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  • Drink Water First Thing In The Morning on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#1) Drink Water First Thing In The Morning

    While you might prefer a white chocolate chai latte over a glass of water, the truth is there are plenty of benefits to grabbing a glass of refreshing water to start the day. The rule of thumb, after all, is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

    Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up is one of the best things you can do for your body. It hydrates you, jumpstarts your metabolism, and purifies your body of any lingering toxins. Plus, there are beauty benefits, too. Drinking water makes your skin glow, hair shine, and boosts energy levels and satiates hunger pangs. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “You haven’t had fluids for roughly eight hours, so drinking a couple of glasses when you first wake up will help rehydrate the body, allow for good digestion, and just get you going for the day,” says Paula Simpson, RNCP, a holistic beauty nutritionist.

  • Chew Food Slowly And Thoroughly on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#2) Chew Food Slowly And Thoroughly

    Not only will your body be able to absorb more of the nutrients, but by chewing your food slowly, you will feel fuller faster and be less likely to overeat or feel fatigued afterwards. Fast eaters are up to 115% more likely than slower eaters to be obese.

    People often forget to chew their food or get into a habit of swallowing before they’ve fully chewed it. Chewing is an important part of the digestive process and beneficial to overall health. People who don’t chew their food well before they swallow can develop digestive problems, putting them at a higher risk for choking, aspiration, malnutrition, and dehydration. Try to consume foods that actually require more chewing, such as veggies, fresh fruits, and lean proteins, rather than softer casseroles, mashed potatoes, or applesauce. Doing so can help speed eaters slow down.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Eating and appetite and digestion is this very complex interplay (that involves) hormones and cellular signals and mechanical tasks and muscular contractions and grinding food and sending signals to the brain. There's a feedback loop of energy availability or how much food is coming in and what it means, so there's tremendous complexity to this system. And it functions best when we can slow down," says Krista Scott-Dixon, Director of Curriculum at Precision Nutrition.

  • Wash Your Pillowcases Frequently on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#3) Wash Your Pillowcases Frequently

    After a long day of work, there's nothing more appealing than hitting the sack for some shuteye. However, experts say the dirt, oil, and bacteria from your skin and hair collect in pillowcases, giving you a higher chance of breaking out in the morning. Wash them once a week, and use pillowcases made from natural fibers, such as cotton. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Change the case at least once a week and wash the actual pillow every three months,” says Candida Lawson, an aesthetician and skin therapist. Lawson adds that pillowcases made with hypoallergenic materials are “more gentle on the skin and can prevent inflammation and skin reactions.”

  • Don't Grocery Shop While Hungry on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#4) Don't Grocery Shop While Hungry

    Shopping on an empty stomach? We all know it's a bad idea. But research actually shows that you'll be much more likely to not only overspend, but also buy more unhealthy foods. Being hungry amps up your desire to acquire things, according to the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. In fact, shoppers who were hungrier spent 64% more money than those who were less hungry. Another study found that on average, hungry people purchased more high-calorie products than the group of people that ate before shopping.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Hunger makes us want to eat, which means that we think about seeking, acquiring and consuming food,” says Alison Jing Xu, assistant professor of marketing at the Carlson School. “Those acquisition-related thoughts may spill over and put consumers in the mode of getting more stuff in general, even stuff they can’t eat."

  • Order Half-Portions At Restaurants on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#5) Order Half-Portions At Restaurants

    Eating too much food can cause weight gain, increased blood pressure, and diabetes. Restaurants are known for serving exceptionally large portions. In fact, on average, restaurant serving sizes are about 2.5 times larger than standard serving sizes. If eating out is your weekly routine, try asking for a half portion or share a dish. It'll save you unwanted calories and help prevent overeating.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “I recommend all of my clients ask for half-portions of their food. It’s instant portion control. A lot of restaurants think that people want to get their money’s worth, so they give them big portions of food. If you ask for half of a portion, you can clean your plate without feeling like you ate too much," says dietitian Amy Shapiro.

  • Smell Your Coffee Before Sipping on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#6) Smell Your Coffee Before Sipping

    Coffee is the most widely consumed beverage worldwide. Scientists have conducted studies investigating coffee's beneficial and adverse health effects, such as its powerful antioxidants, lowered risk of Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's, and the possible side effects of too much caffeine. Now, researchers are studying coffee's aroma. 

    Published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, research suggests that the scent of coffee has a placebo effect, providing a cognitive boost for analytical tasks and an expectation for better performance. So, take a moment to get a whiff of your cuppa joe to reduce stress and gain a cognitive boost. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Olfaction is one of our most powerful senses. It's not just that the coffee-like scent helped people perform better on analytical tasks, which was already interesting. But they also thought they would do better, and we demonstrated that this expectation was at least partly responsible for their improved performance," says study author Adriana Madzharov from New Jersey’s Stevens Institute of Technology School of Business.

