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  • Dr. Dolittle on Random Movies You Loved As A Child That Just Don't Hold Up

    (#13) Dr. Dolittle

    • Eddie Murphy, Ossie Davis, Oliver Platt, Peter Boyle, Richard Schiff, Kristen Wilson, Jeffrey Tambor, Kyla Pratt, Raven-Symoné, Steven Gilborn, Norm Macdonald, Albert Brooks, Chris Rock, Garry Shandling

    Back in 1998, were you laughing it up when Eddie Murphy talked to animals in the remake of Dr. Dolittle? You must have been, because the movie made over $144 million at the US box office. CGI and animatronics have improved tenfold since 1998, so this romp with the animals can't help but feel dated.

  • The Waterboy on Random Movies You Loved As A Child That Just Don't Hold Up

    (#17) The Waterboy

    • Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates, Henry Winkler, Fairuza Balk, Jerry Reed, Lawrence Gilliard, Blake Clark, Rob Schneider, Robert Kokol, Clint Howard, Al Whiting

    Adam Sandler still has his fans, despite a string of terrible comedies. Back in 1998, he was the king of the comedy box office, and his turn in The Waterboy delighted fans to the tune of $162 million. For this kind of movie to go the distance, you have to really, really love the lead actor, and judging by the performance of Sandler's latest films, maybe the public has benched him.

  • Twister on Random Movies You Loved As A Child That Just Don't Hold Up

    (#20) Twister

    • Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Cary Elwes, Jami Gertz, Lois Smith, Alan Ruck, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jeremy Davies, Todd Field, Zach Grenier, Nicholas Sadler, Abraham Benrubi, Jake Busey, Scott Thomson, Erik LaRay Harvey

    Twister is one of the first in long parade of disaster flicks that were all the rage in the pre-Y2K '90s. People talked about the spectacular special effects and that cow that gets sucked up by the tornado. Audiences will still line up for a decent disaster flick, but the Jurassic CGI in this movie just doesn't blow us away anymore.

  • (#4) Nell

    • Jodie Foster, Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson, Nick Searcy, Robin Mullins, Jeremy Davies, O'Neal Compton, Richard Libertini

    Jodie Foster has always been very choosy with her roles, so when one of her movies came out, people paid attention to the woman who played Clarice Starling in Silence of the Lambs.

    In Nell, Foster plays some kind of oddball mountain hermit who says profound things like "chicka, chicka, chickabee" and other nonsense. It might have seemed avant-garde and brave at the time, but now it just elicits giggles.

  • Alien 3 on Random Movies You Loved As A Child That Just Don't Hold Up

    (#14) Alien 3

    • Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Charles Dance, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Ralph Brown, Danny Webb, Christopher John Fields, Holt McCallany, Lance Henriksen

    Before David Fincher's morose Alien 3, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) had triumphed over the Queen Alien in Aliens and was dreaming in hypersleep alongside Newt and Hicks. In the first few minutes of Alien 3, Fincher blows those memories out the airlock by showing that Newt and Hicks died in hypersleep. Ripley becomes marooned on a desolate prison planet - inexplicably impregnated by an alien - and ends up killing herself in the depressing film's final moments. Ripley is probably the strongest female character in movie history, and Fincher has her dive into a vat of molten metal. Sound like a party you want to revisit?

  • The Blair Witch Project on Random Movies You Loved As A Child That Just Don't Hold Up

    (#7) The Blair Witch Project

    • Heather Donahue, Michael C. Williams, Joshua Leonard, Bob Griffith, Jim King, Sandra Sanchez, Ed Swanson, Patricia DeCou

    The marketing for 1999's The Blair Witch Project was genius. Since the movie used actors who were unknown, it was presented to the public as a documentary culled together from found footage after the disappearance of its participants. The public ate it up, the found-footage craze began, and people talked about how terrifying the theater experience was.

    When you watch The Blair Witch Project now, you see it for what it is: a gimmicky, not-much-going-on scarefest about young people lost in the woods with shaky cameras that builds and builds to an abrupt, unsatisfying ending... and no Blair Witch to be found.

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