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  • (#13) Little Boy Impersonates a Conductor with a Twist

    "My friend and I were babysitting her four-year-old cousin one night, and she really believed in all that reincarnation stuff and decided to test out her theories on her little cousin.

    She began asking him questions that he didn't quite understand, but then stated simply, "What were you before you were [kid's name]?"

    He replied that he was a conductor and waved his hands in the motion that a conductor would.

    The problem with this was that this little boy was born blind.
  • (#16) Son Shares His Encounters with "the Third Kind"

    "When I was a teen, I had some nightmares (at least I really hope that they were nightmares; the event I'm describing will explain why I am unsure about that). These nightmares were broken up in weird ways, as nightmares often are, but they were of me being abducted by aliens. I always brushed them off as a product of my imagination.

    Fast-forward 11 years: I have two children. I have never and still haven't spoken about those nightmares where the children might overhear, only at home while they are gone, and only with a small, select group of people.

    Last summer, my son was four, and I started having nightmares like that again, but I wasn't telling anyone. That was in June. The nightmares hadn't stopped by mid-July. In fact, they were more frequent and longer, and I was waking up with bruises. I figured it was me thrashing about in my sleep, so I decided it was time to set up a counseling appointment.

    That night, my girlfriend and I are putting the kids in bed, and my son looks at his mom while I am standing in the doorway. I assume he didn't realize that I hadn't entirely left the room and due to the angle, he couldn't see me. Then, this conversation happens:

    Him: "Mommy, tell Daddy he'll be okay."

    Her: "What do you mean? Daddy's fine."

    Him: "But Daddy's worried that when they come in their spaceship and take him, we might not come back."

    At this point, I am starting to have an anxiety attack, but I keep listening.

    Her: "Wait, are you talking about aliens?"

    Him: "Yeah, but they like to be called planet strangers."

    Her: "Oh, is that so?"

    Him: "Uh-huh, but they said not to worry. They promised they would bring Daddy back after they brought him up in their spaceship, and that they wouldn't hurt him."

    Her: "Okay then, you sleep good, little man."

    She and I stepped into the backyard, and she was smiling thinking the whole thing was funny until she noticed that I was visibly shaken. She asked me what was wrong, and I explained that I had been having those nightmares again for over a month.

    That was the most terrifying thing a child has ever said around me ever."
  • (#17) Daughter Warns Mother about the Dark Coming Inside

    "My daughter is generally laid back and not really afraid of anything. A few years ago, when she was two, we lived in an apartment with a big patio window.

    One night, she walked up to the glass door leading out to the patio and stared motionless into the night for several minutes. Shortly after, she runs into my arms saying, "Scary. Too scary." She wouldn't let me put her down and demanded that I hold her and rock her for the next half-hour.

    Eventually, she started repeating over and over, "The dark coming inside now. The dark coming inside now."
  • (#3) Son Shares How He Would Hide His Victims

    "My son has said that when he kills someone he'll put their body on the train tracks, so no one will know they were murdered. Then, he said if anyone saw him, he'd have to put their body on the train tracks, too. He was six.

    I embrace his dark side. It'll help out a lot in the future zombie invasion."
  • (#10) Daughter Sees Little Girl in Empty Corner

    "A few years ago, I was putting my daughter to bed for the night. She was about three at the time, and she was fighting going to sleep. She asked me why she had to go to bed, and I said, "Because it is late and it's time for little girls to get a good night's rest."

    She then pointed at nothing across the room and said, "What about that little girl?"
  • (#15) Little Brother Talks about a Bunny Visitor

    "When I was about 16, my little brother, who was six at the time, started telling me about a "rabbit" who would come and visit him. I blew it off thinking it was his imagination.

    The next few days, it's all he talked about - how the rabbit would open a hole in the wall. He said he left his body and went through the hole, and the rabbit showed him places and told him things that when they got back he couldn't remember. I just told him he is probably dreaming all this up.

    Well, that night there was scratching on the wall in my room. I looked around and couldn't find anything making the noise and decided that it must be something outside or a mouse got inside the wall. It just got louder and louder until I finally got dressed and went outside. Nothing was there. I went back in my room where the scratching was still going on. I hit the wall a few times hopefully scaring away the rodent. It stopped for a few seconds and then continued. It kept going until around 3 am, and then it stopped completely.

    The next morning, we were eating breakfast, and my little brother didn't say anything about the rabbit. As glad as I was to finally not hear him talk about it, it just wasn't normal. So, I asked him, "Didn't the bunny see you last night?" Now what he said chills me even today.

    He said, "He didn't take me anywhere last night. He told me he was trying to see you, and you wouldn't let him in. He said you tried to hit him."

    After that, I started asking questions about this bunny. All I got was that he would take him places and tell him secrets. The stuff he learned he would forget when they came back. Also, the bunny wasn't just a bunny. He supposedly looked like the guy off of Donny Darko - a more realistic version, but the movie hadn't been released yet.

    The bunny finally quit coming around after another week. When he tried to get my brother to "come live with him," my brother said, "No, he wanted to stay with his mommy and daddy."

    The bunny has never been back since. Sadly, my little brother passed away 10 years later." 

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