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  • Most Of The Marriages Are Girls Married To Adult Men on Random Reasons Why Idaho Lead Country In Child Brides

    (#12) Most Of The Marriages Are Girls Married To Adult Men

    Between 2000 and 2010, 77% of underage marriages occurred between young girls and older men. The advocacy group Unchained at Last makes it clear that child marriages are almost never "Romeo and Juliet" situations of teenage love.

    Instead, child marriages often endanger young girls.

  • Idaho Is Lax About Requiring Proof Of Age For Marriage  on Random Reasons Why Idaho Lead Country In Child Brides

    (#8) Idaho Is Lax About Requiring Proof Of Age For Marriage

    Idaho only requires proof of age under certain circumstances, namely when a judge requests it. Often, this only happens if the clerk has doubts about one party's age or if one person has already identified themselves as underage.

    Only 13 states have strict mandates that require proof of age for people applying for a marriage license.

  • States With Large Rural And Poor Populations Like Idaho Have Higher Rates Of Child Marriage  on Random Reasons Why Idaho Lead Country In Child Brides

    (#7) States With Large Rural And Poor Populations Like Idaho Have Higher Rates Of Child Marriage

    Although child marriage affects people from all backgrounds, it primarily affects those from rural and poor populations. There's some evidence that these communities are impacted more heavily than other communities.

    Still, UNICEF USA makes clear that we shouldn't consider child marriage to be an issue that exclusively impacts rural areas. The reality is that all communities are vulnerable to child marriage. 

  • A Bill To End Child Marriage In Idaho Was Voted Down In 2019 on Random Reasons Why Idaho Lead Country In Child Brides

    (#2) A Bill To End Child Marriage In Idaho Was Voted Down In 2019

    Representative Melissa Wintrow, a Democrat in the Idaho State Legislature, proposed a bill that would set the minimum age to marry at 16. The House, however, struck the bill down. A Republican member of the House said, "I do not think courts should be involved in marriage at all... I don’t believe there should be a license required to get married. I think two willing people should be able to go and get married."

    A Democrat countered, "When it is legal for a 30-year-old to marry a 15-year-old that is not marriage because they are not equal partners. That is institutionalized child [mistreatment]."

    The House, dominated by Republicans, struck down the bill, which one Democrat called "a great opportunity for Idaho to rid itself of an infamous statistic... that is we have the highest rate of child marriage in the United States."

  • Idaho's Lax Laws Allow People To Cross State Lines To Get Married on Random Reasons Why Idaho Lead Country In Child Brides

    (#9) Idaho's Lax Laws Allow People To Cross State Lines To Get Married

    In 2016, one father drove from Idaho to Missouri with his 16-year-old daughter to guarantee she could marry the 24-year-old who forcefully had relations with her and impregnated her.

    Missouri only requires judicial approval for those 14 or younger, whereas Idaho requires judicial approval for anyone under 16. However, the marriage is recognized as legal in Idaho.

  • Child Marriage Increases The Risk Of Spousal Aggression on Random Reasons Why Idaho Lead Country In Child Brides

    (#5) Child Marriage Increases The Risk Of Spousal Aggression

    Underage marriage increases the likelihood of spousal aggression by three times. It also doubles the likelihood of living in poverty. Girls who marry as minors are twice as likely to drop out of school, as well.


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About This Tool

Child bride has become a global issue of cross-border, cultural, religious, and moral ethics. In every region of this world, whether it is the Middle East or Latin America, Africa, and Europe, we can see child brides. However, there are many underage girls in this world who suffer from marriage prematurely. The surprising thing is that child brides are completely legal in most states in the United States, Idaho has one of the highest rates of child marriage.

Every child bride is a tragedy, and the increase in their number is intolerable. The random tool explained 12 reasons why Idaho has a long history and serious situation about child bride problem.

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