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  • (#1) Whose Diary?

    From Redditor /u/GrapeyGuy1

    She never knew who Anne Frank was. We’re both 32. We were talking about going to Amsterdam for a weekend away when this was all over. She doesn’t smoke, so I was explaining that it’s a beautiful city, red-light district is a surreal experience to walk through, and we can go visit Anne Frank's place.

    Her - “Who?”

    Me - “Anne Frank...”

    Her - “Who’s that?”

    Me - “You know, Anne Frank”

    Her - “Never heard of her”

    Me - “You’re kidding, right?”

    Her - “No, who is she?”

    Me - “How have you got to this stage of your life and never heard about Anne Frank?”

    I explained who she was, showed her on Google, etc., thinking she’d click on and go, “Ooooh, her,” but nope. Never heard of her before. We learn about her in school, too, in the U.K.

  • (#2) Better Than Leaving Them On The Floor

    From Redditor /u/WetWristWilson

    That he eats his toenail clippings.

  • (#3) Nutella And Pickles

    From Redditor /u/expenzive

    She likes to eat Nutella with pickles. Like, she just stuffs the pickles down the glass and scoops out as much Nutella as possible, then she just munches the whole pickle down. It's terrifying to watch.

  • (#4) Sky Flyers

    From Redditor /u/kicha30

    My wife thinks people who “skydive” are flying and not falling towards earth. We were watching a movie where a bunch of people jump out of a plane with parachutes. She was surprised that they were falling towards earth. I asked her what did she thinks parachutes did. She stopped watching any movies with me.

  • (#5) Madagascar

    From Redditor /u/BreakRulesRun

    My girlfriend randomly looked up from her phone and said, "What, Madagascar is a real place? I thought it was a movie. Huh."

  • (#6) Dino Might

    From Redditor /u/The_Real_Mr_Tesla

    She didn’t know ANYTHING about dinosaurs. Total shocker, since I was obsessed with them as a kid. She was homeschooled, so she just ... never learned about them.

  • (#7) That's Not The Point

    From Redditor /u/BOOZEFARTS

    I learned that she didn’t know how to add lead to a mechanical pencil. Rather than remove the eraser and pour many leads in, she has been inserting through the tip and using them one at a time. She has a master's degree and has been doing it this way for at least 20 years.

  • (#8) Meatball Outside The School

    From Redditor /u/captaingaydar

    She thought the lyrics to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air were “shooting some meatball outside of school.”

    Assuming meatball was slang for basketball.

  • (#9) Let's Recap

    From Redditor /u/feedmeacid

    I can’t watch movies with my wife. She likes to pause it every five minutes and talk about whatever just happened. Let’s chat afterwards, eh? I’m not asking for total silence, but we can analyze and break down scenes when it’s over or if we watch it again, not on the first time though.

  • (#10) Scaredy Cat

    From Redditor /u/JustATrashBin

    He's scared of cats. It's kinda adorable when he sees a little kitten and isn't afraid of it, then its mom comes out and he runs away.

  • (#11) Cat Man Dude

    From Redditor /u/squeekycheeze

    I've caught my partner giving our cat a bubble bath and then carrying him around telling him what a fresh little cat-man-dude he is. Can't decide who is stranger in that situation.

  • (#12) Bilingual Dogs

    From Redditor /u/Kaldea

    He believes in me so much more than I believe in myself. He always, without fail, cheers me on and will do whatever he can to raise my spirits when I'm down (which has been more often than not lately).

    He is completely selfless and kind-hearted and gives all of his heart to me and our dogs.

    He remains calm under incredible pressure and is unfazed by things that cause me to crumble apart.

    He also talks to our dogs in Swedish when I'm not around and English when I am.

  • (#13) No Work Voice

    From Redditor /u/Jooosj

    My boyfriend behaves exactly the same when in work meetings with colleagues or when he’s talking to clients, as when he’s talking to me. No “work voice,” nor a very formal way of speaking. He’s just himself. And I like that.

  • (#14) Doesn't Like Onions

    From Redditor /u/LowEffortOutlaw

    GF's been working from home for nearly a month now. She can pretty much do her job in four hours when she doesn't have to deal with her coworkers, so I haven't cooked in 2 1/2 weeks. I want to cook because she doesn't put onions in anything. I think I've been going out with someone who hates onions for the last 3 1/2 years, and she's just put up with onions to humor me.

