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  • Six Hours and 100 Pounds of Dry Ice Later... on Random Transabled People Who Actually Gave Themselves a Disability

    (#13) Six Hours and 100 Pounds of Dry Ice Later...

    Karl is quite possibly one of the most famous anonymous amputees on the Internet. In 2006, this chemistry major gave an interview to ABC News where he recounted how he had his legs surreptitiously amputated. After struggling with transablism, Karl sat in a parked car with 100 pounds of dry ice packed on his legs for six hours until his legs had passed the point of saving and doctors at his local emergency room were forced to amputate. 
  • Bobby Wants to Be Blind on Random Transabled People Who Actually Gave Themselves a Disability

    (#14) Bobby Wants to Be Blind

    "Bobby" is a guy who was born with perfect eyesight, but he always felt like he should be blind"It is difficult to explain, I have always wanted to be visually impaired. Always." To blind himself, he went so far as to start wearing glasses over contacts in order to blur his vision, a practice known to the transabled as "blindsimming." 
  • Man Wants to Have a Peg Leg on Random Transabled People Who Actually Gave Themselves a Disability

    (#12) Man Wants to Have a Peg Leg

    In the American Journal of Psychotherapy, an anonymous man admits that as far back as 1920 he was having thoughts about removing his leg so that he could don a peg leg like some of the handicapped boys in his neighborhood. As he got older he took to walking around his house on crutches, pretending to be an amputee. He described his affliction as such: "Just as a transsexual is not happy with his own body but longs to have the body of another sex, in the same way I am not happy with my present body, but long for a peg-leg."
  • 60-Year-Old Flies to Asia to Become an Amputee on Random Transabled People Who Actually Gave Themselves a Disability

    (#8) 60-Year-Old Flies to Asia to Become an Amputee

    Alex was 60 years old when he decided to have his legs amputated. After hearing of a surgeon in Asia who was willing to remove limbs for patients, Alex hopped on a plane and dropped $10,000 to become an amputee. After the surgery Alex said, "The only regret I have is that I wasn’t able to do it 30 years ago."
  • (#3) This North Carolina Woman Blinded Herself

    One of the most famous stories of someone making themselves disabled is that of Jewel Shuping, a woman who enlisted her psychologist to blind her with drain cleaner. “I really feel this is the way I was supposed to be born, that I should have been blind from birth,” Shuping told the Daily Mail. “When there’s nobody around you who feels the same way, you start to think that you’re crazy. But I don’t think I’m crazy, I just have a disorder.”

  • This Man Blames His Parent's Car for His BIID on Random Transabled People Who Actually Gave Themselves a Disability

    (#11) This Man Blames His Parent's Car for His BIID

    Sean is a guy who sometimes rolls around in a wheelchair, and other times he attaches a make shift splint to his leg when he feels like walking. He says that his obsession with being paralyzed began when he was child, sitting in the backseat of his parent's car. "When I was a kid, on long drives, I'd be sitting in the back seat of the car, looking at the scenery and imagining that my legs were paralysed. At the time, I didn't understand 'paralysis.' I thought it meant that the legs couldn't move, that they were stuck in one position, like wooden sticks coming out of one's body. And so I sat in the car, making my legs rigid (though bent at the knee), for hours on end."

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About This Tool

Most people with disabilities do not want to recall how their disability occurred, whether they were born with them or experienced accidents. However, what you never expect is that more and more people choose to be disabled. These non-disabled people call themselves transabled people. Transabled people think that one or more limbs or body functions do not belong to them, which is a mental disorder.

The media and the public cannot currently understand and correctly view those who want to become disabled, even if they know that transabled people are suffering from a physical integrity identity disorder. The random tool introduced 14 stories about transabled people.

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