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  • (#4) It's Not You, It's Your Car

    From Redditor u/lintrules:

    I got dumped because the headlights on my car didn't come on automatically when I started my car.

    I'm assuming he had other reasons, but this is what I was told. And I love laughing at it!

  • (#22) Too Good To Pass Up

    From Redditor u/gerry1doherty2:

    The girl told me she thought this boy who she had a crush on for a long time was gonna ask her out. She said this to me. Her then bf

  • (#25) I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost

    From Redditor u/thebunnyfluffer:

    He said he didn't want to see me anymore because he didn't like that I had played with a Ouija board when I was a kid.

  • (#5) Blame Voodoo

    From Redditor u/rosiedoes:

    She thought I killed her horse (it wasn't actually her horse) with voodoo (it hung itself) because I was jealous (it was a horse.)

  • (#9) Dodged A Bullet

    From Redditor u/thisguyknowswhtsup:

    Dated a chick in my early twenties, we partied a lot at the time. One night I refused to get into her car and go for the drive home since we were obliterated. She got upset, said f*** you I'll be fine on my own. Receive a call from her 36 hours later, she'd been bailed out of jail already.. "you are a f***ing a**hole, it's your fault I went to jail, I am breaking up with you." I hung up and giggled. 

  • (#10) Bad Time To Mention That

    From Redditor u/SC487:

    “I’m not ready for a relationship”. I thought it was a bad time to bring that up since we were engaged and had been together for almost 2 years.

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About This Tool

Most people would agree that there are some ways to make ending a relationship a little easier, as well as some ways that are not calm and friendly. It is better to have some thoughtful and gentle ways to solve problems in a relationship, rather than some more cruel ways of breaking up with someone, some of which can cause serious, long-term psychological harm to another person.

A cruel breakup will forever change the trajectory of a person's handling of interpersonal relationships. The random tool lists the 27 stories of people who have been dumped due to the most ridiculous reasons.

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