  • Park Far Away From Your Destination on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#7) Park Far Away From Your Destination

    Walking daily can have a positive impact on health. Regular brisk walking has been shown to help people maintain a healthy weight, prevent or manage heart disease and high blood pressure, strengthen bones and muscles, affect mood, and improve balance and coordination. So, instead of finding a parking spot in the front row at the grocery store, drive to a spot farther away. It'll give you a small boost of exercise as you make the effort to squeeze a few extra steps into your day. The payoff: The practice will help burn calories and boost energy. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Any activity is better than no activity," says Michelle Barth, weight management expert and registered dietitian.

  • Prepare Meals Ahead Of Time on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#8) Prepare Meals Ahead Of Time

    The truth is, we have no idea what, exactly, goes into our food from a takeout restaurant. For all we know, it could be filled with fatty oils, processed foods, and ingredients like added sugar. When you cook your own meals, you're able to use healthier ingredients and control portion sizes. Choose a day to prepare all of your meals ahead of time, and pack them into containers for lunch throughout the week. You'll be eating healthier and saving money, too. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "When we cook at home, we are in control. McDonald’s fries have 19 ingredients. We can make them at home with far less — and they will taste just as good," says dietitian Ben Atkinson.

  • Work Out First Thing In The Morning on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#9) Work Out First Thing In The Morning

    Working out first thing in the morning will help you feel energized throughout the day. When you sweat out bad toxins in the morning, you will be more inclined to make healthier choices throughout the remainder of the day. Plus, having an early morning sense of accomplishment can help you have a healthier day by creating a more positive mindset.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Morning workouts help reduce the possibility for obstacles to present themselves. There is also less opportunity to make excuses,” says Jasmin Theard, ACSM HFS, an exercise physiologist.

  • Drink Peppermint Tea To Calm An Upset Stomach on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#10) Drink Peppermint Tea To Calm An Upset Stomach

    Peppermint can help relieve digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating, and indigestion, and the scent can help make you feel more awake and energized. It also acts as a muscle relaxant and pain reliever, and it may help with headaches. Another bonus: sipping peppermint tea can help freshen bad breath. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Peppermint contains the monoterpene compound L-menthol, which blocks calcium channels in the smooth muscle of the small intestine to produce an antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to relax the muscle,” explains registered dietitian Erin Judge.

  • Drink Green Tea on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#11) Drink Green Tea

    Green tea is a power drink derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and comes in several varieties. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, sipping up to five cups a day can help regulate your metabolism, curb your appetite, and help prevent a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure. Plus, studies show that drinking green tea can help burn an additional 75–100 calories per day.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Green tea is calorie-free and antioxidant-rich. It's a healthy beverage to include in your diet if you like the taste," says Whitney Linsenmeyer, an assistant professor of nutrition at Saint Louis University and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

  • Use Coconut Oil on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#12) Use Coconut Oil

    Whether you cook with it, eat it raw, or use it as moisturizer for your skin, coconut oil is chock-full of nutrients. This superfood helps control your blood sugar and insulin intake, regulates metabolism and your thyroid, and increases energy. The fatty acids in coconut oil can help your body burn fat and provides quick energy to your body and brain. But don't go overboard, warns the American Heart Association. Coconut oil contains the same level of saturated fat as beef dripping.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “For the time being, if you like the taste of coconut oil, then, as with butter, it’s fine to use it every now and then. However, it’s best to restrict yourself to small amounts and use unsaturated oils as an everyday choice instead," says Victoria Taylor, a senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation.

  • Drink Warm Water With Lemon  on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#13) Drink Warm Water With Lemon 

    Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water. The lemon will help cleanse and detoxify your system, as well as help wake up your brain and liver and assist in weight loss. It can also help settle upset stomachs and improve your immune system. The vitamin C in lemons can also help ease stress and fight viral infections and sore throats.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Many of these compounds are found in the peel, so you want to use a little zest in that lemon water,” says dietitian Lauren Slayton, M.S., R.D., referring to the antioxidants and flavonoids known to protect cells from damage and help reduce inflammation. 

  • Floss Before You Brush on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#14) Floss Before You Brush

    Many people don’t floss every day, or they floss after brushing their teeth. Flossing contributes to good dental hygiene, lifting and removing plaque and food in between teeth. Many dentists suggest to actually floss first, before brushing. The concern with flossing after brushing is that food, plaque, and bacteria loosened by flossing in between your teeth remain in your mouth until the next time you brush. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Patients often ask which step should come first in their daily oral hygiene routine. While... flossing before brushing may result in the reduction of plaque, it’s important for everyone to remember to do both every day to maintain the health of their smiles," says Steven R. Daniel, DDS.

