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  • (#1) The Legend of Zelda

    IGN released this trailer on April Fools Day a few years back and it really got a lot of praise. It's not the greatest trailer ever, but the beats that it takes are PERFECT.

    If this were a real trailer, it would be absolutely amazing. Not taking the plot of the first Zelda and mixing it up a little was a GREAT call and an even better way to form a trailer.

    Casting a guy who looks like a mix between Brad Dourif and a confused looking Chris Kattan, though? Not so great.

    They pretty much shot themselves in the foot by making Link a guy who looks like he goes to clubs and bars, but then doesn't talk to anybody.

    Either way, though, the small amounts of the Zelda theme that we get in the song really make us believe one thing, as well as remind us of the following:

    When Hollywood makes a Legend of Zelda movie, it better be f**king good. They have arguably the best storyline in video game history, one of the greatest themes to ever grace ANY media and an underdog protagonist that will stop at nothing to overcome impossible odds. If you screw that up, I say we all never watch a movie ever again.

    Personally, I treat the idea of whoever ends up making the Legend of Zelda movie like I will treat the idea of whoever ends up marrying my daughter. They better f**king do it right, or they dun goofed.
  • (#2) Pac-Man

    • 1980

    The hardest part of just about any video game fan trailer (or even for for any video game movie) is the concept. How do you make something into a story, a meaningful, entertaining film, while still keeping elements of what made a point-based cartoon/animated game popular? Even though they might not look as awesome as some of the trailers on page 2 or 3, these two Pac-Man trailers take the concept of the game, makes it insanely appropriate and do it in a way that makes us actually kind of want to watch the movie (which is the whole point of a trailer, isn't it?)

    This Pac-Man trailer achieves that and more. It turns it into a psychological thriller where a man must eat a series of pellets, and keep doing so or his head will explode. The side effects of the pills come when the man is on them, and he can't take them head on, but instead must run intelligently through the world avoiding them.

    BONUS TRAILER (click here)
    Here's a lower budget, but equally awesome trailer for a Pac-Man where the whole world has gone to crap because of what news reports call "Ghost Attacks". One man dresses up like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill and takes them on in awesome ways.

    Great allusions: cherries, the soundtrack (brilliant, you don't realize it's Pac-Man til the end), and the fact that the guy is wearing a yellow helmet the whole time.

    It's a toss up between these two, so you decide. Which one do YOU like more? Either way, they both belong on this item on this list.
  • (#3) BioShock

    • 2007

    It's insane how many Bioshock movie fan trailers are out there, and how many of them are EXACTLY the same.

    This one's slightly different, though, and therefore almost better right off the bat.

    This one actually goes as far to show the plane before it crashes, as well as shows the crash (scenes from Castaway, we think). It then goes into the same voice over anyone who's EVER made a fake Bioshock trailer of ANY kind uses, but then goes on to include some really great underwater scenes, as well as scenes of torture, fear and intermixed Little Sister dialogue that makes this trailer effectively creepy.

    Well done.
  • (#4) Metroid Prime

    • 2002

    This Metroid Prime trailer comes into its own during the establishing shots of the "film".

    A lot of the best parts of this trailer that really make you feel like you might be watching a Metroid movie come in the shots that let you know where you are.

    Then a woman's voice comes on screen... it's Samus. They take a cheesy looking shot/scene from the Metroid Prime live-action commercial and really make you feel like this film will be character driven, which really would be GREAT for a Metroid movie.

    Although, it'd be pretty great if they could accentuate the feminism of it and pull the surprise on the audience, or at least on some characters, that we all got when we played the first game.

    Have her kicking ass and taking names (but no prisoners) and then finally when everything dies down, she takes off her helmet and *gasp* GENDER STEREOTYPES ARE SHATTERED!
  • (#5) Microsoft Minesweeper

    • 2008

    Once again bring a simple-concept game into reality, this trailer basically makes minesweeper into Saving Private Ryan. This makes perfect sense, and it's actually kind of surprising that Hollywood hasn't done this yet (they ARE making a Monopoly movie AND a Bazooka Joe movie).

