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  • West Virginia Mothman Makes Bridge Collapse on Random Creepiest Urban Legends

    (#8) West Virginia Mothman Makes Bridge Collapse

    From Redditor /u/TheSpanishDerp

    "In a 13-month period between 1965-66, the town of Point Pleasant, WV, reported seeing a winged beast with big red eyes. They named this creature the Mothman.  

    The last sighting of Mothman occurred when someone spotted the beast standing on the Silver Bridge. And then the Silver Bridge collapsed. The beast wasn't reported again afterward."

  • Stick People Steal Babies on Random Creepiest Urban Legends

    (#4) Stick People Steal Babies

    From Redditor /u/labrys71

    "I'm Native American, and the story of the Stick People always gave me the heebie jeebies at dusk, or if I was alone in the woods. The story goes that there are these Stick People who live in the hills, and they lure children in who don't pay attention to their parents, children who wandered into their territory, children who are out past their bedtime, or even babes out of their baskets when their mothers have their backs turned to put up laundry on the line.

    The Stick People, as told to me, were abnormally small in size, and skeletal. They were were mischievous and wicked. In addition to kids, they would also steal things like the extra sock from your dryer, your car keys etc. 

    As I lived in a very rural area on a reservation, I'd assumed these Stick People lived up in the hills, so every time I'm in the hills now I'm always looking around, and very alert, and not because there are bears and cougars in the area, but because of the Stick People."

  • Scandinavian Gnomes Live On Farms And Eat Porridge on Random Creepiest Urban Legends

    (#10) Scandinavian Gnomes Live On Farms And Eat Porridge

    From a former Redditor:

    "The Scandinavian Nisse is rumored to be a small, gnome-like being. They live in barns or farm houses, or in the nearby woods. Nisses are excellent at hiding and can sometimes turn invisible - you'll only ever catch a glimpse of them (if that).  

    When treated with respect, a Nisse will protect your farm and even help with chores. They are especially fond of animals. But beware: a Nisse who feels insulted or disrespected can turn mischievous, even vicious.

    To this day, it's tradition to leave a bowl of porridge in the barn for the Nisse on Christmas Eve. I didn't grow up on a farm, so my mom had us put a bowl out in the garage instead. Just in case."

  • Feral Montana Hitchhiker Chases Good Samaritan on Random Creepiest Urban Legends

    (#5) Feral Montana Hitchhiker Chases Good Samaritan

    From Redditor /u/bennedictus

    "One of my high school teachers had a job at a small college in Montana when he was a young newlywed. One night on a long commute home, he was driving down a lonely road, past fields of corn or grain, when he saw a hitchhiker. This being decades ago in rural Montana, he pulled over to let the guy in without a second thought. The man was dressed in a really old, outdated suit and a big, stylish hat. My teacher said he looked like someone from the '40s. 

    So the guy gets in next to my teacher without saying a word. Teacher asks him where he needs to go, and the guy just points forward. Teacher drives on.

    The hitchhiker says nothing at all, just pulls his hat down, as though he were sleeping. Then suddenly, he tips up his hat, looks out the window, and says "Stop the car, now." My teacher pulls over and lets him out. The guy stands on the side of the road for a second, and then sprints into the field beside the road until my teacher can't see him anymore (granted, the crop was fairly tall). Thinking this strange, but not necessarily dangerous, my teacher continues driving home. 

    When he checks his rearview mirror a few minutes later, he sees the hitchhiker on all fours like an animal, running (crawling?) after the truck at an inhuman speed. 

    He floors it, coaxing the old truck up to dangerous speeds, and finally loses the guy. Teacher pulls off at a gas station and call his wife, relates the story, tells her to lock up the house. She thinks he's joking. When he asks why she would think that, she says that one of her co-workers told her the exact same story. She thought maybe they were just teasing her with an urban legend. (And that maybe my teacher was in on the joke.)

    Anyway, my teacher assured her that he was not lying, and she evidently believed him. She vouches for her side of the story, because she showed up to one of our fundraisers and I asked her about it. 

    So yeah, now I just avoid lonely roads in Montana."

  • The Face In The Courthouse Window on Random Creepiest Urban Legends

    (#13) The Face In The Courthouse Window

    From Redditor /u/ARatherOddOne

    "There's an urban legend in Alabama of a face that appears in the window of the Pickens County Courthouse. Basically, the previous courthouse burned down, and as the new one was being set up, a mob accused a Black man named Henry Wells of burning down the former one. Wells went up into the new court house while the mob surrounded it and told them that if they killed him, he would haunt them forever. At the moment he said that, lightning struck.  

    The mob lynched Wells for his alleged crime, and ever since there have been reports of a ghostly face appearing in the courthouse window.  The story goes that no matter how many times it's replaced, the face always returns."

  • Venezuelan Whistler Preys On Drunks And Cheaters on Random Creepiest Urban Legends

    (#1) Venezuelan Whistler Preys On Drunks And Cheaters

    From Redditor /u/softmaker:

    "There's an urban legend in Venezuela surrounding 'El Silbón' (The Whistler), a figure known in the wetland plains and prairies regions called 'Llanos.'

    The Whistler is usually described as a very emaciated man dressed in cowboy's rags, with a wide-brim hat that hides his skeletal face. He roams the countryside and patches of bush at night, his shoulders drooping, his gaze cast downward. He carries a heavy bag full of bones and half-decomposed remains over his back.  

    True to his name, the entity continuously whistles a high chord progression (C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C) that goes higher in tune with every note. He is also unnaturally tall and strong, with some accounts describing him as towering over 6 meters (almost 20 feet) in height.

    His origin is not clear, with some tales casting him as an accursed parricide. He's rumored to prey on lone travelers, especially drunk or unfaithful men. Legend has it, his ominous whistle is suddenly heard very loud and close, yet the source cannot be pinpointed. Contrary to logic, when the sound lowers and appears more distant, the Whistler is very near.

    He kills either by strangling or by blunt-force trauma, devouring his victims and throwing the bones in his bag. He can be seen occasionally wading over the high walls of haciendas. Prayer is said to keep him away."

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