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  • (#1) They Just Wanted To Use Their Swimming Pool For The Weekend

    From Bubbasticky:

    “Elementary school near the end of the school year. Weather report said a really hot weekend was coming up and my friends and I wanted to go swimming. I asked this unpopular girl to be my girlfriend (so my friends and I could access her pool all weekend). She's stoked.

    Swim all weekend, invite our actual female friends to join us at her place. The unpopular girl thinks she's got it made in the social shade. Negatory. Once the weekend was over, I dumped her.

    I was kind of a pr*ck as a kid. Not much better as an adult, really.”

  • (#2) It Was Almost Valentine's Day, And They Didn't Want To Get Them A Gift

    From TheTrueGentleman:

    “I broke up with an ex the night before Valentine’s Day, because I was too lazy to get her a gift. I may or may not have been an *sshole in high school.”

  • (#3) They Moved One Bus Too Many Bus Transfers Away

    From PforPanchetta511:

    “I once had an amazing girlfriend who moved 15 minutes away from where she lived. I broke up with her because I didn't want to take an extra bus.”

  • (#4) They Got Too Tan In Summer

    From paper_paws:

    “Not me, but a male friend told me he dumped his girlfriend for being too tanned. He had met her in winter and she was "sexy pale" and through the summer, she caught the sun (British summer, so not much at that) and that was cause for ending it. He admits he was a d*ck when he was younger.”

  • (#5) They Beat Them At Magic The Gathering

    From andrewsmith1986:

    “She beat me in a game of Magic the Gathering.

    I wasn't even a kid at the time, I was a junior in college.

    I don't even regret it.”

  • (#6) They Scored Too Low On The Cosmo Test

    From Tyler_no_Likey:

    "I took one of those Cosmo tests to see if she was my perfect match. I knew the test was meant for girls, but I figured what the hell. Anyway, she got a below average score and so I had to call it quits."

  • (#7) They Needed A Better Last Name

    From athennna:

    “My former roommate broke up with her boyfriend because she didn't like his last name, so she knew she would never marry him.”

  • (#8) They Ate Their Peas Wrong

    From DavenDude:

    “She ate her peas one at a time. Who does that?

    Here's what was really vexing: I saw her eat corn niblets, but she scooped them.”

  • (#9) They Loved Labyrinth

    From TinyW*ener:

    “It wasn't what pushed me over the edge, but the first time I went to her apartment and saw that she had multiple framed posters of the movie "Labyrinth" hanging from her walls, I knew it wasn't going to work out.”

  • (#10) They Didn't Understand Their Pearl Harbor Love

    From workguy:

    “Not the real reason, but as far she knows, it was. She was on the computer, and I [was] laying on the couch watching Pearl Harbor with Ben Affleck and the gang. I mention how tired I am and she suggests we head into the bedroom for some sexy time. I point out that Pearl Harbor is on, and you don't just not watch Pearl Harbor. She was p*ssed [and] gave me the ultimatum. I chose Ben and his crew.”

  • (#11) Their Taste In Music Was Awful

    From enphurgen:

    “Nickleback was her favorite band...”

  • (#12) They Loaded Their Fishing Gear In The Truck All Wrong

    From reg-o-matic:

    “We were coming back from a fishing trip on my boat. I had, sometime previously, explained to her how the fishing rods are properly stored in the back of the truck, with butt ends forward and tips pointed toward the rear, so they are less susceptible to damage. After doing it right a bunch of times, one day she was in a p*ssy mood and loaded them all mixed up with a bunch of the tips forward.


    Good fishing tackle is more important than a girlfriend who has no respect for your hobbies.”

  • (#13) Their First Crush Said Yes, So They Wanted To Get With Them

    From ice2morrow:

    “Back in high school, I told my best friend of five years (a girl) that I was in love with her, and had been for a very long time. She turned me down and friend-zoned me, so I moved on (stayed friends). A couple months later, I started dating a girl I had been trying to get with since I got denied by my best friend. We were together less than a week before my best friend basically said she might be reciprocating some of those feelings I let slip months ago. I broke up with the girl the next time I saw her. Don't know if that's shallow, but it's f*cked up - that's for sure.

