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  • (#1) Auto Insurance Agent - Be Careful With The The Information You Give

    From Redditor u/TheoLuminati:

    Auto insurance agent. Please, for the love of god, don’t tell auto insurance agents more than you have to. They ask you a question, just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and answer the question as straight as you can. If you go on and on about your life story, you will probably end up saying something you don’t have to and making your rate higher, or getting yourself declined. We WANT to get you that policy as cheap as possible, only tell us what we need to know and don’t say anything else.

  • (#2) Dentist - The Truth About Toothpaste

    From Redditor u/therock21:

    I’m a dentist. Here’s the lowdown on toothpaste.

    As long as it has fluoride they are all basically the same.

    When I was in dental school, the [Tooth paste brand] lady came by and said that everything that says [Toothpaste brand] on it is all exactly the same, the only difference is the packaging. So whether it says whitening, or gum protection, or whatever else, it is all exactly the same.

    The exception is sensitivity toothpaste typically does have an extra active ingredient. KNO3, which helps with sensitivity.

    Don’t ever feel obligated to buy the expensive toothpaste because you think it will be better for your teeth, just buy whatever you like best.

  • (#3) A National Body Works / Bath Type Of Retail Company - 'Discontinued' Scents

    From Redditor u/xyenz08:

    Former [body works retail company] associate here. The scents they “discontinue” will come back with a different name and new marketing. They’re just recycling the scents.

  • (#4) Commercial Radio - Callers That Win

    From Redditor u/DSlamAU:

    It's never caller 5. It's the caller who sounds best on air.

  • (#5) Aircraft Fueler - Don't Put Your Pets In Planes

    From Redditor u/KingBadford:

    Former aircraft fueler. Don't check your pets in kennels. Especially in summer or winter. They are submitted to some very harsh environments, left on belt loaders in the sweltering heat right next to a running APU that's loud enough to deafen human ears, let alone a dog's. It's terrible. I always feel so sorry for them. 

    I don't know what it's like for the pets on the flight. I've only seen them countless times left in kennels on belt loaders in the hot sun next to an engine. I was a fueler for 6 years. I don't have insider knowledge of the airlines beyond my station. I would advise against checking pets if you can help it, but I don't have any advice beyond that. 

    Just want to let you guys know the pets in kennels are not always left outside. It's not an every day occurrence. But, I've seen it happen more than enough times.

  • (#6) Librarians Advice On Fines

    From Redditor u/itsmeEloise:

    A lot of librarians will waive your fines if you have an excuse and you don’t ask too frequently, even large fines. Also, librarians DON’T CARE about your fines and aren’t judging you. Please come back. We personally have more fines than you. Librarians are ALWAYS overdue with their books.

  • (#7) Construction Worker Tip - Just Use Soap

    From Redditor u/lyckadese:

    Construction boy here. If your windows or sliding doors are tough to open and close. 9 times out of 10, we put your own dish soap on tracks and the thing works perfectly. It take 5 minutes and we charge 150. Dish soap people, its better than wd40 sometimes.

  • (#8) Job Recruiter - Resume Tips

    From Redditor u/TwoPesetas:

    Used to screen resumes for small companies. Job "requirements" are more of a wish-list situation. Never let some unchecked boxes deter you from applying - you have no idea what the applicant pool is like. The biggest boon, especially at small companies, is someone who legitimately cares.

  • (#9) Fossil Replicator - Museums Don't Always Have Real Fossils

    From Redditor u/Katy-L-Wood:

    I’m a fossil replicator and apparently the industry secret is the fact that we exist. So many people are blown away to learn that most fossils they see in museums are replicas.

  • (#10) Fast Food Employee - Is The Ice Cream Machine Really Broken?

    From Redditor u/Dewy_Wanna_Go_There:

    The ice cream machine isn’t broken, the f'*ckers were just too lazy to clean it, or more likely, none of the people working that day know how. It’s a b*tch and takes like 4 hours. It shuts off and makes you clean it, so rest assured it’s gonna be clean. Just not when you need it.

  • (#11) IT Worker

    From Redditor u/bluebirdgm:

    Knowing how to research the answer to a question is at least as or even more useful than knowing the answer to begin with. I made a living in IT for a decade with that mindset.

  • (#12) Thrift Store - How Well Are The Clothes Cleaned?

