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  • (#1) A Man Used A Blowtorch To Get Rid Of Spiders And Accidentally Burned His House Down

    A Tuscon, AZ, man was so panic-stricken by a spider invasion in his home that he used a blowtorch to try to get rid of them, burning his house down in the process.

    On October 16, 2017, the unidentified man was reportedly attempting to get spiders and their webs out from underneath his mobile home when he decided to use a propane blowtorch to solve the problem. The house quickly caught fire, prompting the man and an elderly woman who lived inside to flee.

    Nearly two dozen firefighters attempted to save the home, but were unable to put the fire out in time.

  • (#2) An Infestation Of Over 4,500 Brown Recluses Forced A Family To Leave Home

    In October 2014, a Missouri family was driven from their home after it was infested with between 4,500 and 6,000 Brown Recluse spiders. The family tried to solve the problem with pesticide treatments to no avail, so they packed up and abandoned their 2,400-square-foot home. 

    The Trost family purchased the home in 2007 for $450,000 and noticed a spider web during the first day in the house. Susan Trost said she attempted to clean the spiders away, but they kept coming back and forced the family to leave. They sued the previous homeowners for not disclosing the spider problem, and were awarded $472,000, although they never collected; the previous homeowners, the Gaults, had no way of paying. 

  • (#3) Memphis Homes Were Invaded By Spiders, And Residents Said It Was Like A "Horror Movie"

    Homeowners in North Memphis, TN, described a massive plague of spiders in their homes as a "horror movie." The invasion began thanks to an almost half mile-long web of what Memphis Zoo curator Steve Reichling called a natural occurrence of "harmless" spiders. Locals weren't buying it, however.

    "They're just in the air; they're flying everywhere. They all on the house, on the side of the windows," resident Debra Lewis said of the November 2015 infestation. 

    "When I got up this morning, it was like spiders all over my door; they were coming in my house," Lewis's neighbor, Frances Ward, added.

  • (#4) This Man Found A Family Of Spiders On His Living Room Wall

    In 2015, a man caught a family of spiders invading his living room on film. He posted a clip of the critters that went viral. In it, he attempts to get the creatures to flee by throwing small objects at them while they hang out behind his couch.

  • Brown Recluse Spiders Took Over A School on Random Most Horrifying Spider Infestations

    (#5) Brown Recluse Spiders Took Over A School

    In July 2015, alarmed officials at Montgomery Elementary School in Mercersburg, PA, held an emergency meeting. They decided to shut down the building after discovering an infestation of Brown Recluse spiders in "isolated areas" of the school. Brown Recluses' bites are poisonous and can eat away at skin tissue surrounding the bite area.

    The meeting included school officials, the superintendent, the school board, and the district's pest control company, and a plan was enacted to eradicate the creepy problem. The issue was apparently so bad that the pest control company proposed two extreme treatments to get rid of the spiders. 

  • False Widows Invaded Kent, England, By The Thousands on Random Most Horrifying Spider Infestations

    (#6) False Widows Invaded Kent, England, By The Thousands

    Authorities in Kent, England, issued a truly horrifying warning in November 2017 to locals after dropping temperatures lured False Widow spiders to their homes "in force." After a warm summer, these arachnids capitalized on prime breeding conditions, and "thousands" of spiders were expected to make their way into people's homes. 

    "Spiders will have fewer places to hide if you keep clutter to a minimum, so I would say keep your house tidy and vacuum regularly," pest control spokesman Rob Simpson explained. "You can spray dark corners of the home with pesticides and there's an old wives tale about placing conkers on window sills, but I'm not sure that works."

  • A Teenager Found A Massive Spider And Its Babies Hanging Out On Her Wall on Random Most Horrifying Spider Infestations

    (#7) A Teenager Found A Massive Spider And Its Babies Hanging Out On Her Wall

    A British teen joked that she wanted to burn her house down after she found a gigantic spider and its babies hanging out in a web on her bedroom wall. The Yorkshire, England, girl – named Lydia – posted photos of the terrifying scene on Twitter and said her "heart actually stopped beating" when she first happened upon the horrific spider family in August 2017.