  • Avoid Eating While Watching TV on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#15) Avoid Eating While Watching TV

    We've all munched on a bag of addictive, salty chips while scrolling mindlessly through Instagram or watching Netflix at the dinner table. Mindful eating is the opposite. It involves being aware of what is happening at the moment and the practice of paying attention to the eating experience by recognizing hunger and fullness cues, noticing emotions, and observing flavors, aromas, and textures of food.

    When you eat mindfully, you slow down, eat less, and have improved digestion. Watching TV while eating meals makes it more likely for you to make poor food choices and to overeat. For example, people watching television while eating ate 36% more pizza and 71% more macaroni and cheese. And the longer the show, the more food likely to be eaten. Unplug from digital devices at dinner, turn off the tube, and focus solely on food instead. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “It’s fine to sometimes have a snack in front of the TV, but when it becomes a repeated pattern, or when eating and watching TV become cognitively linked, then it becomes an unhealthy pattern,” says psychologist Susan Albers, PsyD.

  • Add Chia Or Flax Seeds To Meals on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#16) Add Chia Or Flax Seeds To Meals

    Here's a secret to adding an easy powerful punch to your diet: chia and flax seeds. Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia Hispanica while brown and golden flaxseed, which are equally nutritious, comes in the form of seeds, oils, powder, tablets, capsules, and flour. Chia and flax both help increase omega-3 fatty acid intake, supporting brain function and heart health. Flax and chia are also full of fiber, which keeps you regular, promotes heart health by lowering cholesterol, and helps you feel full after eating. For starters, try it on yogurt or in a salad. Or if you're feeling adventurous, add seeds when baking homemade bread or crackers.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Chia seeds are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that plays a key role in heart health. Diets high in ALA may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, increase healthy cholesterol and improve blood pressure,” says vegan nutritionist Tiffany Ma, RDN.

  • Substitute Cinnamon In Your Coffee on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#17) Substitute Cinnamon In Your Coffee

    Instead of piling on the calories with shots of cream and sugar, sprinkle cinnamon on your coffee. The flavorful spice is known to provide antioxidants, which can boost your immune system and brain function. One study found that half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day may reduce blood sugar levels, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. Additional health benefits may include relieving congestion, reducing muscle and joint stiffness, counteracting inflammation, and supporting digestive health. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Cinnamon, in moderation and in daily foods, is generally a good habit,” says Nancy Farrell, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

  • Place Your Bottle Of SPF In The Fridge on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#18) Place Your Bottle Of SPF In The Fridge

    Want a blast of cool for the summer months? Store your bottle of sunscreen in the refrigerator. A warm environment could lessen the overall effectiveness of SPF. The liberal use of sunscreen shields skin from aging and can help prevent skin cancer. Studies reveal that people below the age of 55 who used sunscreen had 24% lesser chances of developing signs of aging than non-sunscreen and occasional sunscreen users. Essential skin proteins, such as collagen, keratin, and elastin, are also better protected by the use of sunscreen. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Most people don’t apply enough sunscreen,” says Susan Y. Chon, M.D., assistant professor in MD Anderson’s Department of Dermatology. “For sunscreen to do its job effectively, you should apply 1 ounce of sunscreen — the size of a golf ball — to every part of your body exposed to the sun.” 

  • Eat An Orange Before Working Out on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#19) Eat An Orange Before Working Out

    Navel oranges and other citrus fruits contain vitamins and minerals your body needs to help muscles stay strong and repair themselves after a hard workout. Plus, oranges can help reduce soreness in muscles and give you an extra boost of vitamin C.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "The best time to have a pre-workout snack is 30 minutes before when carbohydrates are most readily available. Eating an orange won’t upset your stomach, and it will provide carbs and vitamin C to help repair the muscle broken down during exercise," says weight loss doctor and bariatric surgeon Dr. Michael Nusbaum.

  • Drink Infused Water on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#20) Drink Infused Water

    Infused water can help increase your natural water consumption. Water in general helps boost energy levels, speed up your body’s metabolism, and prevent cramping. Not everyone enjoys the taste of “plain” water, though. Infusing water with fruits, like lemon and apple, will not only provide you with additional nutrients, but also will make it tastier, too. Popular combos include: orange and ginger, apple and cinnamon, cucumber and mint, and turmeric and lemon.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Unpeeled citrus lends a bitter taste. So if you're planning to make a big batch [of infused water] to last all day, peel off the skin before adding the fruit to your water," says Rebecca Lewis, RD, in-house dietitian for HelloFresh. 

