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  • In Japan, Your Blood Type Says Something About Your Personality on Random Things That Your Blood Type Says About You

    (#11) In Japan, Your Blood Type Says Something About Your Personality

    In Japan, it's believed that your blood type indicates more about you than just your health risks - it suggests something about your personality.

    If you have type A blood, you're kinben (diligent), kireizuki (neat), and sensitive to other's emotions. If you're type O, you're jihatsuteki (a self-starter), riseiteki (logical), and like to do things your own way. Furthermore, some blood types are said to be more compatible with others, so believers in ketsueki-gata might take blood type into account when choosing a romantic partner.

    The theory is similar to astrology in the Western world, where the concept originated - specifically, in Europe. Research in the 1910s and ’20s examined blood types to try and prove that some races (Europeans) were superior to others (everyone else). The defunct research was picked up by Japanese researcher Takeji Furukawa in 1927, and while it received some attention, it wasn't until the 1970s that Masahiko Nomi popularized the idea through a series of books.

    If you want to learn more, there's actually an informative anime about it, and it's pretty fun.

  • Those With Blood Type A Are More At Risk When It Comes To Alcoholism on Random Things That Your Blood Type Says About You

    (#12) Those With Blood Type A Are More At Risk When It Comes To Alcoholism

    Those with the blood type A may be at a higher risk of developing an addiction to alcohol when compared with other blood types. Antigens, or foreign substances that elicit an immune-system response in our bodies, may be to blame for this phenomenon. It's theorized that A-type antigens may not be able to produce significant antibodies to fight off the foreign substance at play (alcohol).

    Those with blood type A may not be able to fight off the effects of alcohol as successfully, meaning the body is affected at a higher level, leading to an increased chance of addiction. 

  • Mosquitos Like Some Blood Better Than Others on Random Things That Your Blood Type Says About You

    (#8) Mosquitos Like Some Blood Better Than Others

    Have you ever noticed that some people seem to get way more mosquito bites than others? It's not just because mosquitos are unfair jerks - it's because of your blood type. According to a Japanese study published in the Journal of Medical Entomology, people with type O blood are twice as attractive to mosquitos than people with type A blood. Type B and type AB are less attractive as well.

    Mosquitos can tell a person's blood type before sucking any blood, through information passed on via skin secretions. If they don't like your blood type, they might just fly away.

  • Your Rh Factor Can Cause Problems During Pregnancy on Random Things That Your Blood Type Says About You

    (#5) Your Rh Factor Can Cause Problems During Pregnancy

    Just like people have different blood types, they can also differ in their Rh factor. The Rh factor is a protein that can exist on the surface of red blood cells. Rh+ people have this protein, and Rh- people, who are far less common, do not.

    While a person's Rh factor doesn't usually make much difference, it can become a problem during pregnancy. If a pregnant person is Rh-, and the fetus is Rh+, the incompatibility can be dangerous. Why? Because an Rh- person's immune system might make antibodies against the Rh factor. While the pregnant person's blood system is separate from the fetus', traces of blood can still cross over through the placenta. This can lead to those antibodies attacking the fetus' Rh factor. This can cause hemolytic anemia, a condition where blood cells are wiped out faster than the fetus can rebuild them, and it can be fatal.

    This problem typically doesn't occur during the first pregnancy, because the pregnant person's immune system hasn't built up enough antibodies yet, but it is a risk for subsequent pregnancies. To prevent this, Rh- people can take an injection of Rh immunoglobulin (RhIg), which stops the production of Rh antibodies.

  • People With Type B Blood Are Swarming With Good Bacteria on Random Things That Your Blood Type Says About You

    (#7) People With Type B Blood Are Swarming With Good Bacteria

    If you have type B blood, you're in luck; you're full of bacteria - the good kind. The human body needs bacteria to help it perform a variety of functions, including digesting food and fighting off dangerous strains of bacteria.

    People with type B blood have up to 50,000 times the amount of friendly bacteria that people with O and A blood have, which means better digestion and a more powerful immune system.

  • AB Blood Can Increase Your Risk For Cognitive Impairment on Random Things That Your Blood Type Says About You

    (#2) AB Blood Can Increase Your Risk For Cognitive Impairment

    Unfortunately, having AB blood makes you more prone to cognitive problems later in life. In a study published in the journal Neurology, researchers reported that people with AB blood got lower scores than those with other blood types on a cognitive performance test that required remembering lists of items.

    While AB blood does have a connection to some clotting factors and blood proteins that may partially explain the memory issues, a full explanation is still unknown.

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About This Tool

Blood is a living fluid that transports oxygen to human cells. It is composed of red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells suspended in liquid plasma. These are the basics, but more surprising facts about blood that you must be interested in, such as blood type. Do you know what is your blood type? Blood type is a genetic marker of human blood. The most common blood type in the United States is O, the rarest is AB.

There are antigen molecules on the surface of red blood cells, which are the basic substances that constitute the blood group system. Many diseases or physical conditions are related to different blood types, but their relationship is not clear. The random tool shares 12 things that the blood type will tell you.

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