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  • The Exorcist Can't Just Be A Run Of The Mill Priest on Random Things About How A Professional Exorcist Will Purge Demons From Your Body

    (#1) The Exorcist Can't Just Be A Run Of The Mill Priest

    In order to perform an exorcism, canon law dictates that the priest must be of extraordinary virtue. In addition to a strong moral character, the priest should also have read a significant amount of literature on the subject in order to learn the right words to use to cast out evil, to identify the signs of a true demonic possession, and importantly how not to get possessed themselves. Some people, like Father Gary Thomas, have even devoted their lives to studying the art of the exorcism, which is very emotionally oriented. "I’m always listening for doorways," he said in an interview with catholic.com, "so, you know, if there’s any pattern of practice with the occult or history of sexual abuse. Eighty percent of the people who come to me have been sexual abuse victims, usually as a child." He therefore is trained not only to deal with literal demons, but metaphorical ones as well.

  • Get Some Friends And Get To A Church on Random Things About How A Professional Exorcist Will Purge Demons From Your Body

    (#5) Get Some Friends And Get To A Church

    Once the possession is recognized, close friends and family are gathered and the victim is moved to a church as soon as possible. Unless the person is sick or for some reason unable to be transported, a church is the best place for an exorcism; in addition to being an overall sacred place (the "home field" essentially), the proximity to sacraments is also of significance when dealing with a malevolent force. As for those who witness the exorcism, they should be few in number, but are a necessary part of the ritual. Performing an exorcism alone can open up the priest himself to possession. If the victim is a woman, those present (except for the priest) should also be women due to the havoc that impure thoughts by witnesses could wreak if detected by the demon.

  • ...And Literally Fifty Saints on Random Things About How A Professional Exorcist Will Purge Demons From Your Body

    (#8) ...And Literally Fifty Saints

    Also called the Litany of Saints, this lengthy list of pretty much every holy power out there is sure to give the exorcist the strength that they need to rid the victim of their unholy guest. Despite the name, the litany doesn't just include saints, but also names archangels, prophets, bishops, and monks. Invoking holy powers is also an important part of confronting demons in the bible, and, in this matter especially, it's best not to stray from tradition. In addition to exorcisms, the litany is also a part of ordinations, processionals, and other special occasions when its important to have holy backup. 

  • Determine The Extent Of The Demonic Activity on Random Things About How A Professional Exorcist Will Purge Demons From Your Body

    (#4) Determine The Extent Of The Demonic Activity

    There are four ways a demon can infiltrate someone's life: an infestation, an oppression, a possession, and an integration. In an infestation, the demon latches onto an inanimate object, such as a house or a doll, which must then be exercised in a separate ritual. For an oppression, the demon latches onto a specific person, but doesn't inhabit their body; oftentimes the demon will follow them around causing misfortune and depression for the host. A possession is what people typically think of when exorcisms are mentioned, and is when a demon physically inhabits someone's body against their will. Perhaps the scariest, however, is an integration, in which a person voluntarily accepts the demon's will as their own. In this state, exorcism rarely is able to help.

  • Make Sure It's Really A Demon on Random Things About How A Professional Exorcist Will Purge Demons From Your Body

    (#2) Make Sure It's Really A Demon

    This one might just be the trickiest step, because demonic possession can present itself in a similar light as a slew of mental illnesses. Some of the telltale signs, however, according to Father Hardon, include the "ability to speak with some facility in a strange tongue or to understand it when spoken by another, the faculty of divulging future and hidden events," and "display of powers which are beyond the subject’s age and natural condition." So, while hearing voices may not be a sign that you're possessed, suddenly being able to speak Latin probably is. Additionally, beyond-normal strength and physical changes, such as suddenly having eyes like a snake, are also giveaways for demonic possession. 

  • Call For The Help Of God... on Random Things About How A Professional Exorcist Will Purge Demons From Your Body

    (#7) Call For The Help Of God...

    This part's kind of obvious, but God really is one of the most important entities in an exorcism. Not only should the exorcist be praying, but "the subject, if in good mental and physical health, should be exhorted to implore God’s help" as well.

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Exorcists are religious figures who resist demons and evil spirits in history and protect people from harm. There have been many films about "professional exorcists" in the West. Some classic exorcist-themed movies are adapted from real events in history. The most famous ones are the exorcism events that occurred in Germany and the United States. Do you believe that professional exorcists still exist?

In the Roman Catholic Church, there are many types of "exorcism" rituals, and true exorcism rituals need to strictly follow a series of procedures to get people out of the control of demons. The random tool introduced 11 things about how professional exorcists purge demons.

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