    Long story short, it didn't work out with my best friend, either. We went to two separate college nearly 3,000 miles apart, that was the end of that. Also, she was a LDS, and I'm athiest... So that was bound to never work out.”

  • (#14) They Had Sweaty Palms And No Friends

    From EasyTiger20:

    “My recent relationship's demise was pretty shallow. She had a problem with sweaty palms, for one. Like, we would be laying together and there would be huge wet spots in my clothes and blankets, and I couldn't hold her hands ever. Secondly, I just lost all interest in having sex with her. She would try to initiate it and I'd be like, 'Ehh, no.' But the most shallow reason of all? She had no friends. All of her close high school friends had gone to far away colleges or just found other people to hang with. She tried to assimilate all of my friends into her life and be involved with every single facet of my existence. It was infuriating.”

  • (#15) They Said "Touche" Too Much

    From unknown:

    “I was dating a really nice guy when I was 21. We got along pretty great and he was an all around decent dude. Unfortunately, he used "touche" as his go-to response for everything. The way some people say 'yeah' or 'dude' when there's nothing to say, he said 'touche.' It drove me crazy and I decided it proved that he wasn't very smart, so I dumped him.”

  • (#16) They Used Zeros Instead Of Os In Their Texts

    From jtweezy:

    “I broke up with a girl once because she used 0's in her texts instead of o's... Like she'd text, 'h0w are y0u,' and it annoyed the sh*t out of me.”

  • (#17) They Were So Dumb They Didn't Even Know What Wi-Fi Is

    From VividLotus:

    “This wasn't the main reason (really, we just weren't that compatible or that into each other), but the final straw for me was when the guy I was dating revealed that he didn't know what wi-fi was. He was just.... Well, this is going to sound mean, but kind of dumb, and also ignorant about a lot of basic things.

    We were driving by this restaurant that had a sign that said 'free wi-fi!' and he said, 'Oh, I want to go there and try that!' I asked him what he meant, and he said, 'I think it's some kind of Middle Eastern bread, I heard it was good.'"

  • (#18) They Weren't Over Their Ex

    From fonzinator99:

    “We met online and dated for a few weeks. Despite genuinely liking her, I was only two months into getting over my ex. This led to me spending more time with my friends than her, and one day, she confronted me over the phone.

    She said that if it wasn't going to work out, we should just say so and be done with it. I thought of fighting to keep her around, but realized I'd never get this clean a getaway again if I did. So I gave in and broke up with her. It was simple and weak and I haven't talked to her since.”

  • (#19) They Hung Up On Them

    From ccnova:

    "She hung up on me.

    There is more to it than that. We were doomed and only I knew it. She was, how do I put this, bat sh*t nuts. Anyway, she had hung up on me a couple times during phone calls. [...] I told her that's just about the rudest thing a person can do, and if she ever did it again, I would break up with her. She didn't believe me.”

  • (#20) They Pretended To Like Books

    From icannevertell:

    “I met her in a bookstore, her apartment was full of books... That she apparently kept only for looks. She was nice, but pretty dumb, and just liked to look nerdy. I felt a bit deceived, broke up when I just couldn't handle it anymore. [...] I guess you could say that I judged a book by it's cover.”

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About This Tool

At the beginning of the relationship, it is always the same vigorously and sweetly, but not every relationship will have a happy ending as the fairy tales describe. Breaking up is also a hard time in life that everyone will experience, but different people have completely different attitudes towards breakups. There are countless reasons to sever the relationship on that path of love full of heartbreak and other terrible events, some of them are unacceptable.

Sometimes, a wrong move, a wrong answer, or even a sentence can cause conflict and eventually lead to a breakup. The random tool lists 20 of the most shallow reasons for breakup people have ever know.

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