    From Redditor u/HellfireOrpheusTod:

    At [large thrift store chains] we don't clean anything that we sell, and we get some really gross stuff that touches everything else so next time you buy something from Goodwill, wash it well.

  • (#13) Pizza Shop Secret

    From Redditor u/TannedCroissant:

    If you order a pizza but like to choose your own toppings, it’s often cheaper to choose an existing pizza like a Meat Supreme or something with loads of toppings, then swap out all the toppings for ones you want, than to go for the Create Your Own option in the menu.

    Note, this is much less awkward if you order online than on the phone.

  • (#14) Child Counselor

    From Redditor u/Tellurine:

    As a beginner counselor I worked with a lot of children and adolescents. Consistently, the discussion with my colleagues was how it was the parents who were the biggest problem and the kids were just adapting to a crazy environment.

  • (#15) Musician - How They Make Money

    From Redditor u/loocaswoodland:

    I’m a musician. It’s not really a secret but 90% of of our revenue is from merch. Spotify plays, show guarantees, etc, everything is menial in comparison to shirt sales. In fact, a big reason bands tour as often as possible is because we can sell more shirts when we’re in front of people.

  • (#16) Retail Worker - Why We Push Credit Cards On Customers

    From Redditor u/That_One_Girrrl:

    I know a lot of people get annoyed when a store employee pushes the credit card, but at the kids clothing store I worked at, if you didn’t get at least x amount per day they cut our hours. I wasn’t pushing you a sh*tty credit card to be an a**hole, I was scared to lose my hours. If you’re in the same position or have been, I’m sorry you dealt with this too. It’s honestly sh*tty and our minimum wage job should not depend on peddling your wonky store credit card/loyalty program.

  • (#17) Librarian - Donations

    From Redditor u/ZeD00m:

    Library Worker here: the majority of donations we recieve do not end up in circulation (on our shelves) no matter how much you demand we put them there once they're donated. The reason why this is, is because we only add items to the collection that we think will circulate (be checked out). Most libraries get funding based off of statistics. We don't want to waste shelf-space on items that people aren't checking out, as it won't improve our stats. So, unless the donated items are brand new, or by popular authors we will not add them to the collection. We will also weed unpopular items from our collection with extreme prejudice for this reason, much to our patron's horror. These books usually end up being sold at book sales to help generate funding for other library programs.

  • (#18) TSA Worker - Inspections

    From Redditor u/Askafishy:

    As a former TSA worker airport security is alot of theater. TSA is constantly failing plain cloths inspections. I worked with a guy who got fired because someone showed him an ID with a picture of Micky Mouse on it and he let the person through because he wasn't paying attention.

  • (#19) Copywriter - Online Reviews Are Usually Paid For

    From Redditor u/PauseAndReflect:

    A huge portion of online reviews, ratings, social media presence, etc that you see for any given company are fake, paid for, or done by multiple accounts controlled by us. This includes a company’s review page (fake reviews about how great it is to work there so that the million negative reviews don’t crush their page).

    I’m not saying it’s every company out there, but it’s been a lot of the ones I’ve worked for.

    Source: I am a copywriter. What are ethics? I surely don’t know anymore.

  • (#20) Weight Loss Industry - Return Clients

    From Redditor u/responsible_hedonist:

    Weight loss industry. This might be obvious, but most of our business comes from return clients after they've gained their weight back (and then some). To be clear, the plan isn't rigged to make you gain it back, but the fact that it happens easily as a result of dieting keeps us in business.

  • (#21) Bouncers - Dress Codes

    From Redditor u/CloudyNeighborhood:

    Dress codes and other rules bouncers tell you at the door are usually made up on the fly.

  • (#22) Grocery Store - Wash Your Vegetables

    From Redditor u/mmmmpisghetti:

    The fruits and veggies you buy at the grocery store... wash them.

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About This Tool

When you become a member of a certain industry in the future, you will discover many interesting "secrets" that are unknown. These secrets will shock you still to this day. Many employees are keen to share the unknown secrets of their industry on social media, some are interesting, while others make customers no longer be able to trust certain companies as before. Since we cannot verify the identity of their employees, some stories should be questioned.

The random tool shares 22 interesting secrets that were revealed by employees from different industries, these little secrets are worth knowing that may save you time and money.

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