    This trailer, and would-be movie, focuses on a small team of minesweepers who treat it like a game, even though it's a job.

    There's one guy who's great, but we see many people get blown up, falling into the many traps and patterns we all have while sitting at a work computer or someone else's computer with absolutely nothing to do.

    Most genius part of the trailer "c'mon, it's never the first one" *BLAM*
  • (#6) Halo: Combat Evolved

    • 2001

    This was kind of a no-brainer, Halo WAS almost a movie. Halo was almost a movie made by PETER JACKSON. Halo also has some GREAT live-action trailers for their games that this particular person used to intersplice with what they shot.

    This would probably be an unbelievably epic beginning to a Halo movie.

    It's a series of old soldiers recalling the Halo war and why they made it through. They look back and they remember that they made it because of Master Chief.

    A documentarian takes these old UNSC soldiers through a museum, recalling the wars as they told stories of how they made it through.

    They all had one thing to say: Chief.

    This trailer not only makes you want to see the movie TONIGHT, but shows you how great of a character Master Chief can be. He doesn't have to be that 3 dimensional because the reason people love him is because he's an ideal, he's a hero and he's the person that everyone needs, even if they don't know they do at the time.
  • (#7) God of War

    • 2005

    What if Wes Andersen took the concept of one of the most outcast, daddy-issued characters in video game history and made a movie of the human version of him, with all the quirk we all love (and sometimes hate) in an indie comedy?

    This video is your answer.

    Hit the jump for the video itself. Many of us don't go out to see many of these indie dramedies anymore, cause really we've seen them all. But this is something we'd legitimately like to see finished.

    The quirk of the movie lies in the idea that the fact that they're all Gods is a metaphor. Any weirdness, quirkyness or innate character flaws of any of the people in this movie come from the fact that they are just that type of God and that is their personality.

    It speaks wonders of the human condition and volumes of the people who made it. Sure, a REAL God of War movie would be great, but making it unlike Clash of the Titans and meaningful is not exactly something we'd trust Hollywood with. So, we should probably have this movie instead.
  • (#8) Paperboy

    • 1984

    You've always had to wonder, if you sit around all week overanalyzing video games like we do, why the hell did that Paperboy need that paper route THIS bad?

    Was it an abuse mother? Was it an abusive father? Obviously this poor kid has SOME serious trouble at home, so much that he would rather be out doing a paper route where dogs, bicycles and ENTIRE TORNADOES would attack him than stay home and just be a kid.

    His family might've also had money problems, which sucks for Paperboy because when he loses in the game and you get the "Paperboy Calls It Quits" screen, it means that the kid has given up on life. No more. No more eating, no more paying water/utilities.

    He's done.

    This film captures this torture a little bit, but would be much better if the voice over artists took themselves a LITTLE more seriously. This would be way up the list if they had.
  • (#9) Portal

    • 2007

    Portal = Cube/Hypercube. Duh.

    Remember when Portal first came out? How did you describe it to people?

    The smartest way to describe it was basically "it's like Cube, the game". In case you didn't see "Cube", here's the synopsis

    CUBE (1997)
    7 complete strangers of widely varying personality characteristics are involuntarily placed in an endless kafkaesque maze containing deadly traps.

    The only difference between Cube and Portal is that you seem to be voluntary at first in Portal, you're one person and you have what is arguably the coolest gun in the world.

    Trailer uses GLADoS BRILLIANTLY, as well as uses the right clips from Cube to really make it seem as desperate, frustrating and clausterphobic as a Portal movie really would be.
  • (#10) Tetris

    This TETRIS trailer has really made its rounds on the internet for the past few years, but the reason it's on this list isn't because it's simply memorable or because it's relatively well-made (all hail green screen).

    It's because it's cheesy, it's 90's and completely ridiculous. Stretching reality and throwing around a concept like they do in this trailer is EXACTLY the type of crap they would pull if it were 1992 and a studio was forced to make a Tetris movie.

    Look at the Super Marios Bros. movie, they didn't even TRY. Everything was a huuuuuuuuuge stretch of the imagination to even get into, the situations were cliched and the acting was corny.

