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  • (#11) Customer poops in restaurant's shop vac; tries to hide it

    "I was a manager at a delicatessen/ restaurant. There was a hallway in the back that led to the bathrooms, but it passed by the office on the way. The door to the office had broken recently and while we were waiting on a new door, we left it open - other than a heavy-duty safe bolted to the floor, there wasn't anything in there that anyone wanted - a few files, some supplies, etc. Also our shop vac.

    At the end of the day, I went back to put money in the safe - there was an odd smell, but being adjacent to the bathrooms I didn't think anything of it. But later someone went to use the shop vac and it smelled horrendous. We opened the top and...

    Apparently, someone went back and both bathrooms were occupied, and they couldn't hold it. The easiest receptacle, we guessed, was the shop vac they spied in the open office. Some one took a diarrhea sh*t in our shop vac.

    We just chucked the thing in the dumpster. None of us were paid enough to deal with that.""

  • (#17) Construction mill janitor keeps finding meth gear in the bathrooms

    "I am currently working as a janitor for a construction mill. My job is to essentially clean the bathrooms and clear the walk ways- the usual stuff. I'm cleaning the men's restroom over in the steel mill part of the site and for the past five weeks I've been finding meth pipes, full pieces of pipes along with the bag they come in and they are either sitting by the sink or someone tries to flush them and I have to fish it out."
  • (#5) Man poops in mall bathroom sink

    "I worked in a mall in Nanaimo, British Columbia. I mainly cleaned the floors in the early morning and washrooms through the day. I've seen all the typical sh*t artists writing on walls etc.

    But one day there was a full turd in the men's bathroom sink.

    Someone had to have sat on the counter and pushed one out during regular mall hours.

    Anyone could have walked in. There was no toilet paper in the sink or nearby... I radioed security to come check it out cause I wasn't sure what to do and when the guy showed up he lost it and was swearing and super pissed off.... I just sprayed it with heavy duty cleaners and left the tap running until it went away.... but really who sh*ts in a mall sink?!"

  • (#4) Loaf-of-bread-sized poop clogs park toilet

    "When I was a kid I did maintenance for the county park system. In a women's restroom at the home base park we started the day at, someone left a turd the length and almost width of a loaf of bread. It was bent and you could tell they tried their hardest to flush it. We called several guys over the radio to drive over and see this thing. Then we used a piece of wood to finally chop it up and flush it down for good.

    I've never seen a sh*t that big since, and I've always wondered how something like that could even be passed."

  • (#2) Summer campers take a group dump in attempt to prank custodians

    "I used to work custodial at a summer camp and it never failed that at least once every other week the kids decided it would be hilarious for all of them to take a collective sh*t. They would all go to one stall and sh*t one after the other without flushing. Eventually, there would reach a point where the water to sh*t ratio would flip and there would be more sh*t in the toilet that they would then leave for us at night to clean. The only thing more disgusting than the smell of sh*t on top of sh*t on top of sh*t is having to clean it up."
  • (#10) Mall janitor finds dead man lying in his own urine on bathroom floor

    "I was a janitor at a shopping mall for about a month when I was a teen in the late 90s. While cleaning the bathrooms one Saturday I walked in and saw an unconscious older man lying on his back on the floor. It looked like he had been using the urinal and just fell backwards. I left the bathroom and grabbed a security guard. He came in and took one look at the guy and froze. He was dumbfounded, didn't know what to do. I raised my voice for him to call 9-1-1. When the paramedics showed up, one of them asked if I wanted to help by holding his IV bag while they wheeled him out. I asked if the guy was going to make it because he was making groaning sounds. The paramedic said he's already dead but they couldn't pronounce him because they needed a doctor to do it when they got to the hospital. When I got home, later that night, I was pretty shaken up by the experience. My dad, who survived Vietnam, said I was lucky that my first experience with death was such a clean one. He wasn't there, of course, and he didn't hear the body's moans. That was the end of my janitorial career. I felt so bad about a man dying in his own piss, alone, in a strange bathroom that I tried to find out who he was and maybe contact his family. But I eventually gave up that idea when the hospital stonewalled me because I wasn't a family member."

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