a bad choice at all for Subaru, Rem won many fans' hearts with her kindness and devotion to Subaru. Plus, it didn't help that Subaru's rejection of Rem was quite painful to watch. Subaru did the right thing in being honest with her, but her reaction broke our hearts. She simply smiled and accepted his rejection with class and grace. 

    While some fans think Emilia is the better choice for Subaru, others debate that Rem would suit him more. It's a controversial ship war that stirs a lot of debate among Re:ZERO fans.

  • Ichigo Kurosaki on Random Anime Characters Who Ended Up With The Wrong Person

    (#10) Ichigo Kurosaki

    • Bleach

    Who Ichigo should have ended up with remains one of the most controversial topics in Bleach fandom. Ultimately, he ends up settling down with Orihime instead of Rukia. Unfortunately for the animators, the Ichigo-Rukia fandom makes plenty of good points in that pair's favor. 

    While Ichigo and Orihime care for each other, their relationship has some issues. For most of the series, Ichigo never appears interested in Orihime outside of needing to rescue her. Orihime isn't exactly weak, but her personality is a bit more subservient and uncertain than Rukia's, which creates an uneven dynamic. Her view of Ichigo is romanticized and unrealistic. 

    Rukia and Ichigo, meanwhile, act like equals who trust each other. She completely changes his life by granting him powers in the first place, and the two form a tight bond built on mutual respect (and some well-meaning bickering) from there. Which dynamic you prefer is largely a matter of personal choice, but Ichigo's relationship with Rukia is undeniably more grounded and realistic.

  • Kayo Hinazuki Never Gets A Chance To Be With The Right Person In 'ERASED' on Random Anime Characters Who Ended Up With The Wrong Person

    (#5) Kayo Hinazuki Never Gets A Chance To Be With The Right Person In 'ERASED'

    There's nothing especially wrong with Kayo Hinazuki's ultimate relationship, which is with Hiromi Sugita, a childhood friend who has always been sweet to her. The problem isn't Hiromi or the dynamic between Kayo and Hiromi. The problem is that the entire series builds up to a relationship between Kayo and Satoru Fujinuma, the protagonist.

    Satoru goes back in time to stop Kayo from being slain by an unknown maniac who turns out to be their teacher. Over the course of his repeated attempts to rescue her, the two develop a genuinely meaningful bond. His final try is successful, but it ends in Satoru being severely harmed and entering a coma. He spends the next 13 years on life support, and by the time he wakes up, Kayo is already married. He's happy to see her happy, but the missed opportunity for these two still stings. 

  • Rin Kaga on Random Anime Characters Who Ended Up With The Wrong Person

    (#2) Rin Kaga

    • Bunny Drop

    When Rin Kaga and Daikichi Kawachi first start getting to know each other, Rin has recently lost her father, and Daikichi, her father's adult grandson, decides to adopt her. Nothing about this scenario sounds even remotely romantic, so when the Bunny Drop manga turned the father-daughter duo into an official couple, some readers voiced their displeasure. At first, Daikichi rejects the 16-year-old Rin's request to get married and have children, but as soon as they learn they aren't biologically related, he changes his mind.

    Who else could Daikichi have dated? Well, he tries to get into a relationship with a woman named Yukari, but she rejects him because her teenage son isn't into the idea of her being in a relationship. In another creator's hands, Yukari might not have rejected him and could have had a heart-to-heart talk with her son. Or, Daikichi could date literally anyone else in the world besides the teenage girl this now 40-year-old man has raised over 10 years. 

  • Sailor Moon on Random Anime Characters Who Ended Up With The Wrong Person

    (#16) Sailor Moon

    • Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie, Sailor Moon S the Movie, Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose, Sailor Moon

    Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba might be star-crossed lovers whose relationship goes beyond space and time, but fate is no excuse for bad behavior. Actually, their relationship kind of sucks. When the couple first meets, Usagi is a 14-year-old middle schooler, and Mamoru is a 17-year-old college student. He constantly makes fun of her appearance, her eating habits, and anything else he deems worthy of derision. Usagi gets her own jabs in too, but that doesn't exactly make the relationship healthier. 

    Things get worse from there. In Sailor Moon R, Mamoru breaks up with her because of a prophetic dream where she perishes as a result of their relationship. Fair enough, but he never tells her what's going on - instead, he lies and says he never loved her, breaking her heart for no reason. Then, it turns out the future Mamoru sent the dreams to his past self in order to test the relationship. Basically, he just messes with the teenage version of the woman he allegedly loves. 

    After a brief liaison that ensures Chibiusa's existence, the two should really have parted ways. Given the way Usagi drools over Haruka, it's clear that she isn't entirely straight; she could have dated literally any one of her fellow Sailor Scouts, an experience that would be better for both her and the viewer. At least the Scouts are friendly to each other.

  • Kyousuke Kousaka Has Options Besides His Sister In 'My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute' on Random Anime Characters Who Ended Up With The Wrong Person

    (#1) Kyousuke Kousaka Has Options Besides His Sister In 'My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute'

    Kyousuke Kousaka has multiple romantic options, but he chooses to pursue his sister, Kirino, instead. The two even have a wedding - not a real one, since siblings can't legally marry, but a ceremony designed to celebrate their romantic feelings nonetheless. 

    Not only is this inherently unappealing to the majority of viewers, but it's still not a great relationship even if you are an inbreeding fan. Kirino is consistently cold and cruel to Kyousuke, showing no appreciation whatsoever for all the times he goes out of his way to help her. What's more, Kyousuke actually has a healthy relationship with Kuroneko before he randomly develops feelings for his sister, so this poor girl gets shunted to the side.

    With a title like My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, it's not like this development comes out of nowhere, but in the story itself, it feels arbitrary and unfair. 

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