  • Use Mouthwash On Dandruff on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#21) Use Mouthwash On Dandruff

    Use any mouthwash, especially a tea tree-based one, as a final rinse after shampooing and conditioning to fight dandruff. It turns out that anti-fungal and soothing properties found in mouthwash can help dry up and control dandruff. Next time your fighting flakes, mix 1/2 cup of mouthwash with 1/2 cup of water and apply to towel-dried, clean hair, pouring it as close to the scalp as possible. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Tea tree has natural properties that will help with dandruff. And instead of buying dandruff shampoo, you could easily mix up your own batch of mouthwash and shampoo to create your own dandruff shampoo," says hairstylist Tyler Colton.

  • Blow On Your Thumb To Lower Your Heart Rate on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#22) Blow On Your Thumb To Lower Your Heart Rate

    It's a strange hack, but cooling off your thumb to reduce stress works. Block your air passage with your thumb then exhale to activate your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve works as the body's superhighway. It carries information between the brain and internal organs and controls the body's response to rest and relaxation. Research shows that stimulating your vagus nerve can decrease your heart rate and blood pressure, making you feel more relaxed. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Vagal activity is highest, and heart rate lowest, when you’re exhaling,” says Lucy Norcliffe-Kaufmann, Associate Professor of Neurology at NYU-Langone.

  • Chew Gum To Reduce Stress on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#23) Chew Gum To Reduce Stress

    While the minty scent and taste can make you feel more alert, chomping on gum can help with stress and increase concentration. Studies have also shown that chewing gum while performing tasks can improve brain function, including alertness, memory, understanding, and decision making.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “There is little doubt that chewing gum can be a powerful stress buster. One has only to look at a tightly contested baseball game on TV to see how many players, coaches and managers are vigorously chewing bubble gum or something else to relieve their pent-up tension,” according to the American Institute of Stress.

  • Wear Socks To Beat Insomnia on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#24) Wear Socks To Beat Insomnia

    When we're about to fall asleep, our body redirects blood flow to our extremities to dilate the blood cells, helping with better circulation while we sleep. While beginning to fall asleep, body temperature decrease by 1 to 2 degrees because the body is conserving energy for other functions. Sleep with socks on to help with temperature regulation cycles.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Cold feet can drain the energy of the body and can obstruct the flow of vital qi (energy) and blood (nutrition) in the body. For that reason we want to circulate the 'qi and blood.' By doing so we keep painful obstruction away from the body and keep the energy flowing smoothly," says Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, A.P. DOM, Doctor of Chinese and Integrative Medicine. "Cold impedes the flow of energy and heat or warmth encourages it. If you think about a warm bath you relax, and in cold water you tense up. Cold creates stagnation which can also lead to pain."

  • Exfoliate Every Day on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#25) Exfoliate Every Day

    Exfoliating creates great skin. But we've been advised to work the step into our skin routine once, or maybe twice a week. Dead skin cells can make our skin look dull and washed out. Exfoliate daily to get rid of dead skin cells and purge toxins building up in pores.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Clearing out pores on a daily basis helps to minimize their appearance, and makes you less prone to breakouts,” says Clinique Derm Pro Dr. Michelle Henry, a board-certified dermatologist. “If you want to exfoliate every day, it’s important to pick a formula that is specially created to use daily.”

  • Download A Sleep App on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#26) Download A Sleep App

    Not getting the recommended hours of sleep can lead to weight gain and obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, stroke, heart disease, and a greater risk of death. Sleep apps can help you regulate your sleeping cycles by graphing which times of the night you are in your deepest REM. They can also help you recognize which patterns throughout your day may be affecting your quality of sleep. You may also sleep better if you can block out annoying noise, like a neighbor’s barking dog or a teenager’s constant chattering on the phone. There are apps that try to do that, either with music or “white noise."

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “The technology can empower us to be more proactive about our sleep health habits,” says Dr. Aastha Parsa, a board-certified physician. “Some mobile phone apps allow us to self-monitor and visualize our sleep patterns, symptoms, and behavioral data. They gather how much time we’re sleeping in phases of sleep. It’s helpful information to bring to our doctors. However, these devices don’t fix the underlying issue.”

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About This Tool

A healthy lifestyle mainly includes 4 factors: reasonable diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, and mental health, which are also the foundations of healthy living. Cultivating and adhering to healthy living habits and behaviors can effectively prevent and control chronic diseases. Busy life and work have a great impact on our health, it is very important to consciously adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The random tool lists 26 essential and easy tips for a high-quality and healthy life that you should know, such as we should wash the pillowcases frequently, drink water in the morning, and more necessary advice.

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