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  • random adjective 1



    the solid form of water, produced by freezing; frozen water.
    the frozen surface of a body of water.

    verb (used with object), iced, ic·ing.

    to cover with ice.
    to change into ice; freeze.

    verb (used without object), iced, ic·ing.

    to change to ice; freeze: The sherbet is icing in the refrigerator.
    to be coated with ice (often followed by up): The windshield has iced up.


    of or made of ice: ice shavings; an ice sculpture.
    for holding ice and food or drink to be chilled: an ice bucket; an ice chest.
  • random adjective 2



    the objective case of plural they, used as a direct or indirect object: We saw them yesterday. I gave them the books.
    Informal. (used instead of the pronoun they in the predicate after the verb to be): It's them, across the street.No, that isn’t them.
    Informal. (used instead of the pronoun their before a gerund): The boys' parents objected to them hiking without adult supervision.
    the objective case of singular they, used as a direct or indirect object:
    1. (used to refer to a generic or unspecified person previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): If you know anyone looking for a job, tell them to contact me.If an officer were to ask you that question directly, you would have to answer them honestly.
    2. (used to refer to a specific or known person previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): I can’t believe your ex took your cat with them when they moved out.
    3. (used to refer to a nonbinary or gender-nonconforming person previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): Randi’s on vacation, so you can’t see them until next week.


    Nonstandard. those: He don't want them books.
  • random adjective 3



    of or relating to prognosis.
    predictive of something in the future: prognostic signs and symbols.


    a forecast or prediction.
    an omen or portent; sign.
  • random adjective 4



    born with no or only a partial brain
  • random adjective 5


    adjective, va·guer, va·guest.

    not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises.
    indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings: a vague premonition of disaster.
    not clear or distinct to the sight or any other sense; perceptible or recognizable only in an indefinite way: vague shapes in the dark; vague murmurs behind a door.
    not definitely established, determined, confirmed, or known; uncertain: a vague rumor; The date of his birth is vague.
    (of persons) not clear or definite in thought, understanding, or expression: vague about his motives; a vague person.
    (of the eyes, expression, etc.) showing lack of clear perception or understanding: a vague stare.
  • random adjective 6


    adjective, luck·i·er, luck·i·est.

    having or marked by good luck; fortunate: That was my lucky day.
    happening fortunately: a lucky accident.
    bringing or foretelling good luck, or supposed to do so: a lucky penny.

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About Random Adjectives Tool

Adjective is a kind of part of speech, mainly used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns, indicating the nature, state, characteristics or attributes of people or things, such as "good". We have collected all the adjectives, more than 31000, which includes all the adjectives you will use.

This tool randomly generates 6 adjectives at a time, and you can see the definition of each adjective. You can also use the generator at the top of the page to generate specific adjectives, such as the letters to be included, the length of the adjective, the first and last letters, etc.

This tool can help you learn and review adjectives very well. When you want to retrieve the adjectives that you can't remember clearly, you just need to input any letters contained in the adjective, or input the first and last letters, which can greatly narrow the scope and quickly find the adjective you are looking for. This tool can also be used as a game tool to play some word games.

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