    While some Twitter users quipped the spiders should be paying rent to live in her room, others advised that she set her house on fire. 

    "The male spiders come out the woodwork during this time of year as it is breeding season and they are searching for female spiders," pest controller Steve McGrail said. "They are actually there in the home at other times of year but they are hidden away – under the floor, in the attic, in the basement. If you find them, it’s pretty much impossible to rid your house of them."

  • (#8) A Utah Family Found Hundreds Of Spiders Inside Their Deck

    The Savage family in Midvale, UT, were terrified when they found hundreds of spiders outside their home in late 2015. Several different kinds of spiders were discovered, including Hobo, Grass, Wolf and Black Widow spiders. When they first noticed some of the arachnids, the family decided to investigate and ultimately uncovered hundreds of them inside their porch. 

    "The first day that we went out there and started actually hunting for them, we got 15 of them within an hour," Tami Savage said. The mother added there really wasn't much they could do to completely rid their deck of the horrifying problem.

    "Unless we were to seal off all the way around the deck, getting rid of the railroad ties [on the deck] will only get rid of part of the problem," she said. 

  • (#9) A Man Caught Hundreds Of Spiders Crawling Out Of His Wall

    A UK pest controller observed hundreds of spiders making a home inside of his wall and then crawling out of it – exposing their "glowing green" fangs.

    Grant Wood said he first found the spiders a year before a video of the infestation went viral, and there were around 100 discovered. They quadrupled since then, with almost 400 spiders living in his wall by 2017.

    "Most people's reaction to seeing them is, 'f*ck that,' everyone has been quite shocked by it," he said. "A lot of people can't believe they are actually a UK spider. They are like a mini-tarantula. The spiders aren't aggressive but other people have definitely been scared."

  • Spiders Infiltrated A Canadian Town And People Lost Sleep Over It on Random Most Horrifying Spider Infestations

    (#10) Spiders Infiltrated A Canadian Town And People Lost Sleep Over It

    Several families in Cape Breton, Canada, were so terrified by an October 2017 invasion of giant house spiders they couldn't sleep. Resident Dale Capstick said she discovered the spiders during the night, calling the infestation "very frightening."

    "We always see them along the baseboard, occasionally crawling up the door trim," Capstick said. The harmless spiders were also found down the road from Capstick in one of her neighbor's homes.

    "They were very, very scary," she said. "I was afraid to go to bed at night. I just hope that they're gone."

  • A Couple Was Attacked By Venomous Hobo Spiders on Random Most Horrifying Spider Infestations

    (#11) A Couple Was Attacked By Venomous Hobo Spiders

    In 2014, Bristol, UK resident Liam Forrester discovered a bite on his left arm that resulted in a deep, infected wound. After suffering the spider attack, Forrester found out the poisonous Hobo spiders had invaded his home. The arachnid epidemic was so bad that it prompted Forrester and his partner, Kirsty Garland, to consider moving out of their home and in with family.

    "They are horrible, vile things. I found one in the bath last week, and when I put a pint glass over it, its long legs just filled up the whole glass," Garland said:

    They don't seem to be scared to run at us either, they run towards us and seem very aggressive. When you corner them they rear up their legs. Their bodies are pretty much normal size but it's the legs – the front legs are the size of your hand. If we can't get rid of them I just want to move because we've got three children and I don't want them to be bitten.

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About This Tool

Local people in Australia know that apart from poisonous snakes, there are many poisonous insects to guard against. Many people know that Australia is the world of spiders. According to media reports, all spiders in Australia can eat up the entire Australian population within a year, and the total amount of food they eat far exceeds human body weight. In fact, there are a lot of reports of spider infestation disasters around the world.

Some types of spiders are social animals. If you find one of them in your home, it is very likely that your home has been invaded by spiders. The random tool introduced 11 of the scariest spider infestations ever, most of them are poisonous.

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