  • (#15) Try A New Barbecue Sauce

    From Redditor /u/MoveToStrike

    My wife doesn't like ribs and wings. How the f*ck did I not know this?

  • (#16) Angry Typer

    From Redditor /u/DLGroovemaster

    I learnt that my wife is an angry typer. I feel sorry for her keyboard. She is bashing it like it owes her money.

  • (#17) Video Game Addict

    From Redditor /u/ShiftyBid

    That given time, she really enjoys video games.

    For the past 10 years of our relationship, she's always said she doesn't like them. Turns out she just knows she is easily addicted to them and says they're bad in an attempt to convince herself not to play when other things need to be done.

  • (#18) The End Pieces

    From Redditor /u/DesmoLocke

    She recently offered to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a snack. I learned two things.

    She is the type of person to use the bread slices in order and not leave the two end pieces for last like I do.

    She uses the jelly first and then uses the same knife for the peanut butter. I go PB first, then J so there isn’t jelly in the PB jar. (I learned she does this because an old roommate of hers was allergic to peanut butter but would use the jelly for her toast and didn’t want to risk having a reaction.)

    I think this quarantine experience has been pretty enlightening and it’s been great so far in our case. I’ll report more discoveries as we go.

  • (#19) Every Single Day

    From Redditor /u/Ethybubs

    My girlfriend cleans the bathroom every single day.

  • (#20) Horror Fan

    From Redditor /u/tuulfit

    I have learned that my boyfriend is a night eater.

    Also, we have started watching a lot of horror movies (I hate horror movies) during the quarantine. I have learned that even though my boyfriend loves horror movies, he jumps or shouts in fear or clings to my arm every time something scary or terrible happens. It's funny and so cute.

  • (#21) How Does She Do It?

    From Redditor /u/aldz1

    That I hate the way my girlfriend closes the fridge door.

  • (#22) Anything On?

    From Redditor /u/GummiesAreAwesome

    That he can watch literally anything and everything on TV, no matter how horrible the acting is.

    I also heard him on a conference call and he sounded like a big boss man, so I was pretty impressed with that.

    And I learned that he eats popcorn in the afternoon that stinks up the house.

    I think he’s finally learned that just because I work from home doesn’t mean I don’t do actual work.

  • (#23) No Sleeping In

    From Redditor /u/caca_milis_

    That he doesn't do "sleep-ins."

    We live in the Middle East, so work is Sunday-Thursday, but he works UK days. This week, he's had Friday-Monday off work because it's Easter weekend.

    All of those days, he's been up and doing things around 7 a.m. Yesterday and this morning, I got up for work and told him he can stay in bed as he doesn't have work and there's nothing to do, but he's not into that at all.

    If roles were reversed, I'd have lounged in bed for at least an extra hour or two before getting up.

  • (#24) A New Recipe

    From Redditor /u/lenalama

    I learned that when my husband was a child, he thought it was a good idea to make eggs with chocolate chips because hey, it was a breakfast food. I also learned of his instant defeat and ultimate regret with it all.

    I could’ve lived without that knowledge, but I guess it’s better than finding out he liked it.

  • (#25) The More Things Change

    From Redditor /u/zee-ebloid

    I have learned that she is a hermit. Her life HAS NOT CHANGED.

  • (#26) More Than I Expected

    From Redditor /u/Gilamonster39

    She farts. A lot more than I expected.

  • (#27) Pure Chaos

    From Redditor /u/WeirdTemperature7

    She doesn't set up consistent formatting styles in Word documents before starting them. Her file organisation is pure chaos.

    I spent four hours last night making her PhD thesis all formatted correctly.

  • (#28) Halfway In, Halfway Out

    From Redditor /u/kirandcheese

    That he doesn't like to fully throw his dirty clothes into the laundry hamper. He will let it drape halfway.

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About This Tool

With the sudden outbreak of the epidemic and its spread across the world, people around the world have initiated a home quarantine model. With the repeal of the governments, people have to stay at home, work from home, and share all day with their families. Couples had to communicate and work face to face every day, and the students ushered in the longest vacation.

Home quarantine has changed many family relationships and also allowed more couples or partners to understand each other better than ever. The random tool weird things people have known about their partners during quarantine.

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