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  • (#18) Lost And Found

    From Redditor u/Testimonies_Of_Time:

    I was homeless, my parents had kicked me out for using marijuana and I was sleeping in different people's places whenever I got the chance, in one of the worst and cold nights in my life I slept once again in a park(I had been used to this for a very long time in my life). up until this point she had provided to me food, warmth,love, and the occasional place to stay but I was tired of asking for help. sometimes it feels easier to suffer. I didn't tell her where I was. I just called and her and cried for a bit.i hung up and slept. I will never forget the shock of waking up in the bench to the sight of her in front of me crying. she knew my situation but never saw it. she had been looking for me at local parks in 3 in the morning and happened to find me. at that moment i just hugged her as strong as I hugged anybody in my life. it wasn't just romantic, it was everything to me.

  • (#16) Surprise!

    From Redditor u/fluffy_butternut:

    Threw me an unbelievable surprise 50th birthday party that had 75 attendees including friends from out of state and kept it a complete surprise from me. Absolutely blew me away the amount of work, months of coordination, and care that she put into it. One of the best nights of my life.

    This was just this past January. I got her a calendar with pictures of dogs pooping on it. Pretty sure we're even.

  • (#10) Say It With Pizza

    From Redditor u/AeviternalMelody:

    My gf has done plenty of things, but I'll never forget when we were having a birthday party at school and she placed down a slice of pizza in front of me. I asked her why and she said "Well it looked like they were gonna finish it soon and I didn't want you to not get any pizza"

    I could not stop smiling that day lol

  • (#1) In Sickness And In Health

    From Redditor u/ringadingdinger:

    I broke my leg 3 months into a relationship (unrelated to the relationship). My family had just left town that day. I had emergency surgery; she drove me to the surgery, picked up my meds during the surgery , picked me up when I woke up, drove me back to her place and took care of me for a month there. This included sponge baths, waking up to give me pain killers in the middle of the night so I wouldn’t wake up in agony, having food for me during the day when she went to work, and making sure I was happy overall. 4 years later and we are still together. If all that sh*t ain’t romantic, I don’t know what is.

  • (#20) Run Into His Arms

    From Redditor u/HeteroflexibleK:

    In the movie "Die Hard" a girl runs and throws herself into the arms of a guy she is meeting, who is getting off of a plane. She jumps up and into his arms. Ever since I saw that, oh so many years ago, I've wanted someone to be so thrilled to greet me that they threw themselves into my arms like that. It took me 40+ years, but it did eventually happen, and the girl had no idea it was something I'd always fantasized about. It became a thing for us - when we hadn't seen each other in a while, she'd run and just jump into my arms.

  • (#27) Thinking Of You

    From Redditor u/13mario13:

    My girlfriend recently gave me a bracelet with her initial and got another one with my initial on it.

    So, whenever I feel a bit lonely in this lockdown, I just look at it and it puts a smile on my face

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About This Tool

Love is a sweet and happy thing. Have you ever done anything romantic for your lover? There is a lyric saying: The most romantic thing I can think of is to slowly get old with you. Many people have unshakable romances. They may be eager to receive poems written by their lovers, or receive flowers or chocolates. Let's face it, men have different thinking. When it comes to romance and making them happy, they always think of sex and alcohol.

Although men and women find that romantic things are indeed different, the choices that some girls make for their loved ones are romantic and touching. The random tool lists 17 of the most romantic things women have ever done for the family.

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