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  • (#1) Two Incidents On This Water Ride At The Same Time Called For EMTs And The Fire Department

    From Redditor /u/JackOhBee:

    I was the team leader... for one of those raft water rides that sits 12 people on a giant inner tube. A child that was maybe 12 or 13 years old had a seizure while going down the final drop. Because he wasn't going to be able to get out of the vehicle, we pressed the emergency stop, which drained all of the water, and removed everyone on the ride.

    As I was waiting for the EMTs to help with the child I got a call on my radio to report to the top of the lift right away for another emergency. I ran full speed through the ride and up five stories of stairs to the top. The vehicle at the top had gone over the crest, but for some reason did not drop into the water, so the boat was literally teetering on the lift. If it had fallen, it would have been about a 10-foot drop on solid concrete.

    I had to lead my team in evacuating the entire section of the park, while EMTs treated the kid with the seizure, and the fire department came to help get these people off the ride safely - all while [I was] rocking the strongest poker face I've ever had to keep.

    The conversation with the people on the boat on the lift went something like this:

    "Is everything okay?"

    "We're just having some technical difficulties. We unfortunately need to remove everyone from the ride. Just please remain seated and we'll get you out in no time."

    "Why can't we get off now?"

    "Your boat stopped in a weird spot, so we just need to wait for someone to come tie the boat off."

    "Are we in danger?"

    "No, not at all, but for all that is holy don't bounce around too much, and please ignore the news helicopter in the sky."

  • (#2) E. Coli Ruined A Day At The Park

    From a former Redditor:

    [I] spent my high school years working at an amusement park (national chain), and I've seen some interesting things. I was a water ride operator. 

    A rather gross incident was when we had to shut down half the park due to E. coli. There were at least two solid fecal incidents a day, and I guess some must have slipped by. Water parks are disgusting. I haven't been to one since I've stopped working there.

    I also worked as a food employee there, but that's a different level of scary.

  • (#3) Things Splintered For A Guy Who Didn't Keep His Hands Inside The Coaster

    From Redditor /u/whosline07:

    I worked at a wooden roller coaster with an enclosed double helix at the end (anyone who knows roller coasters probably knows which one I'm talking about). A guy came back with a splinter spearing his hand between his thumb and forefinger. [It] was a good 6 inches long and about an inch across. He calmly walked up to the person on the floor, clutching his hand dripping blood all over, and asked if we could call first aid.

    He was a pretty tall guy, and [in] his own words, was "trying to touch the side." Not really scary, but when I saw him walking across the station dripping blood, it was for a second.

  • (#4) He Forgot To Set The Restraints

    From Redditor /u/etherama1:

    Working at an amusement park in Canada, I once let the roller coaster go without locking all of the restraints.

    Of course, the car won't even go up the first incline unless the restraints are locked. But at the time, I had no idea and thought I'd just sent six kids to their [ends].

  • (#5) Water Is Not Harmless

    From Redditor /u/B-Gerbs:

    Amusement park worker here. Though I'm a lifeguard, I'm still in the rides department (there's a water park in the amusement park I work in). I've dealt with... seizures, asthma [incidents], and various other emergencies you'd expect to see in an overcrowded water park.

    Rides are safe for the most part, but the water park is where the interesting stories come from.

  • (#6) This Kid Narrowly Escaped A Log Ride Incident

    From Redditor /u/Kimmynoodles:

    I didn't see it firsthand, but a friend of mine was working at the log flume (hopefully people know what that is), and a kid fell into the water right as one of the log carts was coming in.

    [My] friend grabbed the kid and pulled him out of the water seconds before the log came into the station and smashed him.

  • (#7) This Rider Needed A Batman Cape, Not A Hat

    From Redditor /u/Put-A-Bird-On-It:

    This guy lost his hat on the Batman ride here in California. The attendants told him he had to wait until after the rides were closed before he could get it. He didn't listen and jumped the fence.

    He couldn't find his hat and gave up, and only a few seconds later the ride flew by where he had been standing. 

  • (#8) Dangling A Leg On The Pirate Ride Was Dangerous  

    From Redditor /u/thepearsonation:

    I'm a ride operator at a local amusement park and one day I was working the pirate ship. Some idiot kid stuck his leg out of the ride as it was swinging down and got himself a 2-inch-deep cut along his thigh.

    There is a reason to keep your hands and arms inside the ride.

  • (#9) Even The Games Can Go Wrong

    From Redditor /u/BlazingCondor:

    I work at the games. We had a kid try... the hammer game. He missed, hit the ground, and had the hammer bounce back and hit him in the nose. There was blood everywhere and he nearly passed out.

    Another time, I had a co-worker fall down from one of the counters while grabbing a prize and she caught her left hand through a nail. It went all the way through, but she is okay now.

  • (#10) A Broken Coaster Led To An Extra-Long Ride

    From Redditor /u/whoseline07:

    The roller coaster next to the one I worked at was a metal one from the '80s. One day the chain broke when the train was about three-fourths of the way up. Let's just say a lift hill chain snapping in half mid-operation isn't a great sound.

    If you're wondering, the train had a fail-safe to catch itself, although the people in the train sat on the hill for about an hour and a half...

  • (#11) They Saw Lots Of Foot Injuries

    From Redditor /u/LunariH:

    I worked games, so I didn't get to see all the excitement [that] rides employees saw, but I always worked near the medical station.

    I'd see people carried along with their foot bleeding and crumpled from stepping onto the tracks and getting run over by the carts all the time.

  • (#12) A Rider Made An Embarrassing Early Exit 

    From Redditor /u/deadaim86:

    This happened a few years ago. We have this ride that's essentially a giant spinning swing set where the seats rise about 30 feet from the ground and spin for maybe three minutes.

    Just as this particular session came to an end, a teenage girl decided to exit the ride early and proceeded to fall 4 feet onto the side of her face. She was more embarrassed than hurt (which came as a surprise to me and my partner as we both watched her).

  • (#13) They Became An Unofficial Lifeguard

    From Redditor /u/quakank:

    I had to save some young kid at the wave pool. Every wave he'd vanish and then reappear gasping and waving his arms. No parents, no lifeguards.

    eSo I chucked him on my back and continued jumping each wave until it stopped and I could offload him onto a raft a few kids were using.

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About This Tool

For many people, the amusement park should be a happy and romantic paradise, but due to the potential safety hazards of some amusement rides, terrible and scary accidents in amusement parks around the world in the past few years have repeatedly made people scared and heartbroken. The amusement park is a place to create happiness, but due to many reasons such as the failure of the staff or the aging of rides, the happy smile turned into some terrible scream. 

There are indeed many accidents that occur on various amusement rides. Some employees who have witnessed the misfortune in the amusement park would share the most terrible things on social media. The random tool collected a total of 13 scary things here.

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