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  • (#1) Trust them when they say they're busy

    They're genuinely busy - not blowing you off or seeing someone else behind your back Seriously, don't doubt them. They barely have time to sleep, much less cheat on you. This can be one of the biggest causes of problems, so go out with friends or dive into an engaging hobby if need be, and avoid building resentment toward your busy future lawyer.
  • (#2) Try not to interrupt them while they're studying

    If there's one thing your law school student bae wants you to know, it's this: please, please don't bother them while they're studying. They're trying to retain a ridiculous amount of information, and interrupting the process is the surest way to make them frustrated and angry. It's always best to wait for a study break to talk to them or show them that funny cat video you're been giggling over all day.
  • (#3) They are masters at winning arguments

    Being lawyers-in-training, arguing is what they're naturally good at, and they've also honed their skills in hours upon hours of classes and mock trials. Trying to win an argument with someone in law school is not unlike being on a debate team... do your research, prepare to appeal to logic, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
  • (#4) Give them lots of love...

    Preferably in the form of words of affirmation. They are used to being beat down most days, memorizing information until they feel numb, and non-stop competition with other insanely intelligent people. All of this can be a recipe for a giant ball of insecurities, lying just underneath the surface. They will always appreciate your kind and thoughtful words, even if they don't quite believe them.
  • (#5) Get used to constant compromise

    Want your law school student to come out to movie night with you and your group of friends? Prepare for them to offer a trade-off: one night out to five nights of staying in and studying. Or prepare for them to just bring their study materials along and attempt to be subtle about looking at their flash cards on their lap while eating dinner.
  • (#6) Your eyes will occasionally glaze over while they're talking

    Sorry, but the non-delegation doctrine is only fascinating to a select few people, me not included.
  • (#7) It's hard for them to let loose

    Getting your law school student to relax and take a load off is like massaging a cactus - they will resist total relaxation at all costs, through no fault of their own. Their mind is constantly on high alert, and thinking of the time they just lost to Netflix and chilling with you when they could have been studying likely sets them on edge. They will try their best to relax, but can't help being uptight to a certain degree. Appreciate the time they *do* spend with you, and know that they're doing their best.
  • (#8) Learn to love them through their inevitable mood swings

    Law school is seriously stressful - it's the equivalent of a human pressure cooker. Unlike when they were in undergrad, your law school student no longer has time for languorous coffee shop chats or afternoon naps. They live and breathe studying, comprehensive tests, and extreme competition... it's bound to have an effect on their mood, so try to be patient and understanding when the inevitable swings come.
  • (#9) Taking care of household chores for them is one of the best ways to show affection

    Hardly anything says "I love you" more then when you make a meal for them or take care of chores. It takes away an added set of stress, allowing them to focus primarily on their studies. This can be difficult if you're also pursuing a difficult subject or working in a stressful field, but any little bit of help can help ease your law student's mind immensely.
  • (#10) They're usually human lie detectors, so proceed with caution

    Maybe you're trying to pull one over on them with a surprise anniversary gift, and need to fudge the truth... Whatever the case may be, tread carefully and cover your tracks, because their highly observant natures will tend to stack up evidence and put together the pieces before you even catch on to their inside knowledge. If you have to lie to them, try to conceal any signs - a mere hint of a quiver in your voice can tip them off.
  • (#11) They're like an elephant... they never forget

    That one time you told them your Subway order? Yeah, they remember every detail, down to the 'light on sriracha sauce' part. This can be both a wonderful attribute and a dreaded one. They also remember your every resentment, and that one time you went too far and said something you didn't mean... which is of course seared in their memory, word-for-word.
  • (#12) They'll likely transform into a monster during finals

    Bear with your Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and brace yourself. If they can't talk all night because they're busy studying, suddenly turn into a slob, or are just generally on edge, know that this is only temporary. Breathe easy and have extra patience, because they'll return to somewhat of a normal human after this ordeal is over!
  • (#13) Please don't bother them for legal advice

    Have a friend who just got a DUI under complicated circumstances, and doesn't know how to proceed? Or maybe there's someone in your family who is dealing with estate issues? While it may be tempting to seek your S.O.'s advice and then throw out, "But my boyfriend who is in law school, said this is what should happen..." please, for the love of God, don't do it. It could have serious consequences for your future lawyer.
  • (#14) Get ready to be annoyed when watching "Law and Order" with them

    Or any legal show for that matter. They will annoyingly point out every single inaccuracy that "just wouldn't happen that way" and proceed to launch into an explanation of what would *really* happen. Sometimes it's totally fascinating, and other times you'll try not to lose it as they talk over the dialog yet again.
  • (#15) Helping them study has practically turned you into a paralegal

    You've likely picked up a thing or two about their specialty, and be it environmental law or property law, helping them study for their late night cram sessions has practically trained you to be a paralegal. 

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About This Tool

Have you dated someone from law school? Many people believe that law students tend to spend all their time obtaining their degrees and qualifications. Everything, including important people, should step aside in their intense study plan. People in law school are usually sensitive and have high expectations for life. At the same time, they may be under a lot of pressure, which makes dating even more skillful.

Falling in love with someone in law school is quite a challenge, from constant late-night classes to victories in most of your arguments that can make you upset. The random tool shares 15 things about dating someone in late school.

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