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  • Chichen Itza on Random Most Beautiful Staircases on Earth

    (#16) Chichen Itza

    • Yucatán, Mexico
    Built sometime between 750-900 A.D., Chichen Itza is one of the new seven wonders of the world and was the largest of the Mayan cities. This particular building is just one of many and is known as the Kukulcán pyramid.
  • Stairway to Heaven, Linzhou, China on Random Most Beautiful Staircases on Earth

    (#20) Stairway to Heaven, Linzhou, China

    This 300 ft vertigo-inducing staircase doesn't allow just anyone to climb up. Anyone with heart or lung conditions or is over 60 years old isn't allowed on the staircase. One staircase official said, "Here the wind blows and batters them, the birds fly past them, the stairs creak. It is a lot more authentic than an elevator." The reason this staircase exists? To attract more tourism.
  • Angkor Wat on Random Most Beautiful Staircases on Earth

    (#18) Angkor Wat

    • Cambodia
    This 12th century World Heritage Site's upper-level stairs are so steep that climbers often use their hands to hoist themselves up. 
  • The Guatape Rock, Colombia on Random Most Beautiful Staircases on Earth

    (#12) The Guatape Rock, Colombia

    This massive monolith is grounded just on the outskirts of Medllín, a government-made reservoir. Despite the fact that two thirds of the monolith is underground, it still stands over 200 meters high. The staircase that visitors can scale, up to the top, consists of 649 steps. Thankfully, the stairs lead up to food vendors and breathtaking 360 degree views at the top. 
  • The Cascading Universe Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Dumfries, Scotland on Random Most Beautiful Staircases on Earth

    (#10) The Cascading Universe Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Dumfries, Scotland

    The switchback steps leading into the garden represent the story of the universe and its development over billions of years. These stairs are open to the public only once a year, when Scotland's Garden Schemes raises money for Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres, in honor of garden artist Charles Jenck's late wife. 
  • Lello Bookstore, Porto, Portugal on Random Most Beautiful Staircases on Earth

    (#2) Lello Bookstore, Porto, Portugal

    Built in 1906, Lello is considered to be one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world. Lavishly ornate, it has carved, wood ceilings, a stained glass roof, and in the center of the store, a grand, red staircase that looks as if it'll swallow everything up as you descend it. The bookstore fell into great disrepair over several decades, but went through a massive renovation project in 1995 and returned to its former glory. 

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About This Tool

Life is full of creativity. Staircases are the most common thing in daily life. Whether it is residential buildings, parks, squares, and mountain roads, there are all kinds of stairs, but few people pay attention to them. Some staircases in the world are unique and beautiful designs, and art comes from life. The unique space design can even affect people's moods and experiences.

You must never imagine that an artist can turn the most inconspicuous staircase into stunning artworks. This random tool organizes the most beautiful staircases with unique creativity in the world, you could find 21 pictures and their short descriptions here.

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