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  • (#13) Beetlejuice

    That's right - Michael Keaton has been an action figure several times! Although Beetlejuice got a successful cartoon series spin off, the toy line focused more on characters from the movie. The line boasted several Beetlejuice variations demonstrating his powers from the film. Fun Fact - this is the 2nd time Alec Baldwin appears in plastic on this list!
  • (#3) Street Sharks

    Every kid in the 90s had one of these rubbery, grinning, Street Sharks hiding in their bedroom. Of course there was also a TV show to set up the Street Sharks toy line, but it's clear that with as unique as these toys were, the concept to the figure came before the storyline. Which one was your favorite? We loved the 'extreme' tiger shark with roller blades!
  • (#17) Aliens

    Another franchise that probably didn't need a toy line aimed at kids. Much like Jurassic Park and Terminator 2, Aliens took characters from the movies, attached rocket launchers to their forearms and backs, and had them fight mutated, animal DNA-infused, xenomorphs on those long car rides to grandma's house.
  • (#18) Exosquad

    Exosquad was a TV show that was actually created in response to the rising popularity of Japanese anime in the mid-90s. The real highlights of the show were the totally badass mech-suited toys that were released along with it. A small scaled figure could fit inside the suit and each toy had several mechanical functions.
  • (#4) Spawn

    We think every kid had one of these mini statues buried and mangled at the bottom of their toy chest. The Spawn figures always looked AMAZING - tons of tiny details and paint decos. However, what they had in looks they lost in their play factor. That, and they always looked like they were from the pits of Hell, which makes it a little awkward when Spawn is hanging out with The Real Ghostbusters. 
  • (#12) Biker Mice From Mars

    Although it's unlikely that anything with "biker" in the title would be sold to kids today, weekday mornings in the 90s usually came with a side of Biker Mice from Mars. The motorcycle-enthusiasts have escaped Mars (a planet where all its inhabitants are white-trash rodents) in order to defend Earth from evil alien warlords. 

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