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  • The Guy Oblivious to How Much Noise He's Making on Random Worst People on Planes

    (#5) The Guy Oblivious to How Much Noise He's Making

    We've all been there: You're patiently waiting at an airport gate, and you hear the shrill shriek of a phone ring. A few seconds later, you hear another ring, a different one, just as loud. In horror and bewilderment, you notice that the guy a few seats down is using his precious time to try out every ringer on his cell phone... Is this really happening? Are you taking crazy pills? Well, multiply this annoyance by 10,000 when you're gliding through the air in an aluminum tube with no way to escape. Hey, noisy guy: you're selfish and rude.
  • The Person Who Didn't Get Upgraded on Random Worst People on Planes

    (#19) The Person Who Didn't Get Upgraded

    Dealing with annoying people on a plane is a given, but hearing someone complain about sitting in economy because they didn't get an upgrade just makes it worse for everybody sitting in economy. Oh, and it instantly makes that whiner the least popular person in a five-row radius.
  • The Person With The Smelly Food on Random Worst People on Planes

    (#12) The Person With The Smelly Food

    Smelly food is gross anywhere. Within the controlled cabin pressure on a plane, it only compounds matters.
  • The Obnoxious Frequent Flyer on Random Worst People on Planes

    (#17) The Obnoxious Frequent Flyer

    Hearing someone behave like an entitled brat because of his or her frequent flyer status - of all things - is as annoying as any other item on this list. This one gets under your skin because it's likely the frequent flyer doesn't even pay his own way - his company does. That doesn't make him more important; it makes him insufferable.
  • The CEO with the Cell Phone on Random Worst People on Planes

    (#13) The CEO with the Cell Phone

    This traveler thinks he's Donald Trump and can't afford to miss his business call or else a huge deal with fall through. You can't wait til you land, buddy? Or better yet, you can't use the in-flight WiFi and conduct this emergency transaction through e-mail like the rest of the developed world?
  • The Chatty Cathy on Random Worst People on Planes

    (#8) The Chatty Cathy

    Sometimes (most of the time), you just want some peace and quiet on your flight. This traveler doesn't seem to get the hint, even when you have your eyes on your book, your headphones in your ears, and your head on your pillow.

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About This Tool

Nowadays, the airplane is a very common way of transportation. Most passengers think that people will behave well during the flight. However, there are still some bad passenger's behaviors that annoy other people. Plane forces us to have close contact with strangers, people with different cultural backgrounds share the space. Passengers should learn to restrain their behavior and tolerate each other.

Although many bad behaviors can be forgiven, we hope everyone knows some simple rules so that we can make our journey better. The generator introduces 26 bad things you won't want other people to do, such as the stinker, the seat-kicker, and more worst people on planes.

Our data comes from Ranker, If you want to participate in the ranking of items displayed on this page, please click here.

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