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  • Not All PG-13 Movies Are Appropriate For 13 Year Olds on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#1) Not All PG-13 Movies Are Appropriate For 13 Year Olds

    PG-13 movies can vary drastically in terms of mature content. One might have a few choice curse words and nothing more. Another one might have shockingly gratuitous violence. Still another may contain some vaguely sexual suggestions. With content that can run the gamut from virtually squeaky clean to surprisingly adult, is 13 always the appropriate age for when a kid can watch certain films? 

    Well, it all depends on how mature the child is. Some kids, for instance, grow up with television and video games; off-color language, sexual scenes, and violent imagery are nothing new for them. But if your child has limited access to popular culture, a PG-13 movie could be extremely intense.

  • 12 Year Olds Can Typically Handle The Pressures Of A Smartphone on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#2) 12 Year Olds Can Typically Handle The Pressures Of A Smartphone

    In general, experts tend to think that children between the ages of 12 and 14 can handle the responsibility of a smartphone. The average age for American kids with phones, however, is 10. Chief executive of Influence Central Stacy DeBroff said:

    I think that age is going to trend even younger, because parents are getting tired of handing their smartphones to their kids.

    But just because that's the average doesn't mean it should be. The first considerations must always focus on the child's maturity and responsibility levels.

    It's a highly personal thing, and only a parent can know for sure if his or her child is grown up enough to handle a smartphone.

  • Children Should Avoid Sugary Drinks And Soda At All Ages on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#3) Children Should Avoid Sugary Drinks And Soda At All Ages

    If you're curious when you can allow your kids to start indulging in soda or other sugary drinks, the expert advice is pretty much universal. In fact, most professionals warn against the indulgence.. Sodas, soft drinks, and the like are the main culprit's in America's childhood obesity epidemic. Medical doctor Goutham Rao shared

    Getting kids to avoid sweet drinks - sodas, Gatorade, fruit juice, fruit drink - will help them lose weight... Just that one change will do it.

    So, parents, stop children from drinking sugar in the first place to increase their chances for healthy living.

  • Many Eight Year Olds Are Responsible Enough For A Pet on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#4) Many Eight Year Olds Are Responsible Enough For A Pet

    A pet is a welcome and joyous addition to any family. Broadly speaking, eight year olds can typically handle the responsibility of a family animal. They can learn how to interact with the creatures and begin to care for them. But this is still largely determined by the individual child's maturity level.

    If they are more responsible and have experience with animals (maybe from living on a farm), children under eight can easily be trusted with pets. Other kids might have to wait a few years after turning eight until becoming responsible enough. And, parents, remember: even if it is the kids' pet, the ultimate responsibility falls to you as the adult.

    In other words, if your child is ready for a pet but you're not, then the answer should be no.

  • There Is No Wrong Age To Introduce Your Child To Computers on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#5) There Is No Wrong Age To Introduce Your Child To Computers

    Computers are vital parts of everyday life in the twenty-first century. To best prepare your child for the world that awaits them, you should inform them about all things related to computers. It's never too late or too early to introduce your kids to computers, show them the basics, and teach them how to navigate web. However, kids under 18 months usually have no concept of or interest in technology.

    Also, unfettered, 24/7 access to a screen is never advisable. But some thoughtful, planned computer experiences will establish your child's interest and comfort with technology. They'll be better-equipped to meet the demands of school and future employment, too.

  • Kids Under Two Years Old Shouldn't Have Sweets on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#6) Kids Under Two Years Old Shouldn't Have Sweets

    Most kids love candy, desserts, and other sweet treats. But just because they love sugar doesn't mean they should have it. In fact, pediatrician Edward Gaydos shared: 

    Children younger than 2 years should have no sugar at all.

    Kids between the ages of two and 18 should keep their sugar intake at a maximum of 25 grams per day. 25 grams is about six teaspoons.

  • Save Spicier Foods Until Your Child Is At Least One on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#7) Save Spicier Foods Until Your Child Is At Least One

    Some parents are anxious to expand their children's culinary horizons and introduce new foods that deepen and refine the palette. This is both understandable and admirable. In fact, not introducing new foods may create a very picky eater later in life. But there are certain foods that should only be introduced when the child is a bit older.

