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  • After Security, You Enter The 'Golden Hour' on Random Things You Need to Know Before Going Through Airport Security

    (#14) After Security, You Enter The 'Golden Hour'

    The time you're most likely to spend money at an airport is referred to as the "golden hour," and it's the 60 minutes right after you get through the security line. This is, in part, why departure times are displayed all over the place; it reassures you that you have plenty of time to waste, preferably by buying things. However, spending an extra 10 minutes in the security line stresses you out slightly more and reduces the amount of money you're likely to spend by 30%.

  • TSA Sort Of Doesn't Care About Drugs on Random Things You Need to Know Before Going Through Airport Security

    (#4) TSA Sort Of Doesn't Care About Drugs

    It is obviously not advisable to test the TSA on this matter, but the Agency's goal is security, not looking for other contraband. Technically, officers are supposed to refer anything that looks like drugs to law enforcement, but the Agency also says outright on its website that officers don't specifically look for them. And then there's the story of rapper Freddie Gibbs, who allegedly went through security with marijuana in his checked luggage, leading the inspecting officer to leave him a note that just said "C'mon, son." That said, if you do plan on sneaking weed through security, you probably shouldn't conceal it inside of a grenade.

  • It's Possible To Fly Without ID on Random Things You Need to Know Before Going Through Airport Security

    (#2) It's Possible To Fly Without ID

    Well, you can't fly without being identifiable, but you can fly if you do possess ID and just happened to leave it at home. The TSA tries to make allowances for people who forget their identification and will give you a chance to give them enough personal information to confirm who you are. They'll also ask you some additional questions and potentially screen you more than most, but if they can determine that you are who you say you are, you can still fly without your ID.

  • You Can Adopt Unwanted TSA Dogs on Random Things You Need to Know Before Going Through Airport Security

    (#13) You Can Adopt Unwanted TSA Dogs

    The TSA is always seeking people to adopt detection dogs who didn't make it through the training program, so if you want a dog that might not be housebroken and definitely can't find any bombs, give them a call. The dogs are mostly Labradors, Belgian Malinois, German Shepherds, and German Shorthaired Pointers. The adoption process is fairly involved, as the TSA seems pretty intent on making sure these dogs only go to good homes, so don't expect to be able to just drive down to San Antonio, throw some dogs in your trunk, and drive away.

  • Yawning Too Much Is Terrorist Behavior In The Eyes Of The TSA on Random Things You Need to Know Before Going Through Airport Security

    (#7) Yawning Too Much Is Terrorist Behavior In The Eyes Of The TSA

    The TSA SPOT program involves attempting to identify potential terrorists by observing passengers' behavior. If you exhibit multiple tells from the TSA's list, you might be pulled aside for additional screening. These tells include "exaggerated yawning," "widely open staring eyes," and "excessive throat clearing." The list also includes "appearing to be in disguise" and "whistling while approaching screening," so if you tend to show nonchalance in the exact same manner as a cartoon character, you may need a plan b.

  • If You're A Jerk In Line, TSA Might Treat You As A Terrorist on Random Things You Need to Know Before Going Through Airport Security

    (#6) If You're A Jerk In Line, TSA Might Treat You As A Terrorist

    The TSA's Screening Passengers by Observation Technique (SPOT) program has been pretty heavily criticized. A psychologist specializing in lie detection described the 'terrorist tells' that the TSA looks for in the process as "behaviors [that] have no established link to deception whatsoever." But whether or not they're correct to look for these behaviors, officers may come up and talk to you, usually asking something simple like "So where are you going today," and they're not really interested in your answer so much as how you answer. Traveling is exhausting, but anyone asking you questions like this in the security lines just wants to make sure you're able to respond without showing undue fear, aggression, or anything else not expected of a typical traveler.

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