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  • Ronto on Random Toys Everyone Had But Nobody Wanted

    (#26) Ronto

    If you were really into Star Wars as kid, somehow you ended up with a small army of these guys. They kind of looked like dopey alien camels and only the Jawas could ride on their back. They didn't even look very fast or menacing.

    So, unless you had a fun-filled afternoon of pretending to go over the logistics of the Jawas' bartering system, these Rontos were a bust.

  • Tiger Video Games on Random Toys Everyone Had But Nobody Wanted

    (#1) Tiger Video Games

    Tiger - the one name in video games you can never trust. Of course adoring parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents wanted to get the little kids in their lives the toys they wanted, but somewhere between the Game Boy and that Street Fighter video game you asked for, someone bought you one of these.

    Tiny black figures jerked back and forth on a screen to (poorly) simulate movement over a stagnant background. Not only was there the disappointment of not getting the popular video game you wanted (licenses included Batman, Aladdin, Terminator, X-Men, and Star Trek) but you got this hunk of unplayable junk. The only real joy was mashing that ACL button and seeing all the figures at once. 
  • Broken Flash on Random Toys Everyone Had But Nobody Wanted

    (#19) Broken Flash

    Nobody is doubting how awesome the original Super Powers toy line was. However, there is little debate over how crappy the Toy Biz second generation of these figures was.

    Perhaps the most tragic was the Flash who got a second release thanks to the new Flash TV show in 1990. Due to the lower quality plastic and mechanisms shoved in these little guys, most of our beloved scarlet speedsters ended up with broken legs.

    Not just broken - completely detached and MIA. What's sadder than the Fastest Man Alive not being able to run?
  • McDonald's Furbies on Random Toys Everyone Had But Nobody Wanted

    (#2) McDonald's Furbies

    These creepy guys were valuable enough that you kept them, but cruddy enough that you regret ever keeping them. McDonald's, in an attempt to re-create the magic of the Beanie Baby craze in their Happy Meals, took on the next toy fad by way of Furbies.

    Not only did no one really want this creepy little bird/gopher hanging around their bedrooms, but we seriously didn't want the cheap, hard plastic version cluttering our shelves, either. However, this didn't stop McDonald's from rolling out this campaign a couple of times, ensuring we all got at least 12 of them to dump in the trash before leaving for college.
  • Goo Fish on Random Toys Everyone Had But Nobody Wanted

    (#27) Goo Fish

    The Power Ranger action figures were some of the most sought after toys in the early 1990s. They were flying off shelves, going for 100 times more than retail price and showing up in car trunk black markets around Christmas time.

    In spite of their rarity, there was one figure that all the kids were able to get their mitts on - Goo Fish. Just say that name out loud and you will hate this double-faced monster more and more every time. Total lack of articulation in the joints meant Goo Fish had two moves - open palms down or open palms up. Yes - frightening.

    Of course, his most popular move was to fall over immediately and play a corpse in the epic space battle between five teenagers with attitude and Rita Repulsa.
  • Ninja Weapon Set on Random Toys Everyone Had But Nobody Wanted

    (#4) Ninja Weapon Set

    Everyone got one of these and it was probably just to shut you up at the moment. These ninja weapon sets were almost never found in legitimate toy stores but were instead unearthed at swap meets, flea markets and gift shops aplenty.

    The plastic was so cheap that after a few duels with the siblings, the blades would split at the seams. Most kits included a vision obscuring mask (totally something a Ninja would wear) a sword, baton, sai, and a throwing knife.

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