    Take spicy cuisines, for example. A child should be at least one year old before sampling spicy items. Even then, introduce milder flavors first. Baby Center advises:

    Wait until your baby is at least one before you include curry, chili pepper, or other strong flavors in your child's diet. Children younger than one are just getting used to basic foods and are especially prone to food reactions and sensitivities.

  • Have A Talk With Your Kids When They Mention Dating, No Matter Their Ages on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#8) Have A Talk With Your Kids When They Mention Dating, No Matter Their Ages

    There is no one number experts agree on as the best age for a young person to start dating, though many suggest that 15 and 16 are the most common ages. Dating is such a highly individual experience. Some kids will naturally be more interested in it than others.

    But no matter what age your child might be, as soon as he or she expresses curiosity about dating, consider it time for an important conversation. Psychology Today says:

    The first order of business with your kids should be to ask them to define what they mean by dating. If they are referring to actually spending time alone with their date then I have to say that around the age of 16 seems to be the magic number. And, you must make it clear what your rules and expectations are other than age.

  • Kids Can Start Cooking Around Age Six on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#9) Kids Can Start Cooking Around Age Six

    Getting kids comfortable in the kitchen will make their future lives so much easier. From the age of two, kids can be supervised in the kitchen doing basic tasks like putting away groceries. At around age six, children can start learning fundamental kitchen concepts and skills. You can allow them to help with using measuring spoons and mixing ingredients.

    Never leave a child unsupervised in the kitchen, though. Also, be extra cautious when your child is around a hot stove or other dangerous appliances. 

  • Eight Year Olds Can Usually Be Trusted With Laundry on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#10) Eight Year Olds Can Usually Be Trusted With Laundry

    Doing laundry is one of those tasks that many adults abhor, but kids are often fascinated by it. They can start learning how to do laundry as young as eight years old. Mastering the basics will take some time, though; some adults can't even sort and fold clothes. 

    Children can start using the washer and dryer by themselves at age 10. Again, consider your children's maturity levels: if they can safely operate laundry machines when they're younger, use your best judgment.

  • A Teen Should Know The Basics Of Car Upkeep When He Or She Gets A Learner's Permit on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#11) A Teen Should Know The Basics Of Car Upkeep When He Or She Gets A Learner's Permit

    By the time you get your learner's permit, you should know the basics of car upkeep. This includes how to fill a gas tank, how to read an oil gauge, and what to do in an emergency. If a young driver has his or her own vehicle, reading the car manual should be an already learned skill. Little, if any, material on learner's permit tests cover car upkeep.

    So if you're the parent of a new driver include some quick, easy maintenance lessons every time you get behind the wheel together.

  • Children Should Learn To Introduce Themselves Between Ages Three And Six on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#12) Children Should Learn To Introduce Themselves Between Ages Three And Six

    Everyone wants a polite child. Fortunately, it's never too early to start imparting good manners to your kids. Children should learn how to identify and introduce themselves to others starting at three years. Demonstrate how your children ought to present themselves to new people, including how to shake hands.

    Encourage them to practice with other family members or even with toys.

  • Parents Choose When Kids Can Access Social Media on Random Things When You Kids Reach Life Milestones

    (#13) Parents Choose When Kids Can Access Social Media

    There is no established rule for when a child needs to be on social media. A worldwide average seems to hover somewhere around 13 years old, but kids as young as 10 (and likely even younger) utilize social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat all require users to be at least 13 to sign up for an account. But that's their rule, not yours as a parent. You ultimately get to decide your child's social media presence and how long he or she spends on any platform. As kids older, they'll naturally have more control over these elements, but make the decisions for preteens.

    The online world can be a scary place, and kids need protection.

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About This Tool

A child is like a seed, with a new stage of harvest and growth every day, and many parents are often at a loss. There are always many new problems and challenges in the way of parenting. Each kid has different needs at different ages. If you want to educate children easily and practically, you must master the characteristics of the kids' growth stage. Each child's growth and stage characteristics are different. 

Every child is different, and your child will reach developmental milestones at his own pace. The random tool gives 13 tips for different parents whose kids reach life milestones.

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