    This trailer not only brings all that 90's B-Movie wonder back to a new millenium, but brings it into a game even your grandma knows and loves.

    The villain in this trailer is another fine example of the 90's cheesiness this trailer takes and makes its own. Absolutely wonderful.
  • (#11) Monkey Island

    One of the best gaming/media experiences ever, as well as one of the most fantastic comedic achievements in video game history get their own trailer in this fan-splice of Monkey Island using Guybrush Threepwood's voice and scenes from Pirates of the Caribbean.

    The first 30 seconds of this trailer are cut BEAUTIFULLY.

    Recently, a piece was written on the California Literary Review about how Monkey Island 2 is not only a great gaming experience, but is a must-play for any would-be storyteller. He even went on to say that the writers of Pirates of the Caribbean stole quite a bit from the story.

    One of the writers of Pirates of the Caribbean ended up commenting on the piece, saying that what they wrote was yellow journalism, wrong and misinformed.

    Word from the original game developer came in a little later and it actually turns out that before the guy who wrote Pirates of the Caribbean wrote Pirates of the Caribbean, he wrote... guess what... a draft for a Monkey Island movie, which was incredibly similar to his Pirates draft.

    THIS, friends, is what makes this particular fan trailer one of the most apt, appropriate and awesome
  • Super Mario Kart on Random Actually Amazing Video Game Movie Fan Trailers

    (#12) Super Mario Kart

    • 1992

    Making a movie of just about ANY Mario character would be damned near impossible (see: 1993), so this particular trailer isn't here because it's the greatest trailer in the world.

    It's here because it takes an absolutely ridiculously stupid concept for a film (films contain STORY, NARRATIVE), but because of the credits in the rollcall at the end.

    This movie uses parts of the Mario Bros movie starring Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo, as well as scenes from Peter Jackson's King Kong for Donkey Kong, and scenes from Mario Bros. for Yoshi and makes a really stupid (yet realistic... THIS is how this movie would be, so let's hope this never happens) trailer for a really stupid movie. And it's hilarious.

    The last character on the roll calls in the credits at the end of the trailer = why this is on this list. Watch it all, though. Earn it. Enjoy.

  • (#13) Mega Man

    Personally, I've never cared to see a Mega Man movie for the same reason I thought that seeing an Astro Boy movie was going to be redundant: we've kinda covered the whole Robot-to-Human thing, haven't we?

    But with the barrage of not only memorable characters in this trailer, as well as the plot to do something with a purpose, this trailer makes it feel like the first of a series of films, and not so much a whole film. Some GREAT film franchises start like that, though, and we would 100% see this in theatres (if it had better production value). The concept is there, but the execution leaves something to be desired in its value, but who has enough money to do this right (that would actually want to)?

    The amount of characters they squeeze in here are ridiculous.

    I mean hey, at least the guy playing Mega Man was also REALLY REALLY convincing.

    At least he didn't look like this guy.
  • (#14) Mario Paint

    • 1992

    What was Mario Paint, but a desperate attempt at creativity blocked by your own abilities at the time?

    This is the story of the Mario character in this fan-made Mario Paint trailer where a man struggles with creativity, different painting styles and a rough inner-torture only to create an amazing piece of art that features Mario.

    Mario Paint really wasn't about anything, and this film would most likely be a short were it ever made, but the take on Mario (from Mario Paint) here as a character who enjoys art for art's sake would mean that he would be as much of a diva and as much of a tortured artists as the man in this trailer.

    This trailer makes Mario Paint REAL and it shows what would happen if you took the character with the purpose he has in this game... OUT of the game.

    C'mon, I mean, how many Italian people who are painters for a living do you know who aren't like this?

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About This Tool

With the development of production technology, many video game trailers are excellent, such as "Dead Island", and some are even more attractive than the game itself. Only the trailer is good enough to attract the audience, and the production and distribution of video games can have greater value. The importance of video game movie trailers in the overall marketing strategy is also increasing.

The random tool shows 14 amazing video game movie trailers, although the trailers do not contain all the scenes in the game, people will get a good understanding of the actual situation of the game equipment and story after watching.

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