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  • Use Coconut Oil on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#12) Use Coconut Oil

    Whether you cook with it, eat it raw, or use it as moisturizer for your skin, coconut oil is chock-full of nutrients. This superfood helps control your blood sugar and insulin intake, regulates metabolism and your thyroid, and increases energy. The fatty acids in coconut oil can help your body burn fat and provides quick energy to your body and brain. But don't go overboard, warns the American Heart Association. Coconut oil contains the same level of saturated fat as beef dripping.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “For the time being, if you like the taste of coconut oil, then, as with butter, it’s fine to use it every now and then. However, it’s best to restrict yourself to small amounts and use unsaturated oils as an everyday choice instead," says Victoria Taylor, a senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation.

  • Blow On Your Thumb To Lower Your Heart Rate on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#22) Blow On Your Thumb To Lower Your Heart Rate

    It's a strange hack, but cooling off your thumb to reduce stress works. Block your air passage with your thumb then exhale to activate your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve works as the body's superhighway. It carries information between the brain and internal organs and controls the body's response to rest and relaxation. Research shows that stimulating your vagus nerve can decrease your heart rate and blood pressure, making you feel more relaxed. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Vagal activity is highest, and heart rate lowest, when you’re exhaling,” says Lucy Norcliffe-Kaufmann, Associate Professor of Neurology at NYU-Langone.

  • Park Far Away From Your Destination on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#7) Park Far Away From Your Destination

    Walking daily can have a positive impact on health. Regular brisk walking has been shown to help people maintain a healthy weight, prevent or manage heart disease and high blood pressure, strengthen bones and muscles, affect mood, and improve balance and coordination. So, instead of finding a parking spot in the front row at the grocery store, drive to a spot farther away. It'll give you a small boost of exercise as you make the effort to squeeze a few extra steps into your day. The payoff: The practice will help burn calories and boost energy. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Any activity is better than no activity," says Michelle Barth, weight management expert and registered dietitian.

  • Wash Your Pillowcases Frequently on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#3) Wash Your Pillowcases Frequently

    After a long day of work, there's nothing more appealing than hitting the sack for some shuteye. However, experts say the dirt, oil, and bacteria from your skin and hair collect in pillowcases, giving you a higher chance of breaking out in the morning. Wash them once a week, and use pillowcases made from natural fibers, such as cotton. 

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Change the case at least once a week and wash the actual pillow every three months,” says Candida Lawson, an aesthetician and skin therapist. Lawson adds that pillowcases made with hypoallergenic materials are “more gentle on the skin and can prevent inflammation and skin reactions.”

  • Drink Infused Water on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#20) Drink Infused Water

    Infused water can help increase your natural water consumption. Water in general helps boost energy levels, speed up your body’s metabolism, and prevent cramping. Not everyone enjoys the taste of “plain” water, though. Infusing water with fruits, like lemon and apple, will not only provide you with additional nutrients, but also will make it tastier, too. Popular combos include: orange and ginger, apple and cinnamon, cucumber and mint, and turmeric and lemon.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: "Unpeeled citrus lends a bitter taste. So if you're planning to make a big batch [of infused water] to last all day, peel off the skin before adding the fruit to your water," says Rebecca Lewis, RD, in-house dietitian for HelloFresh. 

  • Work Out First Thing In The Morning on Random Essential And Easy Health Hacks

    (#9) Work Out First Thing In The Morning

    Working out first thing in the morning will help you feel energized throughout the day. When you sweat out bad toxins in the morning, you will be more inclined to make healthier choices throughout the remainder of the day. Plus, having an early morning sense of accomplishment can help you have a healthier day by creating a more positive mindset.

    WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: “Morning workouts help reduce the possibility for obstacles to present themselves. There is also less opportunity to make excuses,” says Jasmin Theard, ACSM HFS, an exercise physiologist.

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About This Tool

A healthy lifestyle mainly includes 4 factors: reasonable diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, and mental health, which are also the foundations of healthy living. Cultivating and adhering to healthy living habits and behaviors can effectively prevent and control chronic diseases. Busy life and work have a great impact on our health, it is very important to consciously adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The random tool lists 26 essential and easy tips for a high-quality and healthy life that you should know, such as we should wash the pillowcases frequently, drink water in the morning, and more necessary advice.

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