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  • A Yawning Dog Is A Stressed Dog on Random Animal Behaviors We Think Are Cute But Actually Signal Danger

    (#2) A Yawning Dog Is A Stressed Dog

    We humans tend to yawn when we're tired, or when we're just not getting enough oxygen. And while dogs can yawn for those same reasons, it often means something else entirely. Dogs often yawn when they're stressed out or nervous. For example, if you and your dog are playing a game, and your dog isn't enjoying it anymore, they might yawn to try to give themselves a break or calm down. Dogs also sometimes yawn out of nervousness or fear, such as when they know they're going to see the vet. If you notice that your dog is yawning a lot, try changing something about their environment, or your expectations of them. If that's impossible, such as when at the vet, give them lots of love - or even just give them some space.

  • Margay Cats Hunt Monkeys By Imitating Their Babies on Random Animal Behaviors We Think Are Cute But Actually Signal Danger

    (#5) Margay Cats Hunt Monkeys By Imitating Their Babies

    Hardly anything in the world is cuter than the sounds a baby makes. While humans are probably most moved by the coos made by babies of our own species, we can definitely appreciate the cute noises made by other babies, including baby monkeys. But what isn't so cute is when that sound is actually being made by a margay, a jungle cat native to South and Central America. Margays imitate the cries of baby monkeys in order to lure their parents out to be eaten alive. While the imitation is reportedly poor, it's still enough to arouse the adult monkey's concern and curiosity. Researchers believe that margays pass this technique onto their offspring, which makes it a learned behavior. Hopefully they won't start imitating human babies next.

  • A Cat's Purr Could Indicate A Problem on Random Animal Behaviors We Think Are Cute But Actually Signal Danger

    (#9) A Cat's Purr Could Indicate A Problem

    Purring, or the adorable rumbling noise that cats emit from time to time, is believed to be the ultimate indicator of feline happiness. This isn't exactly untrue, but it's still missing the mark. Cats purr when they're happy, yes, but they also purr when they're sick, injured, or upset. Rather than indicating a particular state of being, purring means don't leave. This could be because they want you to keep petting them, but it could also mean that they need your help. Some studies have indicated that purring can increase bone density and promote healing, so while purring can point to a problem, it can also be a mechanism for solving it. That said, if your cat is sick or hurt, please get it appropriate veterinary care - purring is not a replacement.

  • Dogs Will Press Their Heads Against The Wall - And It's Not As Cute As It Looks on Random Animal Behaviors We Think Are Cute But Actually Signal Danger

    (#4) Dogs Will Press Their Heads Against The Wall - And It's Not As Cute As It Looks

    Have you ever seen a dog pressing its head against a wall or other surface? This strange behavior might seem endearing, but if you catch your dog doing it, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. Head pressing can indicate a number of different medical issues including a damaged nervous system, metabolic disorders, prosencephalon disease, tumors, infections, lead poisoning, and head trauma. While head pressing can appear as a standalone symptom, it may be accompanied by other issues, which vary wildly depending on the cause.

  • A Dog's 'Smile' Is More Complicated Than It Appears on Random Animal Behaviors We Think Are Cute But Actually Signal Danger

    (#7) A Dog's 'Smile' Is More Complicated Than It Appears

    Humans typically think of smiling as an indicator of happiness. For dogs, however, an apparent "smile" can have a wide variety of meanings. Dogs sometimes retract the corners of their mouths to show submission or nervousness. If your dog seems to be grinning at you, it may just mean that they respect you enough to obey you, and that they want you to know that. However, if your dog's teeth are bared, or if the "smile" is accompanied by any kind of snarling, this is a sign that they might be preparing to attack. 

    That said, dogs do sometimes smile to show happiness. Humans tend to find submissive smiles adorable, so they reward the dogs with petting and belly rubs, thus creating an association between smiling and positive attention. This means that a smiling dog might actually be happy because they've learned that doing so results in some love from their human.

  • A Parrot's Vocalizations Could Be A Sign Of Stress on Random Animal Behaviors We Think Are Cute But Actually Signal Danger

    (#8) A Parrot's Vocalizations Could Be A Sign Of Stress

    Many species of birds, including parakeets, cockatoos, and parrots, spend a large portion of their day squeaking, squawking, talking, and screaming. While these vocalizations, particularly those involving human-like speech, can be delightful to bird owners, excessive noises can be a sign of stress. If you find that your pet bird is incessantly talkative, try decreasing common causes of stress like excessive light or noise, loneliness, or boredom. 

    If it isn't stress that's causing excessive vocalization, it could be that you're inadvertently rewarding your pet for the action. Parrots and other similar birds actually enjoy being reprimanded, because it's a form of stimulation, so the best thing to do if you want to decrease screaming is just leave them alone. If none of the above works, check in with your vet.

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Most people think that large carnivores such as tigers, lions, and crocodiles are very dangerous, humans and other species easily suffer their attacks. In fact, except for these fierce animals that we are familiar with, some cute animals that seem harmless are also particularly dangerous. Such as elephants, margay cats, which indeed have cute and friendly faces, but these animals also have fierce aggressive behavior, don’t be deceived by their appearance.

Here the random tool introduced 10 cute animal behaviors, but they are actually a signal danger, it is necessary to learn more about these typical behaviors for people who plan to raise a pet, such as a cat or a dog.

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