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  • (#3) "Crazy Sh*t Goes Down"

    From Redditor /u/beerninja76:

    I can tell u 60% of the time it was somewhat straight up stripping and the 40 percent got pretty crazy... I was in a pretty bad place in my life back then and drugs played a big part... But to answer the question yes crazy sh*t goes down.


  • (#7) "Not For The Faint-Hearted"

    From a Redditor:

    Stripped through my years in college and over summers to raise money for schools. Honestly, what you'd expect. Some weird times were had, a lot of the women want to "service" you, which I still have no explanation for. I worked privately and had a couple "private sessions" but kept the bride to be from getting too much one on one time. I can't tell you how many times I have seen bride-to-be's asking for at the end of the night. Never followed through with that but had the occasional fun with the future bridesmaids. 10/10 would recommend, but not for the faint hearted.

  • (#2) "It Is Honestly Kind Of Scary"

    From Redditor /u/bigplacebo:

    I stripped for one summer in college... Lot's [sic] of overweight (in my case black) women screaming and grabbing your c*ck. Lot's [sic] of d*ck sucking and request for "private time." It is honestly kind of scary when you look at the overall scene. I always had to have a few drinks before I went out. Ultimately I couldn't take the heat and quit after about 2 months. One particularly bad evening I had a 300+ lb woman grabbing and pulling my c*ck as I was trying to go the other way... that was my last night. Also, I worked in Newark, NJ... Not the best place and way to many drugs floating around for my liking. The money was good though. Women are probably worse than men because they honestly believe that they can have you if they want you... and they don't take "NO" very well.

  • (#10) "I Carried A Small Pig"

    From Redditor /u/123talkaboutit:

    I worked as a male "entertainer" for about a year. The craziest thing I ever did was probably when I performed for a local farmer whose daughter was getting married soon. She had me and two colleagues carry around a small pig each (while we were all in just underwear) while her and her friends kissed and caressed the pigs.

    It was a very weird experience, we spent 2/3 of the night looking after small farm animals in barely any clothing...

  • (#1) "I Did Feel Sick A Few Times"

    From Redditor /u/Nekrosis13:

    Stripped for a few years off and on privately when I was like 18-22. Lots of women trying to touch you happens, and the first ones to grab your stuff are the last ones you'd want to have grab your stuff.

    A few brides were pressured into trying to have sex with me, which I declined. The longer I maintained some degree of chub, the more money I could make, and by the end of the night everyone would be totally hammered.

    As most women would be totally drunk by the end of the night, and I'd be pretty tired and annoyed of all the screaming, usually I'd go home without actually going all the way with anyone. Sleeping with a drunk girl you don't know might sound like a great time to most guys, but I dunno, I just felt really bad if I even thought of it.

    I did feel sick a few times seeing how the brides were pressured into trying to cheat.

  • (#9) "It Was A Fun Job"

    From a Redditor:

    Had a friend who offered me a "job" one summer and said to wear a speedo or revealing underwear. I showed up and just went for it with him and made 400 bucks. Kept doing it with him and eventually started doing solo acts. Made a lot of money and it was a fun job.

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